diff --git a/editors/demo/src/HHMI/HHMI.js b/editors/demo/src/HHMI/HHMI.js
index baed57f47ca8cabab56848efe5910e6ea477edd2..84ecaa16980d7f8cbd5e8006bb06b2dadb7cfa64 100644
--- a/editors/demo/src/HHMI/HHMI.js
+++ b/editors/demo/src/HHMI/HHMI.js
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ const renderImage = file => {
     reader.onload = () => accept(reader.result);
     reader.onerror = () => fail(reader.error);
     // Some extra delay to make the asynchronicity visible
-    setTimeout(() => reader.readAsDataURL(file), 6150);
+    setTimeout(() => reader.readAsDataURL(file), 200);
@@ -191,7 +191,7 @@ const Hhmi = () => {
         customValues={{ showFeedBack: submitted, testMode }}
         fileUpload={file => renderImage(file)}
-        value={content}
+        // value={content}
         // targetFormat="JSON"
diff --git a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/EssayQuestion.js b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/EssayQuestion.js
index 8cbe70bda8265efbb055b12a27de14575956c40b..d536480d98c6e3fcbdd858ddee32d93e477a6f19 100644
--- a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/EssayQuestion.js
+++ b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/EssayQuestion.js
@@ -118,7 +118,10 @@ class EssayQuestion extends Tools {
   get active() {
     return state => {
       if (
-        Commands.isParentOfType(state, state.config.schema.nodes.essay_question)
+        Commands.isParentOfType(
+          state,
+          state.config.schema.nodes.essay_container,
+        )
       ) {
         return true;
diff --git a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayAnswerComponent.js b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayAnswerComponent.js
index 234b3c8cb0586268734182d8a476862cd723eaf6..75f01b6a5212f233c005580055b4081a5797ec99 100644
--- a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayAnswerComponent.js
+++ b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayAnswerComponent.js
@@ -1,240 +1,14 @@
-/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
-import React, { useContext, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
-import styled from 'styled-components';
-import { EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view';
-import { EditorState, TextSelection, NodeSelection } from 'prosemirror-state';
-import { dropCursor } from 'prosemirror-dropcursor';
-import { gapCursor } from 'prosemirror-gapcursor';
-import { StepMap } from 'prosemirror-transform';
-import { keymap } from 'prosemirror-keymap';
-import { baseKeymap, chainCommands } from 'prosemirror-commands';
-import { undo, redo } from 'prosemirror-history';
-import { WaxContext, ComponentPlugin } from 'wax-prosemirror-core';
-import {
-  splitListItem,
-  liftListItem,
-  sinkListItem,
-} from 'prosemirror-schema-list';
-import Placeholder from '../../MultipleChoiceQuestionService/plugins/placeholder';
-import FakeCursorPlugin from '../../MultipleDropDownService/plugins/FakeCursorPlugin';
-const EditorWrapper = styled.div`
-  border: none;
-  display: flex;
-  flex: 2 1 auto;
-  width: 100%;
-  justify-content: left;
-  .ProseMirror {
-    white-space: break-spaces;
-    width: 100%;
-    word-wrap: break-word;
-    &:focus {
-      outline: none;
-    }
-    :empty::before {
-      content: 'Type your item';
-      color: #aaa;
-      float: left;
-      font-style: italic;
-      pointer-events: none;
-    }
-    p:first-child {
-      margin: 0;
-    }
-    p.empty-node:first-child::before {
-      content: attr(data-content);
-    }
-    .empty-node::before {
-      color: rgb(170, 170, 170);
-      float: left;
-      font-style: italic;
-      height: 0px;
-      pointer-events: none;
-    }
-  }
-let WaxOverlays = () => true;
-const QuestionEditorComponent = ({
-  node,
-  view,
-  getPos,
-  placeholderText = 'Type your item',
-  QuestionType = 'Multiple',
-}) => {
-  const editorRef = useRef();
-  const context = useContext(WaxContext);
-  const {
-    app,
-    pmViews: { main },
-  } = context;
-  let questionView;
-  const questionId = node.attrs.id;
-  const isEditable = main.props.editable(editable => {
