diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index e3417878e63f365689df347de9f02fb0efcb9fbf..7099c5b1b78c887d30e06463b54698871abdc115 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,4 +1,3 @@
-Note: xpub is still _very_ new. This repository contains an initial set of components but is not yet ready for use.
 ## xPub-faraday  
@@ -7,13 +6,11 @@ An MVP implementation of the first design sessions which allows a user to go thr
 ## Roadmap
 The major tasks we're planning to work on are the following: 
-* Implement a future-proof theming setup. (#88)
-* Let users go through multiple rounds of review. (#50)
-* Implement roles and permissions. (#58)
-* Change the data model to account for the changes that have occured in `pubsweet-server`, as well as to make it easily portable to Postgres in the future. (#67)
-* Merge xpub's authentication, routing and navigation with pubsweet's. (#55 #89 #57)
-![Project roadmap](https://gitlab.coko.foundation/xpub/xpub-faraday/raw/master/packages/xpub-faraday/static/faraday-roadmap.png "Faraday Project Roadmap")
+* Implement a future-proof theming setup.
+* Let users go through multiple rounds of review.
+* Implement roles and permissions.
+* Change the data model to account for the changes that have occured in `pubsweet-server`, as well as to make it easily portable to Postgres in the future.
+* Merge xpub's authentication, routing and navigation with pubsweet's.
 You can follow more fine-grained lists of things that we're working on  
 * [Faraday](https://gitlab.coko.foundation/xpub/xpub-faraday/boards) for tasks related to `xpub-faraday` and  
@@ -21,7 +18,7 @@ You can follow more fine-grained lists of things that we're working on
 ## Installing
-In the root directory, run `yarn` to install all the dependencies.
+In the root directory, run `yarn` to install all the dependencies. 
 ## Configuration
 Add the following values to `packages/xpub-collabra/config/local-development.json`
@@ -34,10 +31,16 @@ Add the following values to `packages/xpub-collabra/config/local-development.jso
+xPub-faraday is using external services as AWS, MTS-FTP, Publons, ORCID. In order to run the app locally a `.env` file is mandatory with keys and settings for each service.
+Contact us at technology@hindawi.com for help getting setup.
 ## Running the app
-1. `cd packages/xpub-faraday`
-2. The first time you run the app, initialize the database with `yarn run setupdb` (press Enter when asked for a collection title, to skip that step).
+1. Open Docker engine
+2. `cd packages/xpub-faraday`
+3. start services with `yarn services`
+3. The first time you run the app, initialize the database with `yarn run setupdb` (press Enter when asked for a collection title, to skip that step).
 3. `yarn start`
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-selectors/src/index.js b/packages/component-faraday-selectors/src/index.js
index 925aac7a881fce50bf971f765a560042755bf468..fab299296f67b3f089781024a0c9a37c4dd7ed81 100644
--- a/packages/component-faraday-selectors/src/index.js
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-selectors/src/index.js
@@ -53,6 +53,7 @@ const cannotViewReviewersDetails = [
 export const canViewReviewersDetails = (state, collection = {}) => {
   if (cannotViewReviewersDetails.includes(get(collection, 'status', 'draft'))) {
     return false
@@ -60,6 +61,42 @@ export const canViewReviewersDetails = (state, collection = {}) => {
   return canViewReports(state, collection.id)
+const canHeViewEditorialCommentsStatuses = [
+  'revisionRequested',
+  'rejected',
+  'accepted',
+  'inQA',
+  'pendingApproval',
+export const canHeViewEditorialComments = (state, collection = {}) => {
+  const isHE = isHEToManuscript(state, collection.id)
+  const status = get(collection, 'status', 'draft')
+  return isHE && canHeViewEditorialCommentsStatuses.includes(status)
+const canEICViewEditorialCommentsStatuses = ['rejected', 'accepted', 'inQA']
+export const canEICViewEditorialComments = (state, collection = {}) => {
+  const isEIC = currentUserIs(state, 'adminEiC')
+  const status = get(collection, 'status', 'draft')
+  return isEIC && canEICViewEditorialCommentsStatuses.includes(status)
+export const canViewEditorialComments = (
+  state,
+  collection = {},
+  fragmentId,
+) => {
+  const editorialRecommentations = getFragmentEditorialComments(
+    state,
+    fragmentId,
+  )
+  return (
+    (canHeViewEditorialComments(state, collection) ||
+      canEICViewEditorialComments(state, collection)) &&
+    editorialRecommentations.length > 0
+  )
 export const getUserToken = ({ currentUser }) =>
   get(currentUser, 'user.token', '')
@@ -254,6 +291,10 @@ export const getFragmentReviewerRecommendations = (state, fragmentId) =>
   getFragmentRecommendations(state, fragmentId).filter(
     r => r.recommendationType === 'review',
+const getFragmentEditorialComments = (state, fragmentId) =>
+  getFragmentRecommendations(state, fragmentId).filter(
+    r => r.recommendationType === 'editorRecommendation',
+  )
 const getOwnRecommendations = (state, fragmentId) =>
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/EditorialReportCard.js b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/EditorialReportCard.js
