const path = require('path') const supertest = require('supertest') describe('Starting the server', () => { describe('Function exported by src/index.js', () => { process.env.NODE_CONFIG = '{"pubsweet-server":{"port":4001}}' /* eslint-disable-next-line global-require */ const startServer = require('../startServer') /* eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-done-callback */ it('starts the server and returns it with express app attached', async done => { const server = await startServer() expect(server.listening).toBe(true) expect(server).toHaveProperty('app') server.close(done) }) /* eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-done-callback */ it('returns the server if it is already running', async done => { const server = await startServer() server.originalServer = true const secondAccess = await startServer() expect(secondAccess).toHaveProperty('originalServer') server.close(done) }) }) describe('Custom server app entrypoint', () => { beforeEach(() => { jest.resetModules() }) it('fails if file does not exist', async () => { process.env.NODE_CONFIG = JSON.stringify({ 'pubsweet-server': { port: 4001, app: 'some/file/that/does/not/exist.js', }, }) /* eslint-disable-next-line global-require */ const startServer = require('../startServer') await expect(startServer()).rejects.toThrow( 'Cannot load app from provided path!', ) }) /* eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-done-callback */ it('starts the app using the custom file', async done => { process.env.NODE_CONFIG = JSON.stringify({ 'pubsweet-server': { port: 4001, app: path.resolve(__dirname, 'helpers', 'customApp.js'), }, }) /* eslint-disable-next-line global-require */ const startServer = require('../startServer') const server = await startServer() const request = supertest( const verify = await request.get('/verify') expect(verify.status).toBe(200) expect(verify.text).toBe('hi') const index = await request.get('/') expect(index.status).toBe(404) server.close(done) }) /* eslint-disable-next-line jest/no-done-callback */ it('starts the app using a custom file at ./server/app.js', async done => { process.env.NODE_CONFIG = JSON.stringify({ 'pubsweet-server': { port: 4001, }, }) process.env.NODE_CONFIG_STRICT_MODE = false // Change directory to test/helpers, to reflect the env of an actual app // so that we can load packages/server/test/helpers/server/app.js const cwd = process.cwd() process.chdir(path.join(__dirname, 'helpers', 'mockServer')) /* eslint-disable-next-line global-require */ const startServer = require('../startServer') const server = await startServer() const request = supertest( const verify = await request.get('/verify') expect(verify.status).toBe(200) process.chdir(cwd) server.close(done) }) }) })