from __future__ import absolute_import import os import logging from io import BytesIO from functools import reduce # pylint: disable=W0622 from six import iteritems from lxml import etree from import FileSystems from sciencebeam_gym.utils.xml import ( xml_from_string_with_recover ) from sciencebeam_gym.utils.stopwatch import ( StopWatchRecorder ) from sciencebeam_gym.utils.collection import ( groupby_to_dict, sort_and_groupby_to_dict ) from sciencebeam_gym.utils.pages_zip import ( save_pages ) from import ( find_matching_filenames ) from sciencebeam_gym.utils.file_path import ( relative_path ) from sciencebeam_gym.preprocess.lxml_to_svg import ( iter_svg_pages_for_lxml ) from sciencebeam_gym.structured_document.svg import ( SvgStructuredDocument ) from sciencebeam_gym.preprocess.annotation.annotator import ( Annotator, DEFAULT_ANNOTATORS ) from sciencebeam_gym.alignment.align import ( native_enabled as align_native_enabled ) from sciencebeam_gym.preprocess.annotation.matching_annotator import ( MatchingAnnotator ) from sciencebeam_gym.preprocess.annotation.target_annotation import ( xml_root_to_target_annotations ) from sciencebeam_gym.preprocess.visualize_svg_annotation import ( visualize_svg_annotations ) from sciencebeam_gym.preprocess.blockify_annotations import ( annotation_document_page_to_annotation_blocks, merge_blocks, expand_blocks, annotated_blocks_to_image ) from sciencebeam_gym.pdf import ( PdfToLxmlWrapper, PdfToPng ) # deprecated, moved to sciencebeam_gym.utils.file_path # pylint: disable=wrong-import-position, unused-import from sciencebeam_gym.utils.file_path import ( join_if_relative_path, ) # pylint: enable=wrong-import-position, unused-import def get_logger(): return logging.getLogger(__name__) def group_files_by_parent_directory(filenames): return groupby_to_dict(sorted(filenames), lambda x: os.path.dirname(x)) def get_ext(filename): name, ext = os.path.splitext(filename) if ext == '.gz': ext = get_ext(name) + ext return ext def strip_ext(filename): # strip of gz, assuming there will be another extension before .gz if filename.endswith('.gz'): filename = filename[:-3] return os.path.splitext(filename)[0] def group_files_by_name_excl_ext(filenames): return sort_and_groupby_to_dict(filenames, strip_ext) def zip_by_keys(*dict_list): keys = reduce(lambda agg, v: agg | set(v.keys()), dict_list, set()) return ( [d.get(k) for d in dict_list] for k in sorted(keys) ) def group_file_pairs_by_parent_directory_or_name(files_by_type): grouped_files_by_pattern = [ group_files_by_parent_directory(files) for files in files_by_type ] for files_in_group_by_pattern in zip_by_keys(*grouped_files_by_pattern): if all(len(files or []) == 1 for files in files_in_group_by_pattern): yield tuple([files[0] for files in files_in_group_by_pattern]) else: grouped_by_name = [ group_files_by_name_excl_ext(files or []) for files in files_in_group_by_pattern ] for files_by_name in zip_by_keys(*grouped_by_name): if all(len(files or []) == 1 for files in files_by_name): yield tuple([files[0] for files in files_by_name]) else: get_logger().info( 'no exclusively matching files found: %s', [files for files in files_by_name] ) def find_file_pairs_grouped_by_parent_directory_or_name(patterns, limit=None): matching_files_by_pattern = [ list(find_matching_filenames(pattern)) for pattern in patterns ] get_logger().info( 'found number of files %s', ', '.join( '%s: %d' % (pattern, len(files)) for pattern, files in zip(patterns, matching_files_by_pattern) ) ) patterns_without_files = [ pattern for pattern, files in zip(patterns, matching_files_by_pattern) if len(files) == 0 ] if patterns_without_files: raise RuntimeError('no files found for: %s' % patterns_without_files) return group_file_pairs_by_parent_directory_or_name( matching_files_by_pattern ) def convert_pdf_bytes_to_lxml(pdf_content, path=None, page_range=None): stop_watch_recorder = StopWatchRecorder() args = '-blocks -noImageInline -noImage -fullFontName'.split() if page_range: args += ['-f', str(page_range[0]), '-l', str(page_range[1])] stop_watch_recorder.start('convert to lxml') lxml_content = PdfToLxmlWrapper().process_input( pdf_content, args ) stop_watch_recorder.stop() get_logger().info( 'converted to lxml: path=%s, pdf size=%s, lxml size=%s, timings=[%s]', path, format(len(pdf_content), ','), format(len(lxml_content), ','), stop_watch_recorder ) return lxml_content def convert_and_annotate_lxml_content(lxml_content, xml_content, xml_mapping, name=None): stop_watch_recorder = StopWatchRecorder() stop_watch_recorder.start('parse lxml') lxml_root = etree.fromstring(lxml_content) # use a more lenient way to parse xml as xml errors are not uncomment stop_watch_recorder.start('parse xml') xml_root = xml_from_string_with_recover(xml_content) stop_watch_recorder.start('extract target annotations') target_annotations = xml_root_to_target_annotations( xml_root, xml_mapping ) stop_watch_recorder.stop() annotators = DEFAULT_ANNOTATORS + [MatchingAnnotator( target_annotations, use_tag_begin_prefix=True )] annotator = Annotator(annotators) stop_watch_recorder.start('convert to svg') svg_roots = list(iter_svg_pages_for_lxml(lxml_root)) stop_watch_recorder.start('annotate svg') annotator.annotate(SvgStructuredDocument(svg_roots)) stop_watch_recorder.start('add visualisation') svg_roots = [ visualize_svg_annotations(svg_root) for svg_root in svg_roots ] stop_watch_recorder.stop() get_logger().info( 'processed: name=%s, lxml size=%s, xml size=%s, timings=[%s] (native align impl=%s)', name, format(len(lxml_content), ','), format(len(xml_content), ','), stop_watch_recorder, align_native_enabled ) return svg_roots def change_ext(path, old_ext, new_ext): if old_ext is None: old_ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1] if old_ext == '.gz': path = path[:-len(old_ext)] old_ext = os.path.splitext(path)[1] if old_ext and path.endswith(old_ext): return path[:-len(old_ext)] + new_ext else: return path + new_ext def base_path_for_file_list(file_list): common_prefix = os.path.commonprefix(file_list) i = max(common_prefix.rfind('/'), common_prefix.rfind('\\')) if i >= 0: return common_prefix[:i] else: return '' def get_or_validate_base_path(file_list, base_path): common_path = base_path_for_file_list(file_list) if base_path: if not common_path.startswith(base_path): raise AssertionError( "invalid base path '%s', common path is: '%s'" % (base_path, common_path) ) return base_path else: return common_path def get_output_file(filename, source_base_path, output_base_path, output_file_suffix): return FileSystems.join( output_base_path, change_ext( relative_path(source_base_path, filename), None, output_file_suffix ) ) def save_svg_roots(output_filename, svg_pages): return save_pages(output_filename, '.svg', ( etree.tostring(svg_page) for svg_page in svg_pages )) def pdf_bytes_to_png_pages(pdf_bytes, dpi, image_size, page_range=None): pdf_to_png = PdfToPng(dpi=dpi, image_size=image_size, page_range=page_range) return ( for fp in pdf_to_png.iter_pdf_bytes_to_png_fp(pdf_bytes) ) def svg_page_to_blockified_png_bytes(svg_page, color_map, image_size=None): structured_document = SvgStructuredDocument(svg_page) blocks = expand_blocks( merge_blocks( annotation_document_page_to_annotation_blocks( structured_document, structured_document.get_pages()[0] ) ) ) viewbox = svg_page.attrib.get('viewBox') if not viewbox: raise RuntimeError( 'viewbox missing on svg, available attributes: %s' % svg_page.attrib.keys() ) _, _, width, height = viewbox.split() image = annotated_blocks_to_image( blocks, color_map, width=float(width), height=float(height), background='white', scale_to_size=image_size ) out = BytesIO(), 'png') return out.getvalue() def filter_list_props_by_indices(d, indices, list_props): return { k: ( [x for i, x in enumerate(v) if i in indices] if k in list_props else v ) for k, v in iteritems(d) } def get_page_indices_with_min_annotation_percentage( annotation_evaluation, min_annotation_percentage): return [ i for i, page_evaluation in enumerate(annotation_evaluation) if page_evaluation['percentage'].get(None) <= (1 - min_annotation_percentage) ] def parse_page_range(s): s = s.strip() if not s: return None a = tuple([int(x) for x in s.split('-')]) if len(a) == 1: return (a[0], a[0]) elif len(a) == 2: return a else: raise TypeError('invalid page range: %s' % s)