index a294c039795914fe5e5333e95b395f938ee4f187..a89ca77499af8c0d0a6b6ceff3b6b5af97c617d5 100644
--- a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/EditorialReportCard.js
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/EditorialReportCard.js
@@ -9,26 +9,32 @@ import { Label, Item, Row, Text, Tag } from './'
 import { getReportComments } from './helpers'
 const EditorialReportCard = ({
+  publicLabel,
+  privateLabel,
-  reviewerName,
-  reviewerRole,
+  editorName,
+  editorRole,
   report: { createdOn, reviewer },
 }) => (
     <Row justify="space-between" mb={2}>
       <Item vertical>
-        <Label mb={1 / 2}>Decision</Label>
+        {editorRole === 'HE' ? (
+          <Label mb={1 / 2}>Recommendation</Label>
+        ) : (
+          <Label mb={1 / 2}>Decision</Label>
+        )}
       <Item justify="flex-end">
         {reviewer && (
-            <Text mr={1 / 2}>{reviewerName}</Text>
-            <Tag mr={2}>{reviewerRole}</Tag>
+            <Text mr={1 / 2}>{editorName}</Text>
+            <Tag mr={2}>{editorRole}</Tag>
         <DateParser timestamp={createdOn}>
@@ -40,7 +46,7 @@ const EditorialReportCard = ({
     {publicReport && (
       <Row mb={2}>
         <Item vertical>
-          <Label mb={1 / 2}>Message For Author</Label>
+          <Label mb={1 / 2}>{publicLabel}</Label>
@@ -49,7 +55,7 @@ const EditorialReportCard = ({
     {privateReport && (
       <Row mb={2}>
         <Item vertical>
-          <Label mb={1 / 2}>Message For Editorial Team</Label>
+          <Label mb={1 / 2}>{privateLabel}</Label>
@@ -85,8 +91,8 @@ export default compose(
       recommendation: getRecommendationLabel(),
       publicReport: getReportComments({ report, isPublic: true }),
       privateReport: getReportComments({ report, isPublic: false }),
-      reviewerName: getReviewerName(),
-      reviewerRole: getReviewerRole(),
+      editorName: getReviewerName(),
+      editorRole: getReviewerRole(),
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/EditorialReportCard.md b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/EditorialReportCard.md
index 26fd9dce55e7c917e5944b6baf617a3384c50407..0c81711ef2c425f242e7f7b7433347f78de2aa15 100644
--- a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/EditorialReportCard.md
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/EditorialReportCard.md
@@ -47,7 +47,12 @@ const journal = {
-;<EditorialReportCard report={report} journal={journal} />
+    report={report} 
+    journal={journal} 
+    publicLabel="Message For Author" 
+    privateLabel="Message For Editorial Team" 
+  />
 Card with message for the editorial team
@@ -97,7 +102,12 @@ const journal = {
-;<EditorialReportCard report={report} journal={journal} />
+    report={report} 
+    journal={journal} 
+    publicLabel="Message For Author" 
+    privateLabel="Message For Editorial Team"  
+  />
 Card with message for the editorial team and for the author
@@ -152,5 +162,11 @@ const journal = {
-;<EditorialReportCard report={report} journal={journal} />
+    report={report} 
+    journal={journal} 
+    publicLabel="Message For Author" 
+    privateLabel="Message For Editorial Team" 
+  />
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/PublonsTable.js b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/PublonsTable.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ed2ffa47ad5bface693c3f215619034c91ffce86
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/PublonsTable.js
@@ -0,0 +1,156 @@
+import React, { Fragment } from 'react'
+import { get, last, head } from 'lodash'
+import styled from 'styled-components'
+import { th } from '@pubsweet/ui-toolkit'
+import { Button, Spinner } from '@pubsweet/ui'
+import { compose, withHandlers, withProps } from 'recompose'
+import { Label, OpenModal, Text, withFetching } from '../'
+const TableView = ({
+  reviewers,
+  onInviteReviewer,
+  setFetching,
+  isFetching,
+  publonsError,
+}) => {
+  if (publonsError) {
+    return (
+      <Text align="center" error>
+        {publonsError}
+      </Text>
+    )
+  }
+  return reviewers.length === 0 ? (
+    <Text align="center">No suggestions yet.</Text>
+  ) : (
+    <Table>
+      <thead>
+        <tr>
+          <th>
+            <Label>Full Name</Label>
+          </th>
+          <th>
+            <Label>Affiliation</Label>
+          </th>
+          <th>
+            <Label>No. of Reviews</Label>
+          </th>
+          <th>&nbsp;</th>
+        </tr>
+      </thead>
+      <tbody>
+        {reviewers.map(reviewer => (
+          <TableRow key={reviewer.email}>
+            <td>
+              <Text>{`${get(reviewer, 'name', '')}`}</Text>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <Text>{`${get(reviewer, 'affiliation', '')}`}</Text>
+            </td>
+            <td>
+              <Text>{`${get(reviewer, 'reviews', '')}`}</Text>
+            </td>
+            <HiddenCell>
+              <OpenModal
+                confirmText="Invite"
+                isFetching={isFetching}
+                onConfirm={modalProps => onInviteReviewer(reviewer, modalProps)}
+                setFetching={setFetching}
+                title="Send invitation to review?"
