import { Mark } from 'prosemirror-model'; import React, { useContext, useState, useEffect, useMemo, useCallback } from 'react'; import { each, uniqBy, sortBy } from 'lodash'; import { WaxContext } from 'wax-prosemirror-core'; import { DocumentHelpers } from 'wax-prosemirror-utilities'; import BoxList from './BoxList'; export default ({ area }) => { const { view, view: { main }, app, activeView, } = useContext(WaxContext); const commentPlugin = app.PmPlugins.get('commentPlugin'); const [marksNodes, setMarksNodes] = useState([]); const [position, setPosition] = useState(); const setTops = useCallback(() => { const result = []; let markNodeEl = null; let annotationTop = 0; let boxHeight = 0; let top = 0; const allCommentsTop = []; const nodesMarksToIterrate = marksNodes[area] === 'main' ? sortBy(marksNodes[area], ['pos']) : marksNodes[area]; each(nodesMarksToIterrate, (markNode, pos) => { const WaxSurface = main.dom.getBoundingClientRect(); const id = markNode instanceof Mark ? :; const activeComment = commentPlugin.getState(activeView.state).comment; let isActive = false; if (activeComment && id === isActive = true; // annotation top if (area === 'main') { markNodeEl = document.querySelector(`[data-id="${id}"]`); if (markNodeEl) annotationTop = markNodeEl.getBoundingClientRect().top -; } else { const panelWrapper = document.getElementsByClassName('panelWrapper'); const panelWrapperHeight = panelWrapper[0].getBoundingClientRect().height; markNodeEl = document.querySelector('#notes-container').querySelector(`[data-id="${id}"]`); if (markNodeEl) annotationTop = markNodeEl.getBoundingClientRect().top - panelWrapperHeight - 50; } // get height of this markNode box const boxEl = document.querySelector(`div[data-box="${id}"]`); if (boxEl) boxHeight = parseInt(boxEl.offsetHeight, 10); // where the box should move to top = annotationTop; // if the above comment box has already taken up the height, move down if (pos > 0) { const previousBox = marksNodes[area][pos - 1]; const previousEndHeight = previousBox.endHeight; if (annotationTop < previousEndHeight) { top = previousEndHeight + 2; } } // store where the box ends to be aware of overlaps in the next box markNode.endHeight = top + boxHeight + 2; result[pos] = top; allCommentsTop.push({ [id]: result[pos] }); // if active, move as many boxes above as needed to bring it to the annotation's height if (isActive) { markNode.endHeight = annotationTop + boxHeight + 2; result[pos] = annotationTop; allCommentsTop[pos][id] = result[pos]; let b = true; let i = pos; // first one active, none above if (i === 0) b = false; while (b) { const boxAbove = marksNodes[area][i - 1]; const boxAboveEnds = boxAbove.endHeight; const currentTop = result[i]; const doesOverlap = boxAboveEnds > currentTop; if (doesOverlap) { const overlap = boxAboveEnds - currentTop; result[i - 1] -= overlap; const previousMarkNode = marksNodes[area][i - 1] instanceof Mark ? marksNodes[area][i - 1] : marksNodes[area][i - 1]; allCommentsTop[i - 1][previousMarkNode] = result[i - 1]; } if (!doesOverlap) b = false; if (i <= 1) b = false; i -= 1; } } }); return allCommentsTop; }); useEffect(() => { setMarksNodes(updateMarks(view)); setPosition(setTops()); }, [JSON.stringify(updateMarks(view)), JSON.stringify(setTops())]); const CommentTrackComponent = useMemo( () => <BoxList commentsTracks={marksNodes[area] || []} area={area} view={main} position={position} />, [marksNodes[area] || [], position], ); return <>{CommentTrackComponent}</>; }; // TODO if allInlineNodes and allBlockNodes count don't change, do not compute again const updateMarks = view => { if (view.main) { const allInlineNodes = []; Object.keys(view).forEach(eachView => { allInlineNodes.push(...DocumentHelpers.findInlineNodes(view[eachView].state.doc)); }); const allBlockNodes = DocumentHelpers.findBlockNodes(view.main.state.doc); const finalMarks = []; const finalNodes = []; => { if (node.node.marks.length > 0) { node.node.marks.filter(mark => { if ( === 'comment' || === 'insertion' || === 'deletion' || === 'format_change' ) { mark.pos = node.pos; finalMarks.push(mark); } }); } }); => { if (node.node.attrs.track && node.node.attrs.track.length > 0) { finalNodes.push(node); } }); const nodesAndMarks = [...uniqBy(finalMarks, ''), ...finalNodes]; const groupedMarkNodes = {}; nodesAndMarks.forEach(markNode => { const markNodeAttrs = markNode.attrs ? markNode.attrs : markNode.node.attrs; if (!groupedMarkNodes[]) { groupedMarkNodes[] = [markNode]; } else { groupedMarkNodes[].push(markNode); } }); return groupedMarkNodes; } return []; };