... | ... | @@ -25,11 +25,10 @@ Each of these will be an INK recipe? |
This should include HTML5 validation plus any ad-hoc (html typescript or project-oriented) validation.
### [html-tweak](html-tweak-recipe)
make any adjustments to HTML @class/@style
via externally exposed driver. An "otherwise copy" (modified identity) transformation (i.e. results are a modified copy of the source).
Make any adjustments to HTML @class/@style indicated by an externally exposed (configurable) driver file. This is an "otherwise copy" (modified identity) transformation (i.e. its results are a modified copy of the source with the only differences being the specified interventions).
### [header-promote](header-promote-recipe)
Convert p elements into h1-h6 based on heuristics. Otherwise copy.
Convert **p** elements into **h1-h6** based on heuristics. Otherwise copy.
### [ucp-adjust](ucp-adjust-recipe)
Adjustments warranted by/for UCP and its projects. (Otherwise copy.)
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