+              >
+                {showModal => (
+                  <Button onClick={showModal} primary size="small">
+                    SEND
+                  </Button>
+                )}
+              </OpenModal>
+            </HiddenCell>
+          </TableRow>
+        ))}
+      </tbody>
+    </Table>
+  )
+const PublonsTable = ({ publonsFetching, ...rest }) => (
+  <Fragment>{publonsFetching ? <Spinner /> : <TableView {...rest} />}</Fragment>
+export default compose(
+  withFetching,
+  withProps(({ reviewers = [] }) => ({
+    reviewers,
+  })),
+  withHandlers({
+    onInviteReviewer: ({ onInvite }) => (reviewer, modalProps) => {
+      const names = reviewer.name.split(' ')
+      const newReviewer = {
+        email: reviewer.email,
+        role: 'reviewer',
+        firstName: head(names),
+        lastName: last(names),
+      }
+      onInvite(newReviewer, modalProps)
+    },
+  }),
+// #region styles
+const Table = styled.table`
+  border-collapse: collapse;
+  & thead {
+    border: 1px solid ${th('colorBorder')};
+    background-color: ${th('colorBackgroundHue2')};
+    padding-top: calc(${th('gridUnit')} * 2);
+  }
+  & th,
+  & td {
+    border: none;
+    padding-left: calc(${th('gridUnit')} * 2);
+    text-align: start;
+    vertical-align: middle;
+    height: calc(${th('gridUnit')} * 5);
+    min-width: calc(${th('gridUnit')} * 12);
+  }
+const HiddenCell = styled.td`
+  opacity: 0;
+  padding-top: ${th('gridUnit')};
+const HidableCell = styled.td`
+  opacity: 1;
+  padding-top: ${th('gridUnit')};
+const TableRow = styled.tr`
+  background-color: ${th('colorBackgroundHue2')};
+  border-bottom: 1px solid ${th('colorBorder')};
+  & td:first-child {
+    min-width: calc(${th('gridUnit')} * 20);
+  }
+  & td:last-child {
+    vertical-align: top;
+    text-align: right;
+    padding-right: calc(8px * 2);
+  }
+  &:hover {
+    background: ${th('colorBackgroundHue3')};
+    ${HiddenCell} {
+      opacity: 1;
+    }
+    ${HidableCell} {
+      opacity: 0;
+    }
+  }
+// #endregion
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/PublonsTable.md b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/PublonsTable.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f692c2e4740672589b4ff386c06e1f13c180315e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/PublonsTable.md
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+A list of publon reviewers.
+const reviewers = [
+  {
+    id: 0,
+    email: 'email1@email.com',
+    publishingName: 'Name1',
+    recentOrganizations: {
+      name: 'Org1'
+    },
+    numVerifiedReviews: '100'
+  },
+  {
+    id: 1,
+    email: 'email2@email.com',
+    publishingName: 'Name2',
+    recentOrganizations: {
+      name: 'Org2'
+    },
+    numVerifiedReviews: '200'
+  },
+  {
+    id: 2,
+    email: 'email3@email.com',
+    publishingName: 'Name3',
+    recentOrganizations: {
+      name: 'Org3'
+    },
+    numVerifiedReviews: '300'
+  },
+<PublonsTable reviewers={reviewers} onInviteReviwer={(reviewer, modalProps) => {
+  console.log('the reviewer', reviewer)
+  modalProps.setModalError('avem eroare boss')
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/ReviewersTable.js b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/ReviewersTable.js
index 901e657ebefcad468a49c2801c0485c6a7de8def..9f9e2aaa75309afd25084e94a65cbcf65e2c646b 100644
--- a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/ReviewersTable.js
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/ReviewersTable.js
@@ -83,7 +83,9 @@ const ReviewersTable = ({
   ) : (
-    <Text align="center">No reviewers invited yet.</Text>
+    <Text align="center" pb={2} pt={2}>
+      No reviewers invited yet.