-    return editable;
-  });
-  let finalPlugins = [FakeCursorPlugin(), gapCursor(), dropCursor()];
-  const createKeyBindings = () => {
-    const keys = getKeys();
-    Object.keys(baseKeymap).forEach(key => {
-      if (keys[key]) {
-        keys[key] = chainCommands(keys[key], baseKeymap[key]);
-      } else {
-        keys[key] = baseKeymap[key];
-      }
-    });
-    return keys;
-  };
-  const pressEnter = (state, dispatch) => {
-    if (state.selection.node && state.selection.node.type.name === 'image') {
-      const { $from, to } = state.selection;
-      const same = $from.sharedDepth(to);
-      const pos = $from.before(same);
-      dispatch(state.tr.setSelection(NodeSelection.create(state.doc, pos)));
-      return true;
-    }
-    // LISTS
-    if (splitListItem(state.schema.nodes.list_item)(state)) {
-      splitListItem(state.schema.nodes.list_item)(state, dispatch);
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  };
-  const getKeys = () => {
-    return {
-      'Mod-z': () => undo(view.state, view.dispatch),
-      'Mod-y': () => redo(view.state, view.dispatch),
-      'Mod-[': liftListItem(view.state.schema.nodes.list_item),
-      'Mod-]': sinkListItem(view.state.schema.nodes.list_item),
-      Enter: pressEnter,
-    };
-  };
-  const plugins = [keymap(createKeyBindings()), ...app.getPlugins()];
-  const createPlaceholder = placeholder => {
-    return Placeholder({
-      content: placeholder,
-    });
-  };
-  finalPlugins = finalPlugins.concat([
-    createPlaceholder(placeholderText),
-    ...plugins,
-  ]);
-  useEffect(() => {
-    WaxOverlays = ComponentPlugin('waxOverlays');
-    questionView = new EditorView(
-      {
-        mount: editorRef.current,
-      },
-      {
-        editable: () => isEditable,
-        state: EditorState.create({
-          doc: node,
-          plugins: finalPlugins,
-        }),
-        dispatchTransaction,
-        disallowedTools: ['MultipleChoice'],
-        handleDOMEvents: {
-          mousedown: () => {
-            context.updateView({}, questionId);
-            main.dispatch(
-              main.state.tr
-                .setMeta('outsideView', questionId)
-                .setSelection(
-                  new TextSelection(
-                    main.state.tr.doc.resolve(
-                      getPos() +
-                        1 +
-                        context.pmViews[questionId].state.selection.to,
-                    ),
-                  ),
-                ),
-            );
-            // context.pmViews[activeViewId].dispatch(
-            //   context.pmViews[activeViewId].state.tr.setSelection(
-            //     TextSelection.between(
-            //       context.pmViews[activeViewId].state.selection.$anchor,
-            //       context.pmViews[activeViewId].state.selection.$head,
-            //     ),
-            //   ),
-            // );
-            context.updateView({}, questionId);
-            if (questionView.hasFocus()) questionView.focus();
-          },
-          blur: (editorView, event) => {
-            if (questionView && event.relatedTarget === null) {
-              questionView.focus();
-            }
-          },
-        },
-        type: QuestionType,
-        scrollMargin: 200,
-        scrollThreshold: 200,
-        attributes: {
-          spellcheck: 'false',
-        },
-      },
-    );
-    // Set Each note into Wax's Context
-    context.updateView(
-      {
-        [questionId]: questionView,
-      },
-      questionId,
-    );
-    if (questionView.hasFocus()) questionView.focus();
-  }, []);
-  const dispatchTransaction = tr => {
-    const addToHistory = !tr.getMeta('exludeToHistoryFromOutside');
-    const { state, transactions } = questionView.state.applyTransaction(tr);
-    questionView.updateState(state);
-    context.updateView({}, questionId);
-    if (!tr.getMeta('fromOutside')) {
-      const outerTr = view.state.tr;
-      const offsetMap = StepMap.offset(getPos() + 1);
-      for (let i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
-        const { steps } = transactions[i];
-        for (let j = 0; j < steps.length; j++)
