diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-selectors/src/index.js b/packages/component-faraday-selectors/src/index.js
index 294058e27c0ed9a4636a5075bb6301aae1913a1a..728b2e28a08eb1572980a1879a27e4a6e5eb98f5 100644
--- a/packages/component-faraday-selectors/src/index.js
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-selectors/src/index.js
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import { selectCurrentUser } from 'xpub-selectors'
-import { get, has, last, chain, some, isEmpty } from 'lodash'
+// eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars
+import { get, has, last, chain, some, isEmpty, flatten } from 'lodash'
 export const isHEToManuscript = (state, collectionId = '') => {
   const { id = '', isAccepted = false } = chain(state)
@@ -229,6 +230,34 @@ export const canMakeDecision = (state, collection = {}) => {
   return isEIC && canMakeDecisionStatuses.includes(status)
+const collectionReviewerReports = state =>
+  chain(state)
+    .get('fragments', {})
+    .map(r => get(r, 'recommendations', []))
+    .flatten()
+    .find(r => r.recommendationType === 'review' && r.submittedOn)
+    .value()
+const cannotHEMakeRecommendationToPublishStatuses = ['heInvited']
+export const canHEMakeRecommendationToPublish = (state, collection = {}) => {
+  const status = get(collection, 'status', 'draft')
+  return (
+    !!collectionReviewerReports(state) ||
+    cannotHEMakeRecommendationToPublishStatuses.includes(status)
+  )
+const canHEOnlyRejectStatuses = [
+  'reviewersInvited',
+  'underReview',
+  'revisionRequested',
+export const canHEOnlyReject = (collection = {}) => {
+  const { status } = collection
+  return canHEOnlyRejectStatuses.includes(status)
 const canEditManuscriptStatuses = ['draft', 'technicalChecks', 'inQA']
 export const canEditManuscript = (state, collection = {}, fragment = {}) => {
   const isAdmin = currentUserIs(state, 'isAdmin')
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/contextualBoxes/HERecommendation.js b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/contextualBoxes/HERecommendation.js
index 69f2a7b7f2164e0086292d91dfdc1b458621409a..3eb14eb32d1a156f67e545557886f1366d14b0cf 100644
--- a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/contextualBoxes/HERecommendation.js
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/contextualBoxes/HERecommendation.js
@@ -46,27 +46,14 @@ const options = [
-const optionsWhereHECanOnlyReject = [
-  'reviewersInvited',
-  'underReview',
-  'revisionRequested',
 const showHEOptions = ({
-  collection,
-  hasReviewerReports,
-  fragment,
-  options,
-  optionsWhereHECanOnlyReject,
+  canHEMakeRecommendationToPublish,
+  canHEOnlyReject,
 }) => {
-  const { status, fragments } = collection
-  const { invitations } = fragment
-  if (optionsWhereHECanOnlyReject.includes(status)) {
+  if (canHEOnlyReject) {
     return [options[1]]
-  } else if (!hasReviewerReports && fragments.length === 1) {
+  } else if (!canHEMakeRecommendationToPublish) {
     return tail(options)
-  } else if (invitations === []) {
-    return [options[1]]
   return options
@@ -86,12 +73,11 @@ const parseFormValues = ({ recommendation, ...rest }) => {
 const HERecommendation = ({
-  formValues,
+  canHEMakeRecommendationToPublish,
+  canHEOnlyReject,
-  hasReviewerReports,
+  formValues,
-  collection,
-  fragment,
 }) => (
@@ -110,11 +96,8 @@ const HERecommendation = ({
             component={input => (
-                  collection,
-                  hasReviewerReports,
-                  fragment,
-                  options,
-                  optionsWhereHECanOnlyReject,
+                  canHEMakeRecommendationToPublish,
+                  canHEOnlyReject,
diff --git a/packages/component-fixture-manager/src/fixtures/fragments.js b/packages/component-fixture-manager/src/fixtures/fragments.js
index 0478b2aa9c53fa0174cb337c15c79e5d44b5bc3d..34004073c406e0772e9ea95b4279de08db844a09 100644
--- a/packages/component-fixture-manager/src/fixtures/fragments.js
+++ b/packages/component-fixture-manager/src/fixtures/fragments.js
@@ -425,8 +425,6 @@ const fragments = {
           isCorresponding: false,
-      owners: [user.id],
-      type: 'fragment',
   noEditorRecomedationFragment: {
@@ -530,8 +528,147 @@ const fragments = {
 fragments.noInvitesFragment = {
+  recommendations: [],
+  invites: [],
+  id: chance.guid(),
+fragments.noInvitesFragment = {
+  ...fragments.fragment1,
+  recommendations: [],
   invites: [],
   id: chance.guid(),
+fragments.noInvitesFragment1 = {
+  ...fragments.fragment,
+  recommendations: [],
+  invites: [],
+  id: chance.guid(),
+fragments.minorRevisionWithoutReview = {
+  ...fragments.fragment,
+  recommendations: [
+    {
+      recommendation: 'minor',
+      recommendationType: 'editorRecommendation',
+      comments: [
+        {
+          content: chance.paragraph(),
+          public: true,
+          files: [
+            {
+              id: chance.guid(),
+              name: 'file.pdf',
+              size: chance.natural(),
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+      ],
+      id: chance.guid(),
+      userId: handlingEditor.id,