+    </Text>
 const orderInvitations = i => {
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/contextualBoxes/ReviewerDetails.js b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/contextualBoxes/ReviewerDetails.js
index d64a8a58c009bf3d77b62b2f5e2367b371d389c9..8e242820b8a3077267b79efe84b7355b6d7029d0 100644
--- a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/contextualBoxes/ReviewerDetails.js
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/contextualBoxes/ReviewerDetails.js
@@ -12,6 +12,7 @@ import {
+  PublonsTable,
@@ -24,10 +25,14 @@ const ReviewerDetails = ({
   reports = [],
+  publonReviewers,
+  isFetching,
+  fetchingError,
+  onInvitePublonReviewer,
@@ -59,7 +64,16 @@ const ReviewerDetails = ({
                 <H4>Reviewer Details</H4>
+              {canInviteReviewers && (
+                <TabButton
+                  ml={1}
+                  mr={1}
+                  onClick={() => changeTab(2)}
+                  selected={selectedTab === 2}
+                >
+                  <H4>Reviewer Suggestions</H4>
+                </TabButton>
+              )}
@@ -86,6 +100,14 @@ const ReviewerDetails = ({
+              {selectedTab === 2 && (
+                <PublonsTable
+                  onInvite={onInvitePublonReviewer}
+                  publonsError={fetchingError}
+                  publonsFetching={isFetching}
+                  reviewers={publonReviewers}
+                />
+              )}
               {selectedTab === 1 && (
                   {reports.length === 0 && (
@@ -114,14 +136,22 @@ const ReviewerDetails = ({
 export default compose(
-  withProps(({ invitations = [], reviewerReports = [], currentUser }) => ({
-    token: get(currentUser, 'token', ''),
-    invitations: invitations.map(i => ({
-      ...i,
-      review: reviewerReports.find(r => r.userId === i.userId),
-    })),
-    reports: reviewerReports.filter(r => r.submittedOn),
-  })),
+  withProps(
+    ({
+      invitations = [],
+      publonReviewers = [],
+      reviewerReports = [],
+      currentUser,
+    }) => ({
+      token: get(currentUser, 'token', ''),
+      publonReviewers,
+      invitations: invitations.map(i => ({
+        ...i,
+        review: reviewerReports.find(r => r.userId === i.userId),
+      })),
+      reports: reviewerReports.filter(r => r.submittedOn),
+    }),
+  ),
   withProps(({ currentUser }) => ({
     canInviteReviewers: get(currentUser, 'permissions.canInviteReviewers'),
     canViewReviewersDetails: get(
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/index.js b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/index.js
index 9c505e4d598f0482be74d0c8d9de774572327b8d..263820a923f836e555affe74bed8bd51d6ea7b6d 100644
--- a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/index.js
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/index.js
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ export { default as Pagination } from './Pagination'
 export { default as PersonInfo } from './PersonInfo'
 export { default as PersonInvitation } from './PersonInvitation'
 export { default as PreviewFile } from './PreviewFile'
+export { default as PublonsTable } from './PublonsTable'
 export { default as RadioWithComments } from './RadioWithComments'
 export { default as ReviewerReport } from './ReviewerReport'
 export { default as ReviewersTable } from './ReviewersTable'
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/modals/MultiAction.js b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/modals/MultiAction.js
index d8359edec7d8bd613a5a8401ba4629092429ee8f..f441ad6ec0ac2d61aaa4fa968ac4d7648ef26d38 100644
--- a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/modals/MultiAction.js
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/modals/MultiAction.js
@@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ const MultiAction = ({
     {modalError && (
-      <Text error mt={1}>
+      <Text align="center" error mt={1}>
@@ -83,7 +83,7 @@ const Root = styled.div`
   flex-direction: column;
   position: relative;
   padding: calc(${th('gridUnit')} * 5);
-  width: calc(${th('gridUnit')} * 60);
+  width: calc(${th('gridUnit')} * 70);
   ${H2} {
     margin: 0 0 ${th('gridUnit')} 0;
diff --git a/packages/component-invite/src/FragmentsInvitations.js b/packages/component-invite/src/FragmentsInvitations.js
index 7a4d2507424cbeb5a5a0c0357779508fed009a8d..7e01cf30948ac41226e63f44571199461c0f106a 100644
--- a/packages/component-invite/src/FragmentsInvitations.js
+++ b/packages/component-invite/src/FragmentsInvitations.js
@@ -16,7 +16,12 @@ const FragmentsInvitations = app => {
    * @apiParamExample {json} Body
    *    {
    *      "email": "email@example.com",
-   *      "role": "reviewer", [acceptedValues: reviewer]
+   *      "role": "reviewer", [acceptedValues: reviewer],
+   *      "firstName": "Julien",
+   *      "lastName": "Hopfenkonig",
+   *      "affiliation": "UCLA",
+   *      "country": "RO"
+   *      "isPublons": false [Boolean]
    *    }
    * @apiSuccessExample {json} Success
    *    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
@@ -51,8 +56,8 @@ const FragmentsInvitations = app => {
    *    HTTP/1.1 200 OK
    *    [{
    *      "name": "John Smith",
-   *     "invitedOn": 1525428890167,
-   *     "respondedOn": 1525428890299,
+   *      "invitedOn": 1525428890167,
+   *      "respondedOn": 1525428890299,
    *      "email": "email@example.com",
    *      "status": "pending",
