const path = require('path') const sharp = require('sharp') const fs = require('fs-extra') const config = require('config') const commandExists = require('command-exists').sync const { exec } = require('child_process') const logger = require('@pubsweet/logger') const imageConversionToSupportedFormatMapper = { eps: 'svg', } const imageSizeConversionMapper = { tiff: { small: 'png', medium: 'png', }, tif: { small: 'png', medium: 'png', }, svg: { small: 'svg', medium: 'svg', }, png: { small: 'png', medium: 'png', }, default: { small: 'jpeg', medium: 'jpeg', }, } const convertFileStreamIntoBuffer = async fileStream => { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { // Store file data chunks const chunks = [] // Throw if error occurred fileStream.on('error', err => { reject(err) }) // File is done being read fileStream.on('end', () => { // create the final data Buffer from data chunks; resolve(Buffer.concat(chunks)) }) // Data is flushed from fileStream in chunks, // this callback will be executed for each chunk fileStream.on('data', chunk => { chunks.push(chunk) // push data chunk to array }) }) } const getFileExtension = (filename, includingDot = false) => { const { ext } = path.parse(filename) if (!includingDot) { return ext.split('.')[1] } return ext } const getImageFileMetadata = async fileBuffer => { try { const originalImage = sharp(fileBuffer, { limitInputPixels: false }) const imageMetadata = await originalImage.metadata() return imageMetadata } catch (e) { throw new Error(e) } } const getImageWidth = async fileBuffer => { try { return getImageFileMetadata(fileBuffer).width } catch (e) { throw new Error(e) } } const writeFileFromStream = async (inputStream, filePath) => { try { return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const outputStream = fs.createWriteStream(filePath) inputStream.pipe(outputStream) outputStream.on('error', error => { reject(error.message) }) outputStream.on('finish', () => { resolve() }) }) } catch (e) { throw new Error(e) } } const handleUnsupportedImageFormats = async (filename, tempDir) => { try { const filenameWithoutExtension = path.parse(filename).name const tempOriginalFilePath = path.join(tempDir, filename) if (!commandExists('magick') && !commandExists('convert')) { throw new Error( 'for .eps support you need ImageMagick installed on your OS or container', ) } const targetFilePath = `${path.join(tempDir, filenameWithoutExtension)}.${ imageConversionToSupportedFormatMapper[getFileExtension(filename)] }` return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { exec( `convert ${tempOriginalFilePath} ${targetFilePath}`, (error, stdout, stderr) => { if (error) { return reject(error) } || stderr) return resolve(targetFilePath) }, ) }) } catch (e) { throw new Error(e) } } const createImageVersions = async ( buffer, tempDirRoot, filenameWithoutExtension, originalImageWidth, format, ) => { try { const { maximumWidthForSmallImages, maximumWidthForMediumImages } = config.get('fileStorage') const mediumWidth = maximumWidthForMediumImages ? parseInt(maximumWidthForMediumImages, 10) : 640 const smallWidth = maximumWidthForSmallImages ? parseInt(maximumWidthForSmallImages, 10) : 180 const smallFilePath = path.join( tempDirRoot, `${filenameWithoutExtension}_small.${ imageSizeConversionMapper[format] ? imageSizeConversionMapper[format].small : imageSizeConversionMapper.default.small }`, ) const mediumFilePath = path.join( tempDirRoot, `${filenameWithoutExtension}_medium.${ imageSizeConversionMapper[format] ? imageSizeConversionMapper[format].medium : imageSizeConversionMapper.default.medium }`, ) // all the versions of SVG will be the same as the original file if (format === 'svg') { await sharp(buffer).toFile(smallFilePath) await sharp(buffer).toFile(mediumFilePath) return { tempSmallFile: smallFilePath, tempMediumFile: mediumFilePath, } } await sharp(buffer) .resize({ width: smallWidth, }) .toFile(smallFilePath) if (originalImageWidth < mediumWidth) { await sharp(buffer).toFile(mediumFilePath) } else { await sharp(buffer).resize({ width: mediumWidth }).toFile(mediumFilePath) } return { tempSmallFile: smallFilePath, tempMediumFile: mediumFilePath, } } catch (e) { throw new Error(e) } } const handleImageVersionsCreation = async ( filename, tempDir, unsupportedFile = false, ) => { try { const filenameWithoutExtension = path.parse(filename).name const fileEXT = unsupportedFile ? imageConversionToSupportedFormatMapper[getFileExtension(filename)] : getFileExtension(filename) const filePath = path.join( tempDir, `${filenameWithoutExtension}.${fileEXT}`, ) const fileBuffer = await convertFileStreamIntoBuffer( fs.createReadStream(filePath), ) const originalImageWidth = await getImageWidth(fileBuffer) const { tempSmallFile, tempMediumFile } = await createImageVersions( fileBuffer, tempDir, filenameWithoutExtension, originalImageWidth, fileEXT, ) return { tempOriginalFilePath: filePath, tempSmallFile, tempMediumFile, } } catch (e) { throw new Error(e) } } module.exports = { convertFileStreamIntoBuffer, getFileExtension, getImageFileMetadata, writeFileFromStream, handleUnsupportedImageFormats, handleImageVersionsCreation, }