const en = {
translation: {
Wax: {
Base: {
Undo: 'Undo',
Redo: 'Redo',
'Save changes': 'Save changes',
Annotations: {
'Toggle code': 'Toggle code',
'Toggle emphasis': 'Toggle emphasis',
'Toggle Small Caps': 'Toggle Small Caps',
'Toggle strikethrough': 'Toggle strikethrough',
'Toggle strong': 'Toggle strong',
'Toggle subscript': 'Toggle subscript',
'Toggle superscript': 'Toggle superscript',
'Toggle underline': 'Toggle underline',
'Add or remove link': 'Add or remove link',
'Wrap in bullet list': 'Wrap in bullet list',
'Wrap in ordered list': 'Wrap in ordered list',
'Join with above block': 'Join with above block',
'Lift out of enclosing block': 'Lift out of enclosing block',
'Change to Author': 'Switch to Author',
Author: 'Author',
'Change to Epigraph Poetry': 'Switch to Epigraph Poetry',
'Epigraph Poetry': 'Epigraph Poetry',
'Change to Epigraph Prose': 'Switch to Epigraph Prose',
'Epigraph Prose': 'Epigraph Prose',
'Change to Source Note': 'Switch to Source Note',
'Source Note': 'Source Note',
'Change to heading level 2': 'Switch to heading level 2',
'Heading 2': 'Heading 2',
'Change to heading level 3': 'Switch to heading level 3',
'Heading 3': 'Heading 3',
'Change to heading level 4': 'Switch to heading level 4',
'Heading 4': 'Heading 4',
'Change to heading level 5': 'Switch to heading level 5',
'Heading 5': 'Heading 5',
'Change to heading level 6': 'Switch to heading level 6',
'Heading 6': 'Heading 6',
'Change to Subtitle': 'Switch to Subtitle',
Subtitle: 'Subtitle',
'Change to Title': 'Switch to Title',
'Title (H1)': 'Title (H1)',
'Change to Block Quote': 'Switch to Block Quote',
'Block Quote': 'Block Quote',
'Change to Extract Poetry': 'Switch to Extract Poetry',
'Extract Poetry': 'Extract Poetry',
'Change to Extract Prose': 'Switch to Extract Prose',
'Extract Prose': 'Extract Prose',
'Change to Paragraph Continued': 'Switch to Paragraph Continued',
'Paragraph Continued': 'Paragraph Continued',
'Change to Paragraph': 'Switch to Paragraph',
Paragraph: 'Paragraph',
TransformCase: {
Transform: 'Transform',
'Upper Case': 'Upper Case',
'Lower Case': 'Lower Case',
'Sentence Case': 'Sentence Case',
TrackChanges: {
Editing: 'Editing',
Suggesting: 'Suggesting',
'Show Changes': 'Show Changes',
Accept: 'Accept',
Reject: 'Reject',
FindAndReplace: {
'Match Case': 'Match Case',
Previous: 'Previous',
Next: 'Next',
Various: {
Display: 'Display',
'Long Boxes': 'Long Boxes',
'Short Boxes': 'Short Boxes',
Text: 'Text',
'Custom Block': 'Custom Block',
Expand: 'Expand',
'Show more tools': 'Show more tools',
more: 'more',
Close: 'Close',
'remove tag': 'remove tag',
'Full screen': 'Full screen',
'Exit full screen': 'Exit full screen',
Viewing: 'Viewing',
Chapters: 'Chapters',