-          outerTr.step(steps[j].map(offsetMap));
-      }
-      if (outerTr.docChanged)
-        view.dispatch(
-          outerTr
-            .setMeta('outsideView', questionId)
-            .setMeta('addToHistory', addToHistory),
-        );
-    }
-  };
+import React from 'react';
+import EditorComponent from '../../MultipleChoiceQuestionService/components/EditorComponent';
+export default ({ node, view, getPos }) => {
   return (
-    <EditorWrapper>
-      <div ref={editorRef} />
-      <WaxOverlays activeViewId={questionId} />
-    </EditorWrapper>
+    <EditorComponent
+      getPos={getPos}
+      node={node}
+      placeholderText="Type your essay answer"
+      QuestionType="EssayQuestion"
+      view={view}
+    />
-export default QuestionEditorComponent;
diff --git a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayPromptComponent.js b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayPromptComponent.js
index 234b3c8cb0586268734182d8a476862cd723eaf6..7785ade69826f8e422e679e29671f066e093d8a3 100644
--- a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayPromptComponent.js
+++ b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayPromptComponent.js
@@ -1,240 +1,14 @@
-/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
-import React, { useContext, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
-import styled from 'styled-components';
-import { EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view';
-import { EditorState, TextSelection, NodeSelection } from 'prosemirror-state';
-import { dropCursor } from 'prosemirror-dropcursor';
-import { gapCursor } from 'prosemirror-gapcursor';
-import { StepMap } from 'prosemirror-transform';
-import { keymap } from 'prosemirror-keymap';
-import { baseKeymap, chainCommands } from 'prosemirror-commands';
-import { undo, redo } from 'prosemirror-history';
-import { WaxContext, ComponentPlugin } from 'wax-prosemirror-core';
-import {
-  splitListItem,
-  liftListItem,
-  sinkListItem,
-} from 'prosemirror-schema-list';
-import Placeholder from '../../MultipleChoiceQuestionService/plugins/placeholder';
-import FakeCursorPlugin from '../../MultipleDropDownService/plugins/FakeCursorPlugin';
-const EditorWrapper = styled.div`
-  border: none;
-  display: flex;
-  flex: 2 1 auto;
-  width: 100%;
-  justify-content: left;
-  .ProseMirror {
-    white-space: break-spaces;
-    width: 100%;
-    word-wrap: break-word;
-    &:focus {
-      outline: none;
-    }
-    :empty::before {
-      content: 'Type your item';
-      color: #aaa;
-      float: left;
-      font-style: italic;
-      pointer-events: none;
-    }
-    p:first-child {
-      margin: 0;
-    }
-    p.empty-node:first-child::before {
-      content: attr(data-content);
-    }
-    .empty-node::before {
-      color: rgb(170, 170, 170);
-      float: left;
-      font-style: italic;
-      height: 0px;
-      pointer-events: none;
-    }
-  }
-let WaxOverlays = () => true;
-const QuestionEditorComponent = ({
-  node,
-  view,
-  getPos,
-  placeholderText = 'Type your item',
-  QuestionType = 'Multiple',
-}) => {
-  const editorRef = useRef();
-  const context = useContext(WaxContext);
-  const {
-    app,
-    pmViews: { main },
-  } = context;
-  let questionView;
-  const questionId = node.attrs.id;
-  const isEditable = main.props.editable(editable => {
-    return editable;
-  });
-  let finalPlugins = [FakeCursorPlugin(), gapCursor(), dropCursor()];
-  const createKeyBindings = () => {
-    const keys = getKeys();
-    Object.keys(baseKeymap).forEach(key => {
-      if (keys[key]) {
-        keys[key] = chainCommands(keys[key], baseKeymap[key]);
-      } else {
-        keys[key] = baseKeymap[key];
-      }
-    });
-    return keys;
-  };
-  const pressEnter = (state, dispatch) => {
-    if (state.selection.node && state.selection.node.type.name === 'image') {
-      const { $from, to } = state.selection;
-      const same = $from.sharedDepth(to);
-      const pos = $from.before(same);
-      dispatch(state.tr.setSelection(NodeSelection.create(state.doc, pos)));
-      return true;
-    }
-    // LISTS