    *      "invitationId": "1990881"
diff --git a/packages/component-invite/src/routes/fragmentsInvitations/post.js b/packages/component-invite/src/routes/fragmentsInvitations/post.js
index b0935ef55d759310cdcc596e40e70353967370f9..2eab3d2d1642e1aed6f2a9384bbf11b9058fd993 100644
--- a/packages/component-invite/src/routes/fragmentsInvitations/post.js
+++ b/packages/component-invite/src/routes/fragmentsInvitations/post.js
@@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
 const logger = require('@pubsweet/logger')
 const {
@@ -122,10 +123,33 @@ module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
   } catch (e) {
     const userHelper = new User({ UserModel })
-    const newUser = await userHelper.createUser({
-      role,
-      body: req.body,
-    })
+    const userData = req.body
+    const { firstName = '', lastName = '', isPublons } = userData
+    if (!services.checkForUndefinedParams(firstName, lastName)) {
+      return res
+        .status(400)
+        .json({ error: 'First name and last name are required.' })
+    }
+    if (isPublons && process.env.PUBLONS_MOCK_EMAIL) {
+      const mockEmail = process.env.PUBLONS_MOCK_EMAIL
+      userData.email = mockEmail.replace(
+        '__NAME__',
+        `${firstName.trim()}.${lastName.trim()}`,
+      )
+    }
+    let newUser
+    try {
+      newUser = await userHelper.createUser({
+        role,
+        body: userData,
+      })
+    } catch (e) {
+      return res
+        .status(400)
+        .json({ error: `User already exists with email: ${userData.email}` })
+    }
     if (collection.status === 'heAssigned')
       await collectionHelper.updateStatus({ newStatus: 'reviewersInvited' })
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/EditorialCommentCard.js b/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/EditorialCommentCard.js
index 67c882a3bb8257f6ce5129c1b320fe1f1aa7686d..366200e4fba723bc2c2a7431b4d19b39ea0501b9 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/EditorialCommentCard.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/EditorialCommentCard.js
@@ -15,7 +15,13 @@ const EditorialCommentCard = ({ journal, reports = [], toggle, expanded }) => (
     {reports.map(report => (
-      <EditorialReportCard journal={journal} key={report.id} report={report} />
+      <EditorialReportCard
+        journal={journal}
+        key={report.id}
+        privateLabel="Message For Editorial Team"
+        publicLabel="Message For Author"
+        report={report}
+      />
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptLayout.js b/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptLayout.js
index dda691a1818b1bf2f31f221f257501684cb566ad..6c1cfc840e633a7eb86a685e7b0f7f2316eae15c 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptLayout.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptLayout.js
@@ -38,6 +38,7 @@ const ManuscriptLayout = ({
   fragment = {},
+  fetchingError,
@@ -50,13 +51,13 @@ const ManuscriptLayout = ({
+  publonReviewers,
-  heAccepted,
@@ -64,6 +65,7 @@ const ManuscriptLayout = ({
+  onInvitePublonReviewer,
 }) => (
   <Root pb={30}>
     {!isEmpty(collection) && !isEmpty(fragment) ? (
@@ -95,15 +97,14 @@ const ManuscriptLayout = ({
-        {get(currentUser, 'permissions.canViewReports', true) &&
-          !!editorialRecommendations.length && (
-            <EditorialCommentCard
-              expanded={heRecommendationExpanded}
-              journal={journal}
-              reports={editorialRecommendations}
-              toggle={toggleHeRecommendation}
-            />
-          )}
+        {get(currentUser, 'permissions.canViewEditorialComments', true) && (
+          <EditorialCommentCard
+            expanded={heRecommendationExpanded}
+            journal={journal}
+            reports={editorialRecommendations}
+            toggle={toggleHeRecommendation}
+          />
+        )}
         {submittedOwnRecommendation && (
@@ -163,15 +164,19 @@ const ManuscriptLayout = ({
+            fetchingError={fetchingError}
             highlight={reviewerReports.length === 0}
+            isFetching={isFetching.publonsFetching}
+            onInvitePublonReviewer={onInvitePublonReviewer}
+            publonReviewers={publonReviewers}
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptPage.js b/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptPage.js
index 7436b922ec943bf0d891b1c19b24a3c17d6e1750..912cab3e23ec4fe707dffe55fe8e41b96d755d9f 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptPage.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptPage.js
@@ -48,6 +48,7 @@ import {
+  canViewEditorialComments,
@@ -56,10 +57,19 @@ import {
 } from 'pubsweet-component-faraday-selectors'
-import { RemoteOpener, handleError } from 'pubsweet-component-faraday-ui'
+import {
+  RemoteOpener,
+  handleError,
+  withFetching,
+} from 'pubsweet-component-faraday-ui'
 import ManuscriptLayout from './ManuscriptLayout'
-import { parseEicDecision, parseSearchParams, redirectToError } from './utils'
+import {
+  parseEicDecision,
+  parseSearchParams,
+  redirectToError,
+  getPublonsReviewers,
+} from './utils'
 import {
@@ -74,6 +84,8 @@ export default compose(
+  withFetching,
+  withState('publonReviewers', 'setPublonsReviewers', []),
   withState('editorInChief', 'setEiC', 'N/A'),
   ConnectPage(({ match }) => [
     actions.getCollection({ id: match.params.project }),
@@ -136,6 +148,7 @@ export default compose(
