Explore projects
Alex Theg / pubsweet-job-icml
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kotahi / Kotahi landing page
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Timothee Gosselin / wormbase
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The repo for apertureneuropub.cloud68.co
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coko-material / coko-articles
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Jose Fernando Tavares / editoria
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pagedjs / pagedjs-templates / ukulele-demo
MIT LicenseUpdated -
pagedjs / starter-kits / book-spread_polyfill
MIT LicenseThis template contains a simple interface to see the book in spread (polyfill version).
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hdrury1 / xpub-elife
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pagedjs / pagedjs-templates / striped
MIT LicenseTemplate based on stripes, created for marketing-like books.
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Sciencebeam / Sciencebeam Charts
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Open-publishing / Open Publishing Awards Site
MIT Licenseeleventy project for open publishing awards
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Stephen Bau / XSweet
MIT LicenseA set of XSLT 2.0 stylesheets for extraction and refinement of data from MS Office Open XML (.docx) format, producing HTML for editorial workflows.
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