-    if (splitListItem(state.schema.nodes.list_item)(state)) {
-      splitListItem(state.schema.nodes.list_item)(state, dispatch);
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  };
-  const getKeys = () => {
-    return {
-      'Mod-z': () => undo(view.state, view.dispatch),
-      'Mod-y': () => redo(view.state, view.dispatch),
-      'Mod-[': liftListItem(view.state.schema.nodes.list_item),
-      'Mod-]': sinkListItem(view.state.schema.nodes.list_item),
-      Enter: pressEnter,
-    };
-  };
-  const plugins = [keymap(createKeyBindings()), ...app.getPlugins()];
-  const createPlaceholder = placeholder => {
-    return Placeholder({
-      content: placeholder,
-    });
-  };
-  finalPlugins = finalPlugins.concat([
-    createPlaceholder(placeholderText),
-    ...plugins,
-  ]);
-  useEffect(() => {
-    WaxOverlays = ComponentPlugin('waxOverlays');
-    questionView = new EditorView(
-      {
-        mount: editorRef.current,
-      },
-      {
-        editable: () => isEditable,
-        state: EditorState.create({
-          doc: node,
-          plugins: finalPlugins,
-        }),
-        dispatchTransaction,
-        disallowedTools: ['MultipleChoice'],
-        handleDOMEvents: {
-          mousedown: () => {
-            context.updateView({}, questionId);
-            main.dispatch(
-              main.state.tr
-                .setMeta('outsideView', questionId)
-                .setSelection(
-                  new TextSelection(
-                    main.state.tr.doc.resolve(
-                      getPos() +
-                        1 +
-                        context.pmViews[questionId].state.selection.to,
-                    ),
-                  ),
-                ),
-            );
-            // context.pmViews[activeViewId].dispatch(
-            //   context.pmViews[activeViewId].state.tr.setSelection(
-            //     TextSelection.between(
-            //       context.pmViews[activeViewId].state.selection.$anchor,
-            //       context.pmViews[activeViewId].state.selection.$head,
-            //     ),
-            //   ),
-            // );
-            context.updateView({}, questionId);
-            if (questionView.hasFocus()) questionView.focus();
-          },
-          blur: (editorView, event) => {
-            if (questionView && event.relatedTarget === null) {
-              questionView.focus();
-            }
-          },
-        },
-        type: QuestionType,
-        scrollMargin: 200,
-        scrollThreshold: 200,
-        attributes: {
-          spellcheck: 'false',
-        },
-      },
-    );
-    // Set Each note into Wax's Context
-    context.updateView(
-      {
-        [questionId]: questionView,
-      },
-      questionId,
-    );
-    if (questionView.hasFocus()) questionView.focus();
-  }, []);
-  const dispatchTransaction = tr => {
-    const addToHistory = !tr.getMeta('exludeToHistoryFromOutside');
-    const { state, transactions } = questionView.state.applyTransaction(tr);
-    questionView.updateState(state);
-    context.updateView({}, questionId);
-    if (!tr.getMeta('fromOutside')) {
-      const outerTr = view.state.tr;
-      const offsetMap = StepMap.offset(getPos() + 1);
-      for (let i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
-        const { steps } = transactions[i];
-        for (let j = 0; j < steps.length; j++)
-          outerTr.step(steps[j].map(offsetMap));
-      }
-      if (outerTr.docChanged)
-        view.dispatch(
-          outerTr
-            .setMeta('outsideView', questionId)
-            .setMeta('addToHistory', addToHistory),
-        );
-    }
-  };
+import React from 'react';
+import EditorComponent from '../../MultipleChoiceQuestionService/components/EditorComponent';
+export default ({ node, view, getPos }) => {
   return (
-    <EditorWrapper>
-      <div ref={editorRef} />
-      <WaxOverlays activeViewId={questionId} />
-    </EditorWrapper>
+    <EditorComponent
+      getPos={getPos}
+      node={node}
+      placeholderText="Provide response summary and rubric"
+      QuestionType="EssayQuestion"
+      view={view}
+    />
-export default QuestionEditorComponent;
