diff --git a/packages/component-email/src/routes/emails/notifications.js b/packages/component-email/src/routes/emails/notifications.js
index e5783fd5e02ea2586a854a7836fb2096495c2fb0..1a89afff1ae771239a7fd6b6dba64a493b96f414 100644
--- a/packages/component-email/src/routes/emails/notifications.js
+++ b/packages/component-email/src/routes/emails/notifications.js
@@ -11,8 +11,7 @@ const { getEmailCopy } = require('./emailCopy')
 module.exports = {
   async sendNotifications({ user, baseUrl, role, UserModel }) {
     const userHelper = new User({ UserModel })
-    const { firstName, lastName } = await userHelper.getEditorsInChief()
-    const eicName = `${firstName} ${lastName}`
+    const eicName = await userHelper.getEiCName()
     const email = new Email({
       type: 'user',
diff --git a/packages/component-helper-service/src/services/email/templates/partials/button.hbs b/packages/component-helper-service/src/services/email/templates/partials/button.hbs
index 3b78683c484d20b9bdfcf72d7b68e9490ba04230..5b8b0493173d905c8a8a98322e4da5b0173a7302 100644
--- a/packages/component-helper-service/src/services/email/templates/partials/button.hbs
+++ b/packages/component-helper-service/src/services/email/templates/partials/button.hbs
@@ -6,8 +6,8 @@
         <table border="0" cellPadding="0" cellSpacing="0" class="button-css__deep-table___2OZyb wrapper-mobile" style="text-align:center">
-              <td align="center" bgcolor="#0d78f2" class="inner-td" style="border-radius:6px;font-size:16px;text-align:center;background-color:inherit">
-                <a href="{{ ctaLink }}" style="background-color:#0d78f2;border:1px solid #333333;border-color:#0d78f2;border-radius:0px;border-width:1px;color:#ffffff;display:inline-block;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:16px;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:0px;line-height:16px;padding:12px 18px 12px 18px;text-align:center;text-decoration:none"
+              <td align="center" bgcolor="#63a945" class="inner-td" style="border-radius:6px;font-size:16px;text-align:center;background-color:inherit">
+                <a href="{{ ctaLink }}" style="background-color:#63a945;border:1px solid #333333;border-color:#63a945;border-radius:0px;border-width:1px;color:#ffffff;display:inline-block;font-family:arial,helvetica,sans-serif;font-size:16px;font-weight:normal;letter-spacing:0px;line-height:16px;padding:12px 18px 12px 18px;text-align:center;text-decoration:none"
                   target="_blank">{{ ctaText }}</a>
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragments/notifications/emailCopy.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragments/notifications/emailCopy.js
index 6b7c64bcf95b2803bea159ba981f35817f150ea0..2f438381c22a6fbb03c602df9b76ec946790d916 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragments/notifications/emailCopy.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragments/notifications/emailCopy.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 const getEmailCopy = ({ emailType, titleText, expectedDate, customId }) => {
   let paragraph
+  const hasLink = true
   switch (emailType) {
     case 'he-new-version-submitted':
       paragraph = `A new version of ${titleText} has been submitted.
@@ -14,11 +15,25 @@ const getEmailCopy = ({ emailType, titleText, expectedDate, customId }) => {
     case 'eqs-manuscript-submitted':
       paragraph = `Manuscript ID ${customId} has been submitted and a package has been sent. Please click on the link below to either approve or reject the manuscript:`
+    case 'coauthors-manuscript-submitted':
+      paragraph = `${titleText} has been received.<br/>
+        Please verify your details by clicking the link below.<br/>
+        Once confirmed, you will also be able to view the status and progress of the manuscript.<br/>
+        Thank you for submitting your work to Hindawi. <br/>
+      `
+      break
+    case 'submitting-author-manuscript-submitted':
+      paragraph = `Congratulations, ${titleText} has been successfully submitted.<br/>
+        All authors will receive correspondence regarding this manuscript, though only you will be able to make updates.<br/>
+        In order to view the status of the manuscript, please click the link below.<br/>
+        Thank you for submitting your work to Hindawi. <br/>
+      `
+      break
       throw new Error(`The ${emailType} email type is not defined.`)
-  return { paragraph, hasLink: true }
+  return { paragraph, hasLink }
 module.exports = {
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragments/notifications/notifications.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragments/notifications/notifications.js
index ee0f6f2918511fe268a35a1b9bca28c6e8d9e4c9..00e10fb91d49f7bf89b8374c019bced5139ed6ce 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragments/notifications/notifications.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragments/notifications/notifications.js
@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ const {
 } = require('pubsweet-component-helper-service')
+const resetPath = config.get('invite-reset-password.url')
 const { getEmailCopy } = require('./emailCopy')
 const unsubscribeSlug = config.get('unsubscribe.url')
@@ -27,7 +28,10 @@ module.exports = {
     const parsedFragment = await fragmentHelper.getFragmentData({
       handlingEditor: collection.handlingEditor,
