diff --git a/views/features/index.md b/views/features/index.md
index 78c647c1680a424eaf9a62e5e04bb8a8bdb6dde3..b8040ebe7c07f03bd4941d194c8fe54bf7be9b0e 100644
--- a/views/features/index.md
+++ b/views/features/index.md
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-layout: feature.njk
-class: "featurepage"
 title: Features
-colorlogo: orange
-thumbnail: /static/images/uploads/capture-d’écran-2020-09-17-à-11.14.43.png
-  - name: API-ready
-    text: "Integrate with other publishing systems. Kotahi has a full featured API and various adapters are available for DB integrations."
-    avatar: /static/images/uploads/kotahi-api-ready.svg
-  - name: Realtime updates and chat
-    text: "Kotahi is built to get the best from web collaboration and supports realtime notifications, chat, synchronised updates and more!"
-    avatar: /static/images/uploads/kotahi-realtime-updates.svg
-  - name: Built for innovation
-    text: "Build your publishing innovation into Kotahi. Kotahi is purposely designed as a highly modular and extensible system. The Kotahi community welcomes innovators!"
-    avatar: /static/images/uploads/kotahi-innovation.svg
-  - name: Community
-    text: "Be part of the Kotahi movement. Kotahi means 'unified' in Māori. Join the community conversation to improve how research is shared and explore 
-    exciting new ways of publishing."
-    avatar: /static/images/uploads/kotahi-community.svg
-  - name: Open Source
-    text: "Open Source means you own it forever. No license costs, no fear of waking up and your publishing platform is owned by an org you don't 
-    know or like. Yours, forever."
-    avatar: /static/images/uploads/kotahi-opensource.svg
-  - name: Workflow
-    text: "Supports multiple publishing workflows. Kotahi's workflow control panel supports multiple pathways for preprint, micropub, and journal workflows. 
-    Infact, you could use it for other workflows from the review of books to new experimental workflows."
-    avatar: /static/images/uploads/kotahi-workflow.svg
-  - name: Edit articles in the browser (in development)
-    text: "Edit or author articles in the browser!"
-    avatar: /static/images/uploads/kotahi-edit-browser.svg
-  - name: Versioning
-    text: "Versioning of articles and meta data is supported. Easily look back to earlier versions of a submission and check both the submission data and the article changes."
-    avatar: /static/images/uploads/kotahi-versioning.svg
-White paper: "[White paper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_paper). Au moins
-  deux jeux de rôles sur table proposent de jouer des chats. Le premier porte le
-  titre de « Cat », de John Wick. Les chats y combattent les terribles boggins
-  qui se nourrissent des rêves et des âmes des humains."
 Whitepaper: "[White paper](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/White_paper). Au moins
   deux jeux de rôles sur table proposent de jouer des chats. Le premier porte le
   titre de « Cat », de John Wick. Les chats y combattent les terribles boggins
   qui se nourrissent des rêves et des âmes des humains."
-Kotahi is a state of the art publishing platform that supports multiple workflows including journals, micropubs, and preprints and the radical optimisation of scholarly communications workflows.
-The following features are built into Kotahi 1.0beta. To see your feature ideas added to Kotahi join the Kotahi community!
+Kotahi is a state of the art publishing platform that supports multiple workflows including journals, micropubs, and preprints and the radical optimisation of scholarly communications workflows. The following features are built into Kotahi 1.0beta. To see your feature ideas added to Kotahi join the Kotahi community!
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