diff --git a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayQuestionComponent.js b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayQuestionComponent.js
index 234b3c8cb0586268734182d8a476862cd723eaf6..f4ec6b1fb58abf4078225ac4902c56990502e682 100644
--- a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayQuestionComponent.js
+++ b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayQuestionComponent.js
@@ -1,240 +1,14 @@
-/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
-import React, { useContext, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
-import styled from 'styled-components';
-import { EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view';
-import { EditorState, TextSelection, NodeSelection } from 'prosemirror-state';
-import { dropCursor } from 'prosemirror-dropcursor';
-import { gapCursor } from 'prosemirror-gapcursor';
-import { StepMap } from 'prosemirror-transform';
-import { keymap } from 'prosemirror-keymap';
-import { baseKeymap, chainCommands } from 'prosemirror-commands';
-import { undo, redo } from 'prosemirror-history';
-import { WaxContext, ComponentPlugin } from 'wax-prosemirror-core';
-import {
-  splitListItem,
-  liftListItem,
-  sinkListItem,
-} from 'prosemirror-schema-list';
-import Placeholder from '../../MultipleChoiceQuestionService/plugins/placeholder';
-import FakeCursorPlugin from '../../MultipleDropDownService/plugins/FakeCursorPlugin';
-const EditorWrapper = styled.div`
-  border: none;
-  display: flex;
-  flex: 2 1 auto;
-  width: 100%;
-  justify-content: left;
-  .ProseMirror {
-    white-space: break-spaces;
-    width: 100%;
-    word-wrap: break-word;
-    &:focus {
-      outline: none;
-    }
-    :empty::before {
-      content: 'Type your item';
-      color: #aaa;
-      float: left;
-      font-style: italic;
-      pointer-events: none;
-    }
-    p:first-child {
-      margin: 0;
-    }
-    p.empty-node:first-child::before {
-      content: attr(data-content);
-    }
-    .empty-node::before {
-      color: rgb(170, 170, 170);
-      float: left;
-      font-style: italic;
-      height: 0px;
-      pointer-events: none;
-    }
-  }
-let WaxOverlays = () => true;
-const QuestionEditorComponent = ({
-  node,
-  view,
-  getPos,
-  placeholderText = 'Type your item',
-  QuestionType = 'Multiple',
-}) => {
-  const editorRef = useRef();
-  const context = useContext(WaxContext);
-  const {
-    app,
-    pmViews: { main },
-  } = context;
-  let questionView;
-  const questionId = node.attrs.id;
-  const isEditable = main.props.editable(editable => {
-    return editable;
-  });
-  let finalPlugins = [FakeCursorPlugin(), gapCursor(), dropCursor()];
-  const createKeyBindings = () => {
-    const keys = getKeys();
-    Object.keys(baseKeymap).forEach(key => {
-      if (keys[key]) {
-        keys[key] = chainCommands(keys[key], baseKeymap[key]);
-      } else {
-        keys[key] = baseKeymap[key];
-      }
-    });
-    return keys;
-  };
-  const pressEnter = (state, dispatch) => {
-    if (state.selection.node && state.selection.node.type.name === 'image') {
-      const { $from, to } = state.selection;
-      const same = $from.sharedDepth(to);
-      const pos = $from.before(same);
-      dispatch(state.tr.setSelection(NodeSelection.create(state.doc, pos)));
-      return true;
-    }
-    // LISTS
-    if (splitListItem(state.schema.nodes.list_item)(state)) {
-      splitListItem(state.schema.nodes.list_item)(state, dispatch);
-      return true;
-    }
-    return false;
-  };
-  const getKeys = () => {
-    return {
-      'Mod-z': () => undo(view.state, view.dispatch),
-      'Mod-y': () => redo(view.state, view.dispatch),
-      'Mod-[': liftListItem(view.state.schema.nodes.list_item),
-      'Mod-]': sinkListItem(view.state.schema.nodes.list_item),
-      Enter: pressEnter,
-    };
-  };
-  const plugins = [keymap(createKeyBindings()), ...app.getPlugins()];
-  const createPlaceholder = placeholder => {
-    return Placeholder({
-      content: placeholder,
-    });
-  };
-  finalPlugins = finalPlugins.concat([
-    createPlaceholder(placeholderText),
-    ...plugins,
-  ]);