-    const { submittingAuthor } = await fragmentHelper.getAuthorData({
+    const {
+      submittingAuthor,
+      activeAuthors: authors,
+    } = await fragmentHelper.getAuthorData({
@@ -80,6 +84,16 @@ module.exports = {
+      sendAuthorsEmail({
+        email,
+        baseUrl,
+        titleText,
+        UserModel,
+        subjectBaseText,
+        fragmentId: fragment.id,
+        fragmentAuthors: authors,
+        collectionId: collection.id,
+      })
@@ -191,3 +205,78 @@ const sendEQSEmail = ({
   email.sendEmail({ html, text })
+const sendAuthorsEmail = async ({
+  email,
+  baseUrl,
+  customId,
+  UserModel,
+  titleText,
+  fragmentId,
+  collectionId,
+  fragmentAuthors,
+}) => {
+  email.content.subject = 'Manuscript Sumbmitted'
+  const userEmailData = await Promise.all(
+    fragmentAuthors.map(async author => {
+      const user = await UserModel.find(author.id)
+      return {
+        ...author,
+        isConfirmed: user.isConfirmed,
+        ...getEmailCopy({
+          customId,
+          emailType: author.isSubmitting
+            ? 'submitting-author-manuscript-submitted'
+            : 'coauthors-manuscript-submitted',
+          titleText: author.isSubmitting
+            ? titleText
+            : titleText.replace(/^\w/, firstChar => firstChar.toUpperCase()),
+        }),
+      }
+    }),
+  )
+  userEmailData.forEach(author => {
+    email.toUser = {
+      email: author.email,
+      name: `${author.firstName} ${author.lastName}`,
+    }
+    email.content.unsubscribeLink = services.createUrl(
+      baseUrl,
+      unsubscribeSlug,
+      {
+        id: author.id,
+      },
+    )
+    if (author.isSubmitting) {
+      email.content.ctaLink = services.createUrl(
+        baseUrl,
+        `/projects/${collectionId}/versions/${fragmentId}/details`,
+      )
+      email.content.ctaText = 'MANUSCRIPT DETAILS'
+    } else if (author.isConfirmed) {
+      email.content.ctaLink = services.createUrl(baseUrl, '')
+      email.content.ctaText = 'LOGIN'
+    } else {
+      email.content.ctaLink = services.createUrl(baseUrl, resetPath, {
+        email: author.email,
+        token: author.passwordResetToken,
+        firstName: author.firstName,
+        lastName: author.lastName,
+        affiliation: author.affiliation,
+        title: author.title,
+      })
+      email.content.ctaText = 'CONFIRM ACCOUNT'
+    }
+    const { html, text } = email.getBody({
+      body: {
+        paragraph: author.paragraph,
+        hasLink: author.hasLink,
+      },
+    })
+    email.sendEmail({ html, text })
+  })
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/notifications/notifications.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/notifications/notifications.js
index 89cc1d71180c06f2fed6c78f2650a974ec8501ea..d130afb1506b1cabc01f24df626b066fdd726815 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/notifications/notifications.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/notifications/notifications.js
@@ -58,17 +58,9 @@ module.exports = {
-    if (isEQA && agree) {
-      const eicName = await userHelper.getEiCName()
-      email.content.signatureName = eicName
+    if (agree && isEQA) {
+      email.content.signatureName = await userHelper.getEiCName()
-      sendAuthorsEmail({
-        email,
-        baseUrl,
-        titleText,
-        subjectBaseText,
-        fragmentAuthors: authors,
-      })
@@ -84,6 +76,14 @@ module.exports = {
+      sendAuthorsEmail({
+        email,
+        baseUrl,
+        titleText,
+        subjectBaseText,
+        fragmentAuthors: authors,
+      })
     } else {
       sendEditorsEmail({ email, agree, comments, userHelper, titleText })
diff --git a/packages/component-user-manager/src/routes/fragmentsUsers/post.js b/packages/component-user-manager/src/routes/fragmentsUsers/post.js
index f4f0608f01eeaf8b849b636963197cd2a80a4495..7337aace0f394ee7c83561c91afef9f92472afc2 100644
--- a/packages/component-user-manager/src/routes/fragmentsUsers/post.js
+++ b/packages/component-user-manager/src/routes/fragmentsUsers/post.js
@@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
 const { pick } = require('lodash')
-const notifications = require('./emails/notifications')
 const {
@@ -47,7 +46,7 @@ module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
       error: notFoundError.message,
-  const baseUrl = services.getBaseUrl(req)
   const UserModel = models.User
   const teamHelper = new Team({ TeamModel: models.Team, fragmentId })
   const fragmentHelper = new Fragment({ fragment })
@@ -92,14 +91,9 @@ module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
-    notifications.sendNotifications({
-      user,
-      baseUrl,
-      fragment,
-      collection,
-      reqUserId: req.user,
-      UserModel: models.User,
-    })
+    /*
+      TO DO: send email to SA when an Admin submits a manuscript on his behalf
+    */
     return res.status(200).json({
       ...pick(user, authorKeys),
@@ -131,14 +125,9 @@ module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
-      notifications.sendNotifications({
-        baseUrl,
-        fragment,
-        collection,
-        user: newUser,
-        reqUserId: req.user,
-        UserModel: models.User,
-      })
+      /*
+        TO DO: send email to SA when an Admin submits a manuscript on his behalf
+      */
       if (!collection.owners.includes(newUser.id)) {