+      createdOn: chance.timestamp(),
+      updatedOn: chance.timestamp(),
+    },
+  ],
+  id: chance.guid(),
+fragments.minorRevisionWithReview = {
+  ...fragments.fragment,
+  recommendations: [
+    {
+      recommendation: 'minor',
+      recommendationType: 'editorRecommendation',
+      comments: [
+        {
+          content: chance.paragraph(),
+          public: true,
+          files: [
+            {
+              id: chance.guid(),
+              name: 'file.pdf',
+              size: chance.natural(),
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+      ],
+      id: chance.guid(),
+      userId: handlingEditor.id,
+      createdOn: chance.timestamp(),
+      updatedOn: chance.timestamp(),
+    },
+    {
+      recommendation: 'publish',
+      recommendationType: 'review',
+      comments: [
+        {
+          content: chance.paragraph(),
+          public: chance.bool(),
+          files: [
+            {
+              id: chance.guid(),
+              name: 'file.pdf',
+              size: chance.natural(),
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+      ],
+      id: chance.guid(),
+      userId: reviewer1.id,
+      createdOn: chance.timestamp(),
+      updatedOn: chance.timestamp(),
+      submittedOn: chance.timestamp(),
+    },
+  ],
+  id: chance.guid(),
+fragments.majorRevisionWithReview = {
+  ...fragments.fragment,
+  recommendations: [
+    {
+      recommendation: 'major',
+      recommendationType: 'editorRecommendation',
+      comments: [
+        {
+          content: chance.paragraph(),
+          public: true,
+          files: [
+            {
+              id: chance.guid(),
+              name: 'file.pdf',
+              size: chance.natural(),
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+      ],
+      id: chance.guid(),
+      userId: handlingEditor.id,
+      createdOn: chance.timestamp(),
+      updatedOn: chance.timestamp(),
+    },
+    {
+      recommendation: 'publish',
+      recommendationType: 'review',
+      comments: [
+        {
+          content: chance.paragraph(),
+          public: chance.bool(),
+          files: [
+            {
+              id: chance.guid(),
+              name: 'file.pdf',
+              size: chance.natural(),
+            },
+          ],
+        },
+      ],
+      id: chance.guid(),
+      userId: reviewer1.id,
+      createdOn: chance.timestamp(),
+      updatedOn: chance.timestamp(),
+      submittedOn: chance.timestamp(),
+    },
+  ],
+  id: chance.guid(),
 module.exports = fragments
diff --git a/packages/component-helper-service/src/services/Collection.js b/packages/component-helper-service/src/services/Collection.js
index d4a4310b2e39b974037596a603de4ecfac7e7354..70efac8ded420595e62bc16fa271b90a74fb741d 100644
--- a/packages/component-helper-service/src/services/Collection.js
+++ b/packages/component-helper-service/src/services/Collection.js
@@ -1,3 +1,7 @@
+const { findLast, get } = require('lodash')
+const Fragment = require('./Fragment')
 class Collection {
   constructor({ collection = {} }) {
     this.collection = collection
@@ -103,6 +107,36 @@ class Collection {
     const [firstName, lastName] = this.collection.handlingEditor.name.split(' ')
     return lastName || firstName
+  // eslint-disable-next-line class-methods-use-this
+  hasAtLeastOneReviewReport(fragments) {
+    return fragments.some(fragment =>
+      new Fragment({ fragment }).hasReviewReport(),
+    )
+  }
+  canHEMakeRecommendation(fragments, fragmentHelper) {
+    if (this.collection.fragments.length === 1) {
+      return fragmentHelper.hasReviewReport()
+    }
+    const previousVersionRecommendations = get(
+      fragments[fragments.length - 2],
+      'recommendations',
+      [],
+    )
+    const lastRecommendationByHE = findLast(
+      previousVersionRecommendations,
+      recommendation =>
+        recommendation.userId === this.collection.handlingEditor.id &&
+        recommendation.recommendationType === 'editorRecommendation',
+    )
+    if (lastRecommendationByHE.recommendation === 'minor') {
+      return this.hasAtLeastOneReviewReport(fragments)
+    } else if (lastRecommendationByHE.recommendation === 'major') {
+      return fragmentHelper.hasReviewReport()
+    }
+  }
 module.exports = Collection
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/post.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/post.js
index efb52e5e85b02421b422e85e0eb34a8ee0e16eb7..80c1b743799a457857c17c7a58388e5109ccab2f 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/post.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/post.js
@@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
+/* eslint-disable no-return-await */
 const uuid = require('uuid')
 const { pick, get, set, has, isEmpty, last, findLast } = require('lodash')
 const config = require('config')
@@ -25,7 +26,7 @@ module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
   const { collectionId, fragmentId } = req.params
-  let collection, fragment
+  let collection, fragment, fragments
   try {
     collection = await models.Collection.find(collectionId)