-  useEffect(() => {
-    WaxOverlays = ComponentPlugin('waxOverlays');
-    questionView = new EditorView(
-      {
-        mount: editorRef.current,
-      },
-      {
-        editable: () => isEditable,
-        state: EditorState.create({
-          doc: node,
-          plugins: finalPlugins,
-        }),
-        dispatchTransaction,
-        disallowedTools: ['MultipleChoice'],
-        handleDOMEvents: {
-          mousedown: () => {
-            context.updateView({}, questionId);
-            main.dispatch(
-              main.state.tr
-                .setMeta('outsideView', questionId)
-                .setSelection(
-                  new TextSelection(
-                    main.state.tr.doc.resolve(
-                      getPos() +
-                        1 +
-                        context.pmViews[questionId].state.selection.to,
-                    ),
-                  ),
-                ),
-            );
-            // context.pmViews[activeViewId].dispatch(
-            //   context.pmViews[activeViewId].state.tr.setSelection(
-            //     TextSelection.between(
-            //       context.pmViews[activeViewId].state.selection.$anchor,
-            //       context.pmViews[activeViewId].state.selection.$head,
-            //     ),
-            //   ),
-            // );
-            context.updateView({}, questionId);
-            if (questionView.hasFocus()) questionView.focus();
-          },
-          blur: (editorView, event) => {
-            if (questionView && event.relatedTarget === null) {
-              questionView.focus();
-            }
-          },
-        },
-        type: QuestionType,
-        scrollMargin: 200,
-        scrollThreshold: 200,
-        attributes: {
-          spellcheck: 'false',
-        },
-      },
-    );
-    // Set Each note into Wax's Context
-    context.updateView(
-      {
-        [questionId]: questionView,
-      },
-      questionId,
-    );
-    if (questionView.hasFocus()) questionView.focus();
-  }, []);
-  const dispatchTransaction = tr => {
-    const addToHistory = !tr.getMeta('exludeToHistoryFromOutside');
-    const { state, transactions } = questionView.state.applyTransaction(tr);
-    questionView.updateState(state);
-    context.updateView({}, questionId);
-    if (!tr.getMeta('fromOutside')) {
-      const outerTr = view.state.tr;
-      const offsetMap = StepMap.offset(getPos() + 1);
-      for (let i = 0; i < transactions.length; i++) {
-        const { steps } = transactions[i];
-        for (let j = 0; j < steps.length; j++)
-          outerTr.step(steps[j].map(offsetMap));
-      }
-      if (outerTr.docChanged)
-        view.dispatch(
-          outerTr
-            .setMeta('outsideView', questionId)
-            .setMeta('addToHistory', addToHistory),
-        );
-    }
-  };
+import React from 'react';
+import EditorComponent from '../../MultipleChoiceQuestionService/components/EditorComponent';
+export default ({ node, view, getPos }) => {
   return (
-    <EditorWrapper>
-      <div ref={editorRef} />
-      <WaxOverlays activeViewId={questionId} />
-    </EditorWrapper>
+    <EditorComponent
+      getPos={getPos}
+      node={node}
+      placeholderText="Type your essay item"
+      QuestionType="EssayQuestion"
+      view={view}
+    />
-export default QuestionEditorComponent;
diff --git a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayQuestionContainerComponent.js b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayQuestionContainerComponent.js
index 7e442fe30c93f3e95abd9aa38c35ae205910abb3..f2b6f765ffdda5045cbdfbaca32b98428f07927f 100644
--- a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayQuestionContainerComponent.js
+++ b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/components/EssayQuestionContainerComponent.js
@@ -78,7 +78,12 @@ export default ({ node, view, getPos }) => {
       <EssayQuestionContainer className="essay-question">
-        <ContainerEditor getPos={getPos} node={node} view={view} />
+        <ContainerEditor
+          disallowedTools={['FillTheGap', 'MultipleChoice']}
+          getPos={getPos}
+          node={node}
