const EventEmitter = require("events"); const puppeteer = require("puppeteer"); const fetch = require("node-fetch"); const path = require("path"); let dir = process.cwd(); // Find top most pagedjs let pagedjsLocation = require.resolve("pagedjs/dist/paged.polyfill.js"); let paths = pagedjsLocation.split("node_modules"); let scriptPath = paths[0] + "node_modules" + paths[paths.length-1]; const PostProcesser = require("./postprocesser"); class Printer extends EventEmitter { constructor(headless, allowLocal) { super(); this.headless = headless !== false; this.allowLocal = allowLocal; this.pages = []; } async setup() { const browser = await puppeteer.launch({ headless: this.headless, args: this.allowLocal ? ["--allow-file-access-from-files", "--disable-dev-shm-usage"] : ["--disable-dev-shm-usage"], ignoreHTTPSErrors: true }); this.browser = browser; return browser; } async render(input) { let resolver; let rendered = new Promise(function(resolve, reject) { resolver = resolve; }); if (!this.browser) { await this.setup(); } const page = await this.browser.newPage(); let uri, url, html; if (typeof input === "string") { try { uri = new URL(input); if (uri.protocol === "https:") { html = await fetch(input) .then(res => res.text()); } url = input; } catch (error) { let relativePath = path.resolve(dir, input); url = "file://" + relativePath; } } else { url = input.url; html = input.html; } if (html) { await page.setContent(html) .catch((e) => { console.error(e); }); if (url) { await page.evaluate((url) => { let base = document.querySelector("base"); if (!base) { base = document.createElement("base"); document.querySelector("head").appendChild(base); } base.setAttribute("href", url); }, url); } } else { await page.goto(url) .catch((e) => { console.error(e); }); } await page.evaluate(() => { window.PagedConfig = window.PagedConfig || {}; = false; }); await page.addScriptTag({ path: scriptPath }); // await page.exposeFunction("PuppeteerLogger", (msg) => { // console.log(msg); // }); await page.exposeFunction("onSize", (size) => { this.emit("size", size); }); await page.exposeFunction("onPage", (page) => { // console.log("page", page.position + 1); this.pages.push(page); this.emit("page", page); }); await page.exposeFunction("onRendered", (msg, width, height, orientation) => { this.emit("rendered", msg, width, height, orientation); resolver({msg, width, height, orientation}); }); await page.evaluate(() => { window.PagedPolyfill.on("page", (page) => { const { id, width, height, startToken, endToken, breakAfter, breakBefore, position } = page; const mediabox = page.element.getBoundingClientRect(); const cropbox = page.pagebox.getBoundingClientRect(); function getPointsValue(value) { return (Math.round(CSS.px(value).to("pt").value * 100) / 100); } let boxes = { media: { width: getPointsValue(mediabox.width), height: getPointsValue(mediabox.height), x: 0, y: 0 }, crop: { width: getPointsValue(cropbox.width), height: getPointsValue(cropbox.height), x: getPointsValue(cropbox.x) - getPointsValue(mediabox.x), y: getPointsValue(cropbox.y) - getPointsValue(mediabox.y) } }; window.onPage({ id, width, height, startToken, endToken, breakAfter, breakBefore, position, boxes }); }); window.PagedPolyfill.on("size", (size) => { window.onSize(size); }); window.PagedPolyfill.on("rendered", (flow) => { let msg = "Rendering " + + " pages took " + flow.performance + " milliseconds."; window.onRendered(msg, flow.width, flow.height, flow.orientation); }); window.PagedPolyfill.preview(); }); await rendered; await page.waitForSelector(".pagedjs_pages"); return page; } async _parseOutline(page, tags) { return await page.evaluate((tags) => { const tagsToProcess = []; for (const node of document.querySelectorAll(tags.join(","))) { tagsToProcess.push(node); } tagsToProcess.reverse(); const root = {children: [], depth: -1}; let currentOutlineNode = root; while (tagsToProcess.length > 0) { const tag = tagsToProcess.pop(); const orderDepth = tags.indexOf(tag.tagName.toLowerCase()); if (orderDepth < currentOutlineNode.depth) { currentOutlineNode = currentOutlineNode.parent; tagsToProcess.push(tag); } else { const newNode = { title: tag.innerText, id:, children: [], depth: orderDepth, }; if (orderDepth == currentOutlineNode.depth) { newNode.parent = currentOutlineNode.parent; currentOutlineNode.parent.children.push(newNode); currentOutlineNode = newNode; } else if (orderDepth > currentOutlineNode.depth) { newNode.parent = currentOutlineNode; currentOutlineNode.children.push(newNode); currentOutlineNode = newNode; } } } const stripParentProperty = (node) => { node.parent = undefined; for (const child of node.children) { stripParentProperty(child); } }; stripParentProperty(root); return root.children; }, tags); } async pdf(input, options={}) { let page = await this.render(input); // Get metatags const meta = await page.evaluate(() => { let meta = {}; let title = document.querySelector("title"); if (title) { meta.title = title.textContent.trim(); } let metaTags = document.querySelectorAll("meta"); [...metaTags].forEach((tag) => { if ( { meta[] = tag.content; } }); return meta; }); const outline = options.outlineTags.length > 0 ? await this._parseOutline(page, options.outlineTags) : null; let settings = { printBackground: true, displayHeaderFooter: false, preferCSSPageSize: options.width ? false : true, width: options.width, height: options.height, orientation: options.orientation, margin: { top: 0, right: 0, bottom: 0, left: 0, } }; let pdf = await page.pdf(settings) .catch((e) => { console.error(e); }); await page.close(); this.emit("postprocessing"); let post = new PostProcesser(pdf); post.metadata(meta); post.boxes(this.pages); if (outline) { post.addOutline(outline); } pdf =; return pdf; } async html(input, stayopen) { let page = await this.render(input); let content = await page.content() .catch((e) => { console.error(e); }); await page.close(); return content; } async preview(input) { let page = await this.render(input); return page; } async close() { return this.browser.close(); } } module.exports = Printer;