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Prioritized labels

Drag to reorder prioritized labels and change their relative priority.
  • devto-do
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    Approved and ready for development
  • devdoing
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    Development work in progress.
  • devblocked
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    Development block. High priority for PM
  • QAto-do
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    Acceptance criteria developed. Ready for QA testing on MR
  • QAdoing
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    QA testing in progress
  • QAblocked
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    QA blocked. High priority for PM
  • devQA fixes
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    Requires fixes from dev, based on QA testing
  • QApassed
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    Ready to be merged to staging branch
  • QAstaging site
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    Merged on the staging branch and ready to check on staging site
  • QAclient review
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    Acceptance criteria developed and tested. Ready for HHMI testing on staging site
  • QAproduction ready
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    QA complete, ready to merge into master branch
  • priority high
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • priority medium
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • priority low
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • Other labels

  • Closed
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • QA release bocked
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • accessibility
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • backlog triage
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    New issue to place in Backlog
  • baseline
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi
  • bug
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • client
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • compliance
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • dev MR ready
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    MR ready for lead dev review
  • export
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • feature
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • hosting provider
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • improvement
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • infra
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • irreproducible
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • maintenance
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • needs discussion
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • notification
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
  • proposal review
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    Proposal in review. Estimate effort after all feedback given.
  • proposalapproved
    Coko Org / Products / hhmi / hhmi
    Proposal sign off/agreement that it's ready for scheduling