+          view={view}
+        />
diff --git a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/schema/essayContainerNode.js b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/schema/essayContainerNode.js
index 0afacd6dd44cdf719ee660e23957898a34dcf670..f2de45d7c418667cc2329ef42bd983712ce42fb0 100644
--- a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/schema/essayContainerNode.js
+++ b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/schema/essayContainerNode.js
@@ -4,9 +4,7 @@ const essayContainerNode = {
     class: { default: 'essay' },
   group: 'block questions',
-  atom: true,
-  selectable: true,
-  draggable: true,
+  isolating: true,
   content: 'block+',
   parseDOM: [
diff --git a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/schema/essayQuestionNode.js b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/schema/essayQuestionNode.js
index f9dbe435564830c4c82b930ed72a0ef471500dd1..48ff5aaeaf6e9e8919070d458d2dc2e7363cbf74 100644
--- a/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/schema/essayQuestionNode.js
+++ b/wax-questions-service/src/EssayService/schema/essayQuestionNode.js
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ const essayQuestionNode = {
   group: 'block questions',
   content: 'block*',
-  defining: true,
+  // defining: true,
   parseDOM: [
diff --git a/wax-questions-service/src/FillTheGapQuestionService/components/ContainerEditor.js b/wax-questions-service/src/FillTheGapQuestionService/components/ContainerEditor.js
index 9bbf63ec9a9271953af220f1f456e34aeb59ed27..f2988a4c85df77095c6876aa7b6c30c6a9106338 100644
--- a/wax-questions-service/src/FillTheGapQuestionService/components/ContainerEditor.js
+++ b/wax-questions-service/src/FillTheGapQuestionService/components/ContainerEditor.js
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+/* eslint-disable react/prop-types */
 import React, { useContext, useRef, useEffect } from 'react';
 import styled from 'styled-components';
 import { EditorView } from 'prosemirror-view';
@@ -29,7 +30,13 @@ const EditorWrapper = styled.div`
-const ContainerEditor = ({ node, view, getPos }) => {
+const ContainerEditor = ({
+  node,
+  view,
+  getPos,
+  disallowedTools,
+  isNotEditable = false,
+}) => {
   const editorRef = useRef();
   const context = useContext(WaxContext);
@@ -40,10 +47,12 @@ const ContainerEditor = ({ node, view, getPos }) => {
   let gapContainerView;
   const questionId = node.attrs.id;
-  const isEditable = main.props.editable(editable => {
+  let isEditable = main.props.editable(editable => {
     return editable;
+  if (isNotEditable) isEditable = false;
   let finalPlugins = [];
   const createKeyBindings = () => {
@@ -77,14 +86,7 @@ const ContainerEditor = ({ node, view, getPos }) => {
           plugins: finalPlugins,
-        disallowedTools: [
-          'Images',
-          'Lists',
-          'lift',
-          'Tables',
-          'FillTheGap',
-          'MultipleChoice',
-        ],
+        disallowedTools,
         type: 'filltheGapContaier',
         handleDOMEvents: {
           mousedown: () => {
diff --git a/wax-questions-service/src/FillTheGapQuestionService/components/FillTheGapContainerComponent.js b/wax-questions-service/src/FillTheGapQuestionService/components/FillTheGapContainerComponent.js
index 79ec1fcf8f0dd8a820cc40ee08f055e0ced6e389..f0a9c1ec9513e4e806b56aad4dbc7958791ae14d 100644
--- a/wax-questions-service/src/FillTheGapQuestionService/components/FillTheGapContainerComponent.js
+++ b/wax-questions-service/src/FillTheGapQuestionService/components/FillTheGapContainerComponent.js
@@ -144,7 +144,19 @@ export default ({ node, view, getPos }) => {
       <FillTheGapContainer className="fill-the-gap">
-        <ContainerEditor getPos={getPos} node={node} view={view} />
+        <ContainerEditor
+          disallowedTools={[
+            'Images',
+            'Lists',
+            'lift',
+            'Tables',
+            'FillTheGap',
+            'MultipleChoice',
+          ]}
+          getPos={getPos}
+          node={node}
+          view={view}
+        />
         {!testMode && !(readOnly && feedback === '') && (