diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 9c152d890454848bafbc561c1f2792ed1a24c5d0..5c22e341568e8732b15ae36f023533bcd467771b 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -17,18 +17,18 @@ Note: xpub is still _very_ new. This repository contains an initial set of compo
 ## xpub packages
+* `xpub-connect`: a helper component for connecting pages to data
 * `xpub-edit`: WYSIWYG editors for use in xpub forms
-* `xpub-fonts`: fonts for use in xpub applications
 * `xpub-journal`: a helper that provides journal config to components
 * `xpub-selectors`: some useful redux selectors
 * `xpub-styleguide`: components for use in react-styleguidist
+* `xpub-theme`: fonts and styles for use in xpub applications
 * `xpub-ui`: a library of user interface elements for use in PubSweet components
 * `xpub-upload`: a helper function for file uploading
+* `xpub-validators`: validator functions for use with redux-form
 ## Installing
-Run `yarn config set workspaces-experimental true` to enable yarn workspaces.
 In the root directory, run `yarn` to install all the dependencies.
 ## Configuration