+        isFetching,
     ) => ({
       currentUser: {
@@ -154,6 +167,11 @@ export default compose(
           canAssignHE: canAssignHE(state, match.params.project),
           canViewReports: canViewReports(state, match.params.project),
+          canViewEditorialComments: canViewEditorialComments(
+            state,
+            collection,
+            match.params.version,
+          ),
           canInviteReviewers: canInviteReviewers(state, collection),
           canMakeRecommendation: !isUndefined(pendingOwnRecommendation),
           canMakeRevision: canMakeRevision(state, collection, fragment),
@@ -165,6 +183,7 @@ export default compose(
       isFetching: {
         editorsFetching: selectFetching(state),
+        publonsFetching: isFetching,
       formValues: {
         eicDecision: getFormValues('eic-decision')(state),
@@ -196,6 +215,22 @@ export default compose(
       getFragment(collection, fragment)
+    getPublonsReviewers: ({ clearError, setFetching, setPublonsReviewers }) => (
+      fragmentId,
+      errorFn,
+    ) => {
+      clearError()
+      setFetching(true)
+      getPublonsReviewers(fragmentId)
+        .then(res => {
+          setFetching(false)
+          setPublonsReviewers(res)
+        })
+        .catch(e => {
+          setFetching(false)
+          handleError(errorFn)(e)
+        })
+    },
     updateManuscript: ({ updateVersion, collection, fragment }) => data =>
@@ -403,6 +438,35 @@ export default compose(
+  withHandlers({
+    onInvitePublonReviewer: ({
+      setError,
+      fragment,
+      collection,
+      clearError,
+      getPublonsReviewers,
+      fetchUpdatedCollection,
+      setFetching: setListFetching,
+    }) => (reviewerData, { hideModal, setModalError, setFetching }) => {
+      setFetching(true)
+      inviteReviewer({
+        reviewerData,
+        isPublons: true,
+        fragmentId: fragment.id,
+        collectionId: collection.id,
+      })
+        .then(() => {
+          setFetching(false)
+          hideModal()
+          fetchUpdatedCollection()
+          getPublonsReviewers(fragment.id)
+        })
+        .catch(err => {
+          setFetching(false)
+          handleError(setModalError)(err)
+        })
+    },
+  }),
   fromRenderProps(RemoteOpener, ({ toggle, expanded }) => ({
     toggleAssignHE: toggle,
     heExpanded: expanded,
@@ -438,11 +502,13 @@ export default compose(
       const {
+        setError,
+        getPublonsReviewers,
@@ -451,8 +517,10 @@ export default compose(
+          permissions: { canInviteReviewers },
       } = this.props
       if (hasManuscriptFailure) {
@@ -472,6 +540,10 @@ export default compose(
+      if (canInviteReviewers) {
+        getPublonsReviewers(fragmentId, setError)
+      }
       if (isInvitedHE) {
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/utils.js b/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/utils.js
index 4a3a4edef0f9f15156c27517ca4c0577ffd6b608..8d9a2d6cc3ad46d4304e2fc07dcfb57731c49c3b 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/utils.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/utils.js
@@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ import { change as changeForm } from 'redux-form'
 import { actions } from 'pubsweet-client/src'
 import { handleError } from 'pubsweet-component-faraday-ui'
+import { get as apiGet } from 'pubsweet-client/src/helpers/api'
 import {
@@ -210,6 +211,7 @@ export const onReviewSubmit = (
         collectionId: project.id,
         recommendation: newValues,
+        .then(() => dispatch(actions.getCollection({ id: project.id })))
         .then(() => {
           dispatch(actions.getFragments({ id: project.id }))
@@ -275,7 +277,6 @@ export const onRevisionSubmit = (
     onCancel: hideModal,
 // revision validators
 export const requiredHTML = value => {
   if (value && value.replace('<p></p>', '').replace('<h1></h1>', '')) {
@@ -303,3 +304,7 @@ export const parseEicDecision = ({ decision, message }) => ({
+// handle publons
+export const getPublonsReviewers = fragmentId =>
+  apiGet(`/fragments/${fragmentId}/publons`)
diff --git a/packages/component-publons/src/routes/publons/get.js b/packages/component-publons/src/routes/publons/get.js
index 2dcf6739e57c40f2626618b87560be3500564222..5335e50a30bce8def83c53daa5bc45b9cf72f0cc 100644
--- a/packages/component-publons/src/routes/publons/get.js
+++ b/packages/component-publons/src/routes/publons/get.js
@@ -40,7 +40,8 @@ module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
       fragmentId: fragment.id,
     const parsedFragment = await fragmentHelper.getFragmentData()
-    const memberIds = await teamHelper.getTeamMembers({
+    let memberIds = []
+    memberIds = await teamHelper.getTeamMembers({
       role: 'reviewer',
       objectType: 'fragment',
diff --git a/packages/component-wizard/src/components/SubmissionStatement.js b/packages/component-wizard/src/components/SubmissionStatement.js
index cdbc630458e7808c29651a8bd83520d476f30301..4769604cea17f535dd3b4fb239361d5bdc8b154d 100644
--- a/packages/component-wizard/src/components/SubmissionStatement.js
+++ b/packages/component-wizard/src/components/SubmissionStatement.js
@@ -3,23 +3,13 @@ import { ActionLink, Text, Row } from 'pubsweet-component-faraday-ui'
 const SubmissionStatement = () => (
-    <Row mb={1}>
+    <Row mb={1} mt={2}>
         This manuscript is not currently submitted to or under consideration in
         any other journals.
