diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/emailCopy.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/emailCopy.js
index 56d672c3325fe9dee1ae5892a19a04ca8c6b37a6..d4046f5a95f38e0c56bca849133118d98ccbd421 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/emailCopy.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/emailCopy.js
@@ -8,8 +8,8 @@ const getEmailCopy = ({
   let hasLink = true
   switch (emailType) {
     case 'author-request-to-revision':
-      paragraph = `In order for ${titleText} to proceed to publication, there needs to be a revision. <br/><br/>
-      ${comments}<br/><br/>
+      paragraph = `In order for ${titleText} to proceed to publication, there needs to be a revision. <br/>
+      ${comments}<br/>
         For more information about what is required, please visit the manuscript details page.`
     case 'author-manuscript-rejected':
@@ -41,8 +41,8 @@ const getEmailCopy = ({
     case 'accepted-reviewers-after-recommendation':
       hasLink = false
       paragraph = `I appreciate any time you may have spent reviewing ${titleText}. However, an editorial decision has been made and the review of this manuscript is now complete. I apologize for any inconvenience. <br/>
-      If you have comments on this manuscript you believe the Editor should see, please email them to Hindawi as soon as possible. <br/>
-      Thank you for your interest and I hope you will consider reviewing for Hindawi again.`
+        If you have comments on this manuscript you believe the Editor should see, please email them to Hindawi as soon as possible. <br/>
+        Thank you for your interest and I hope you will consider reviewing for Hindawi again.`
     case 'pending-reviewers-after-recommendation':
       hasLink = false
@@ -60,7 +60,22 @@ const getEmailCopy = ({
       If you have any queries about this decision, then please email them to Hindawi as soon as possible.`
     case 'he-review-submitted':
-      paragraph = `We are pleased to inform you that Dr. ${targetUserName} has submitted a review for ${titleText}.`
+      paragraph = `We are pleased to inform you that Dr. ${targetUserName} has submitted a review for ${titleText}.<br/>
+      Please visit the manuscript details page to see the full review.`
+      break
+    case 'eic-recommend-to-publish-from-he':
+      paragraph = `It is my recommendation, based on the reviews I have received for ${titleText} that we should proceed to publication.<br/>
+        ${comments}<br/>
+        For more information, and to see the full review, please visit the manuscript details page.`
+      break
+    case 'eic-recommend-to-reject-from-he':
+      paragraph = `It is my recommendation, based on the reviews I have received for ${titleText} that we should reject it for publication.<br/>
+        ${comments}<br/>
+        For more information, and to see the full review, please visit the manuscript details page.`
+      break
+    case 'eic-request-revision-from-he':
+      paragraph = `In order for ${titleText} to proceed to publication, there needs to be a revision. <br/><br/>
+        For more information about what is required, please visit the manuscript details page.`
       throw new Error(`The ${emailType} email type is not defined.`)
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/notifications.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/notifications.js
index ac1e57c293f884bd7c443d789439d8bf4fe8bb9b..ef6033c77ff3828f90d71c843fddf047d3f1aa58 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/notifications.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/notifications.js
@@ -36,17 +36,22 @@ module.exports = {
     const email = new Email({
       type: 'user',
       content: {
-        signatureName: get(collection, 'handlingEditor.name', 'Hindawi'),
+        unsubscribeLink: baseUrl,
+        ctaText: 'MANUSCRIPT DETAILS',
+        signatureName: get(collection, 'handlingEditor.name', 'N/A'),
         ctaLink: services.createUrl(
-        ctaText: 'MANUSCRIPT DETAILS',
     const userHelper = new User({ UserModel })
-    const { firstName, lastName } = await userHelper.getEditorInChief()
+    const {
+      email: eicEmail,
+      firstName,
+      lastName,
+    } = await userHelper.getEditorInChief()
     const eicName = `${firstName} ${lastName}`
     let comments
@@ -61,6 +66,7 @@ module.exports = {
     if (isEditorInChief || newRecommendation.recommendationType === 'review') {
+      // the request came from either the Editor in Chief or a reviewer, so the HE needs to be notified
@@ -99,7 +105,17 @@ module.exports = {
         recommendation: newRecommendation.recommendation,
-        handlingEditorName: get(collection, 'handlingEditor.name', 'Faraday'),
+        handlingEditorName: get(collection, 'handlingEditor.name', 'N/A'),
+      })
+      sendEiCEmail({
+        email,
+        baseUrl,
+        eicName,
+        eicEmail,
+        titleText,
+        subjectBaseText,
+        recommendation: newRecommendation,
@@ -319,6 +335,50 @@ const sendReviewersEmail = async ({
+const sendEiCEmail = ({
+  email,
+  eicName,
+  eicEmail,
+  titleText,
+  recommendation,
+  subjectBaseText,
+}) => {
+  let emailType
+  email.content.subject = `${subjectBaseText} Recommendation`
+  switch (recommendation.recommendation) {
+    case 'minor':
+    case 'major':
+      emailType = 'eic-request-revision-from-he'
+      break
+    case 'publish':
+      emailType = 'eic-recommend-to-publish-from-he'
+      break
+    case 'reject':
+      emailType = 'eic-recommend-to-reject-from-he'
+      break
+    default:
+      throw new Error(`undefined recommendation: ${recommendation} `)
+  }
+  email.toUser = {
+    email: eicEmail,
+    name: eicName,
+  }
+  const privateNote = recommendation.comments.find(comm => comm.private)
+  const content = get(privateNote, 'content')
+  const comments = content ? `Note to Editor: "${content}"` : ''
+  const { html, text } = email.getBody({
+    body: getEmailCopy({
+      emailType,
+      titleText,
+      comments,
+    }),
+  })
+  email.sendEmail({ html, text })
 const getSubjectByRecommendation = recommendation =>
   ['minor', 'major'].includes(recommendation)
     ? 'Revision Requested'