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Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
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kotahi / Kotahi
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kotahi / Flax
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cokoapps / xsweet
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cokoapps / service-auth
MIT LicenseAuthorization/authentication REST endpoint for Coko's services
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cokoapps / client
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cokoapps / lint
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cokoapps / storybook
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CokoDocs / CokoDocs
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datacite / datacite
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XSweet / XSweet
MIT LicenseA set of XSLT 2.0 stylesheets for extraction and refinement of data from MS Office Open XML (.docx) format, producing HTML for editorial workflows.
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Flax Development Space / mch-flax
MIT LicenseUpdated -
pagedjs / experiments
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project-templates / App Template
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Sciencebeam / Sciencebeam Trainer Grobid
MIT LicenseUpdated