-    <Row mb={1}>
-      <Text>
-        The submission ensures that sources are given proper attribution (the
-        journal employs <b>Crossref Similarity Check</b> to compare submissions
-        against published scholarly content. If, in the judgement of an editor,
-        a submission is genuinely suspected of plagiarism, it will be returned
-        to the author(s) with a request for explanation).
-      </Text>
-    </Row>
     <Row mb={1}>
         The manuscript complies with all relevant{' '}
@@ -29,28 +19,13 @@ const SubmissionStatement = () => (
-    <Row mb={1}>
-      <Text>
-        If applicable - there is a Data Availability statement, containing
-        information about the location of any open data and materials in the
-        manuscript, and how others can access the data.
-      </Text>
-    </Row>
-    <Row mb={1}>
-      <Text>
-        A conflict of interest statement is present in the manuscript, even if
-        to state there is no conflict of interest.
-      </Text>
-    </Row>
-    <Row mb={1}>
+    <Row mb={3}>
         You have read and understood the{' '}
         <ActionLink to="https://www.hindawi.com/terms/">
           terms of service
-        </ActionLink>
-        {' & '}
+        </ActionLink>{' '}
+        and{' '}
         <ActionLink to="https://www.hindawi.com/privacy/">
           privacy policy
         </ActionLink>{' '}
diff --git a/packages/components-faraday/src/components/SignUp/SignUpStep0.js b/packages/components-faraday/src/components/SignUp/SignUpStep0.js
index 0c7e9ec11627bbee30c7d934bf6b4e458cd84a19..51edb75af1575d53e615c6cff9db1f7081b682ca 100644
--- a/packages/components-faraday/src/components/SignUp/SignUpStep0.js
+++ b/packages/components-faraday/src/components/SignUp/SignUpStep0.js
@@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ import { reduxForm } from 'redux-form'
 import { get, isUndefined } from 'lodash'
 import { required as requiredValidator } from 'xpub-validators'
 import { Menu, Button, Checkbox, TextField, ValidatedField } from '@pubsweet/ui'
+import styled from 'styled-components'
 import {
@@ -16,7 +17,7 @@ import {
 } from 'pubsweet-component-faraday-ui'
 const AgreeCheckbox = ({ value, onChange }) => (
-  <Row alignItems="center" justify="flex-start" mb={4} mt={3}>
+  <Row alignItems="center" justify="flex-start" mb={3} mt={3}>
     <Checkbox checked={value} onChange={onChange} value={value} />
       I agree with the{' '}
@@ -26,6 +27,9 @@ const AgreeCheckbox = ({ value, onChange }) => (
+const ValidationRow = styled(Row)`
+  justify-content: left;
 const Step0 = ({
@@ -98,11 +102,13 @@ const Step0 = ({
-      <ValidatedField
-        component={AgreeCheckbox}
-        name="agreeTC"
-        validate={[requiredValidator]}
-      />
+      <ValidationRow mb={2}>
+        <ValidatedField
+          component={AgreeCheckbox}
+          name="agreeTC"
+          validate={[requiredValidator]}
+        />
+      </ValidationRow>
         <Text secondary small>
diff --git a/packages/components-faraday/src/redux/reviewers.js b/packages/components-faraday/src/redux/reviewers.js
index 7542b980da4cdb1aaab21256f0b85bca2cabfb3d..4cb9dd209e6d8d922a0e3ca394698743754b61c2 100644
--- a/packages/components-faraday/src/redux/reviewers.js
+++ b/packages/components-faraday/src/redux/reviewers.js
@@ -59,10 +59,16 @@ export const getCollectionReviewers = (collectionId, fragmentId) => dispatch =>
 // #endregion
-export const inviteReviewer = ({ reviewerData, collectionId, fragmentId }) =>
+export const inviteReviewer = ({
+  fragmentId,
+  reviewerData,
+  collectionId,
+  isPublons = false,
+}) =>
   create(`/collections/${collectionId}/fragments/${fragmentId}/invitations`, {
     role: 'reviewer',
+    isPublons,
 // #region Actions - invitations
diff --git a/packages/xpub-faraday/config/authsome-helpers.js b/packages/xpub-faraday/config/authsome-helpers.js
index f44cf22496e43c2a4428dfa51e2ee4acf99c0d91..c97f8b89a8f9acb1b7b626e5fc5b79636889bf65 100644
--- a/packages/xpub-faraday/config/authsome-helpers.js
+++ b/packages/xpub-faraday/config/authsome-helpers.js
@@ -180,6 +180,17 @@ const stripeFragmentByRole = ({
           ? recommendations.filter(r => r.userId === user.id)
           : [],
+    case 'handlingEditor':
+      return {
+        ...fragment,
+        recommendations: recommendations
+          ? recommendations.filter(
+              r =>
+                r.submittedOn ||
+                r.recommendationType === 'editorRecommendation',
+            )
+          : [],
+      }
       return fragment
diff --git a/packages/xpub-faraday/tests/config/authsome-helpers.test.js b/packages/xpub-faraday/tests/config/authsome-helpers.test.js
index 82e6978c47a3d5f509dae9d86b9f14d6b377eccd..58aa8b2b798660dda269a16c8819a9126adf24c0 100644
--- a/packages/xpub-faraday/tests/config/authsome-helpers.test.js
+++ b/packages/xpub-faraday/tests/config/authsome-helpers.test.js
@@ -88,81 +88,129 @@ describe('Authsome Helpers', () => {
-  it('stripeFragment - reviewer should not see authors email', () => {
-    const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
-    const result = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({ fragment, role: 'reviewer' })
-    const { authors = [] } = result
-    expect(authors[0].email).toBeFalsy()
-  })
-  it('stripeFragment - other roles than reviewer should see authors emails', () => {
-    const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
-    const result = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({ fragment, role: 'author' })
-    const { authors = [] } = result
+  describe('stripeFragmentByRole', () => {
+    it('reviewer should not see authors email', () => {
+      const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
+      const result = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({ fragment, role: 'reviewer' })
+      const { authors = [] } = result
+      expect(authors[0].email).toBeFalsy()
+    })
