--- title: Coko permalink: /index.html layout: home-alt.njk class: home heading: Products built by Coko — 100 % Open Source partnersImage: logos-7.png chapeau: "We build ready-to-use publishing platforms for the community and custom-built solutions for you." products: - logo: "/images/homelogo/nomargins/kotahi.svg" name: "Kotahi" baseline: The Next Generation of Scholarly Publishing Platform description: One flexible, customisable platform for journals, preprint servers, review communities, and micropublications. usedby: As used by eLife, Johns Hopkins University, Amnet, Biophysics Colab and more.. weburl: "https://kotahi.community" - logo: "/images/homelogo/nomargins/ketida.svg" name: "Ketida" baseline: Revolutionizing Book Production description: Streamlined, scalable professional book production platform. usedby: Supported by Mellon. Used by Lulu, Open Education Network, Amnet, BookSprints, WACREN and more... weburl: "https://ketida.community" - logo: "/images/homelogo/nomargins/cokodocs.svg" name: "CokoDocs" baseline: Open Source Collaborative Online Word Processor description: Take back control of your content with Coko’s newly released Google Docs replacement. usedby: Development Supported by NLNet. weburl: "https://cokodocs.net/" - name: HHMI Assesment Builder logo: /images/homelogo/nomargins/hhmi-ab.svg baseline: Modern, Configurable, Learning Assessment Builder description: HHMI Assessment Builder is an end-to-end question authoring, peer-review, and publishing platform for faculty to curate assessments, for use in Learning Management Systems and the classroom. usedby: Commissioned by, and built for, HHMI BioInteractive weburl: "https://gitlab.coko.foundation/hhmi/hhmi" - logo: /images/uploads/bcms2.png name: ncbi baseline: Book CMS (BCMS) for BioMedical Research description: A multi-organisational, multiformat book aggregation, conversion, QA and publication platform. usedby: Commissioned by, and built for, NCBI weburl: "https://gitlab.coko.foundation/ncbi/ncbi" - logo: /images/homelogo/nomargins/datacite.svg name: Citation Visualisation Platform baseline: Citation Visualisation Platform description: Custom-built open platform to interactively navigate and analyse DataCite's 6 million+ citation corpus. usedby: Built by Coko for DataCite and Chan Zuckerberg Initiative (CZI). Commissioned by Wellcome Trust weburl: "https://makedatacount.org/first-release-of-the-open-global-data-citation-corpus/" - logo: "/images/homelogo/nomargins/micropub.svg" name: "microPublication.org" baseline: Submission, peer review and publication platform for micropublications. usedby: Commissioned by Caltech and used by WormBase and microPublication.org weburl: "https://www.micropublication.org/" - logo: "/images/homelogo/nomargins/pagedjs.svg" name: paged.js baseline: Tpesetting Engine for Creating PDF from HTML description: Paged.js paginates HTML content to PDF in the browser, enabling design of print publications with web tools. usedby: As used by Musée du Louvre, C&F Editions, Pagedown, Ketida, Kotahi, Lulu, Hederis weburl: https://pagedjs.org - logo: "/images/homelogo/nomargins/flax.svg" name: "Flax" baseline: Coko’s Open Source CMS description: Flax is a publishing front end, a web presence for content produced in Kotahi and Ketida. usedby: As used by Musée du Louvre, Book Sprints, and as internal CMS for Kotahi. weburl: "https://gitlab.coko.foundation/flax-development-space/" - logo: "/images/homelogo/nomargins/wax.svg" name: "Wax" baseline: Configurable Web-Based Word Processor description: Wax is a customizable online word processor with plugins for various formatting and document needs. usedby: As used by all Coko platforms and bespoke solutions weburl: "https://waxjs.net" - logo: "/images/homelogo/nomargins/xsweet.svg" name: XSweet baseline: High Fidelity MS Word to HTML Converter description: XSweet extracts MS Word content into HTML. usedby: As used by Ketida, Kotahi weburl: https://xsweet.org/ - logo: "/images/homelogo/nomargins/cokoserver.svg" weburl: "https://gitlab.coko.foundation/cokoapps/server" name: CokoServer baseline: Framework for Building Publishing Platforms description: An Open Source framework for building modern publishing platforms. usedby: As used by all Coko products, EPMC, Hindawi Phenom, Libero Editor and other community products - logo: "/images/homelogo/nomargins/liberoeditor.svg" name: "Libero Editor" baseline: JATS XML Editor description: Libreo Editor Enables editing and structuring of JATS XML documents, originally built by eLife. weburl: "https://gitlab.coko.foundation/libero/" - logo: "/images/homelogo/nomargins/sciencebeam.svg" name: "Science Beam" baseline: Machine Learning PDF to XML description: ScienceBeam uses Machine Learning for accurate PDF to XML conversion, originally built by eLife weburl: "https://gitlab.coko.foundation/sciencebeam" --- Explore Coko innovations and [connect with us](mailto:adam@coko.foundation) to collaborate.