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Open-publishing / Open Publishing Fest 2020
MIT Licenseinclude the data and websites for the open publishing fest
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Coko Org / Products / ketty / Booksprints EDK
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Coko Org / Products / ketty / Ketida Templates
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ncbi / ncbi
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Coko Org / Products / ketty / editoria-vanilla
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cokoapps / ui
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wax / substance-fork
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Coko Org / Products / ketty / ucp
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Coko Org / Products / ketty / booksprints
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A Typescript for targeting the format required for xPubedit
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wax / wax-prosemirror-old
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xpub / xpub-epmc
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xpub / xpub-elife
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xpub / xpub-faraday
MIT LicensexPub-faradayAn MVP implementation of the first design sessions which allows a user to go through the process of creating a submission, assigning editors and reviewers, submitting reviews and submitting a decision.
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