Match or input citation
Story description:
- As a submitter I want to submit a manuscript so that I can comply with funder requirements
Acceptance criteria:
- The submitter should be asked to search pubmed first to avoid potential duplicates. If they select a manuscript already in PMC, they should see a message to that effect and the submission should end.
- If the submitter selects a citation, and the citation's journal is a full-participation PMC journal, (check database) the submitter should see a message to that effect and the submission should end.
- Otherwise if the submitter selects a citation, they should continue to the next step (Upload files)
- If the submitter cannot find their citation, they should be invited to manually enter a title and journal
- The submitter should type their journal name into a box which searches the NLM journals in our database.
- If the entered journal is not listed, the submitter's entry should be recorded as an unmatched journal title for later flagging and processing.
- In accordance with story 1.5 ("As a sumbitter I want to understand where I am in the process"), the user interface should use the "Steps" UI component to show progress through all submission steps.
#22 (closed) Develop component to search PubMed for citation information -
#24 (closed) Develop form component to input unmatched citation title and journal -
#30 (closed) Create submission form scaffolding
Edited by Audrey Hamelers