+    it('other roles than reviewer should see authors emails', () => {
+      const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
+      const result = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({ fragment, role: 'author' })
+      const { authors = [] } = result
-    expect(authors[0].email).toBeTruthy()
-  })
+      expect(authors[0].email).toBeTruthy()
+    })
-  it('stripeFragment - reviewer should not see cover letter', () => {
-    const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
-    const result = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({ fragment, role: 'reviewer' })
-    const { files = {} } = result
-    expect(files.coverLetter).toBeFalsy()
-  })
-  it('stripeFragment - reviewer should not see others reviews', () => {
-    const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
-    const result = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({ fragment, role: 'reviewer' })
-    const { recommendations } = result
-    expect(recommendations).toEqual([])
-  })
+    it('reviewer should not see cover letter', () => {
+      const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
+      const result = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({ fragment, role: 'reviewer' })
+      const { files = {} } = result
+      expect(files.coverLetter).toBeFalsy()
+    })
+    it('reviewer should not see others reviews', () => {
+      const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
+      const result = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({ fragment, role: 'reviewer' })
+      const { recommendations } = result
+      expect(recommendations).toEqual([])
+    })
-  it('stripeFragment - author should not see recommendations if a decision has not been made', () => {
-    const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
-    fragment.recommendations = [
-      {
-        comments: [
-          {
-            content: 'private',
-            public: false,
-          },
-          {
-            content: 'public',
-            public: true,
-          },
-        ],
-      },
-    ]
-    const { recommendations } = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({
-      fragment,
-      role: 'author',
-      status: 'underReview',
-      isLast: true,
-    })
-    expect(recommendations).toHaveLength(0)
-  })
-  it('stripeFragment - author should see reviews only if recommendation has been made and only public ones', () => {
-    const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
-    fragment.recommendations = [
-      {
-        comments: [
-          {
-            content: 'private',
-            public: false,
-          },
-          {
-            content: 'public',
-            public: true,
-          },
-        ],
-      },
-    ]
-    const result = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({
-      fragment,
-      role: 'author',
-      status: 'revisionRequested',
-    })
-    const publicComments = get(result, 'recommendations[0].comments')
-    expect(publicComments).toHaveLength(1)
+    it('author should not see recommendations if a decision has not been made', () => {
+      const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
+      fragment.recommendations = [
+        {
+          comments: [
+            {
+              content: 'private',
+              public: false,
+            },
+            {
+              content: 'public',
+              public: true,
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+      ]
+      const { recommendations } = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({
+        fragment,
+        role: 'author',
+        status: 'underReview',
+        isLast: true,
+      })
+      expect(recommendations).toHaveLength(0)
+    })
+    it('author should see reviews only if recommendation has been made and only public ones', () => {
+      const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
+      fragment.recommendations = [
+        {
+          comments: [
+            {
+              content: 'private',
+              public: false,
+            },
+            {
+              content: 'public',
+              public: true,
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+      ]
+      const result = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({
+        fragment,
+        role: 'author',
+        status: 'revisionRequested',
+      })
+      const publicComments = get(result, 'recommendations[0].comments')
+      expect(publicComments).toHaveLength(1)
+    })
+    it('HE should not see unsubmitted recommendations', () => {
+      const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
+      fragment.recommendations = [
+        {
+          comments: [
+            {
+              content: 'private',
+              public: false,
+            },
+            {
+              content: 'public',
+              public: true,
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+      ]
+      const { recommendations } = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({
+        fragment,
+        role: 'handlingEditor',
+      })
+      expect(recommendations).toHaveLength(0)
+    })
+    it('HE should see submitted recommendations', () => {
+      const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
+      fragment.recommendations = [
+        {
+          comments: [
+            {
+              content: 'private',
+              public: false,
+            },
+            {
+              content: 'public',
+              public: true,
+            },
+          ],
+          submittedOn: 1122333,
+        },
+      ]
+      const { recommendations } = ah.stripeFragmentByRole({
+        fragment,
+        role: 'handlingEditor',
+      })
+      expect(recommendations).toHaveLength(1)
+    })
   it('getUsersList - should return parsed users when the user is admin', async () => {
     const { admin } = testFixtures.users
     const parsedUsers = await ah.getUsersList({