@@ -41,6 +42,21 @@ module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
+  const collectionHelper = new Collection({ collection })
+  try {
+    fragments = await Promise.all(
+      collection.fragments.map(
+        async fragment => await models.Fragment.find(fragment),
+      ),
+    )
+  } catch (e) {
+    const notFoundError = await services.handleNotFoundError(e, 'Item')
+    fragments = []
+    return res.status(notFoundError.status).json({
+      error: notFoundError.message,
+    })
+  }
   const currentUserRecommendations = get(
@@ -80,7 +96,6 @@ module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
       .json({ error: 'Cannot write a review on an older version.' })
   if (
     last(collection.fragments) === fragmentId &&
@@ -108,10 +123,10 @@ module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
     collection.handlingEditor &&
     collection.handlingEditor.id === req.user
   ) {
-    if (!fragmentHelper.hasReviewReport()) {
-      return res
-        .status(400)
-        .json({ error: 'Cannot publish without at least one reviewer report.' })
+    if (!collectionHelper.canHEMakeRecommendation(fragments, fragmentHelper)) {
+      return res.status(400).json({
+        error: 'Cannot publish without at least one reviewer report.',
+      })
@@ -128,8 +143,6 @@ module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
   newRecommendation.comments = comments || undefined
   if (recommendationType === 'editorRecommendation') {
-    const collectionHelper = new Collection({ collection })
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/tests/fragmentsRecommendations/post.test.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/tests/fragmentsRecommendations/post.test.js
index fa1cf243d4793e33a5dcb004499ebb11b1d2d472..512b02f2e63c0dfebd4ea0269530cf5e6c0c0a4c 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/tests/fragmentsRecommendations/post.test.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/tests/fragmentsRecommendations/post.test.js
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ const reqBody = {
-  recommendationType: 'review',
+  recommendationType: 'editorRecommendation',
 const path = '../routes/fragmentsRecommendations/post'
@@ -80,7 +80,8 @@ describe('Post fragments recommendations route handler', () => {
     const data = JSON.parse(res._getData())
-  it('should return success when creating a recommendation as a HE', async () => {
+  it('should return success when creating a recommendation as a HE when there is a single version with at least one review.', async () => {
     const { noRecommendationHE } = testFixtures.users
     const { noEditorRecomedationCollection } = testFixtures.collections
     const { noEditorRecomedationFragment } = testFixtures.fragments
@@ -100,6 +101,148 @@ describe('Post fragments recommendations route handler', () => {
     const data = JSON.parse(res._getData())
+  it('should return an error when creating a recommendation with publish as a HE when there is a single version and there are no reviews.', async () => {
+    const { handlingEditor } = testFixtures.users
+    const { collection } = testFixtures.collections
+    const { fragment } = testFixtures.fragments
+    fragment.recommendations = []
+    const res = await requests.sendRequest({
+      body,
+      userId: handlingEditor.id,
+      models,
+      route,
+      path,
+      params: {
+        collectionId: collection.id,
+        fragmentId: fragment.id,
+      },
+    })
+    expect(res.statusCode).toBe(400)
+    const data = JSON.parse(res._getData())
+    expect(data.error).toEqual(
+      'Cannot publish without at least one reviewer report.',
+    )
+  })
+  it('should return success when creating a recommendation as a HE after minor revision and we have at least one review on collection.', async () => {
+    const { handlingEditor } = testFixtures.users
+    const { collection } = testFixtures.collections
+    const {
+      minorRevisionWithReview,
+      noInvitesFragment1,
+    } = testFixtures.fragments
+    collection.fragments = [minorRevisionWithReview.id, noInvitesFragment1.id]
+    const res = await requests.sendRequest({
+      body,
+      userId: handlingEditor.id,
+      models,
+      route,
+      path,
+      params: {
+        collectionId: collection.id,
+        fragmentId: noInvitesFragment1.id,
+      },
+    })
+    expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200)
+    const data = JSON.parse(res._getData())
+    expect(data.userId).toEqual(handlingEditor.id)
+  })
+  it('should return error when creating a recommendation as a HE after minor revision and there are no reviews.', async () => {
+    const { handlingEditor } = testFixtures.users
+    const { collection } = testFixtures.collections
+    const {
+      minorRevisionWithoutReview,
+      noInvitesFragment1,
+    } = testFixtures.fragments
+    collection.fragments = [
+      minorRevisionWithoutReview.id,
+      noInvitesFragment1.id,
+    ]
+    const res = await requests.sendRequest({
+      body,
+      userId: handlingEditor.id,
+      models,
+      route,
+      path,
+      params: {
+        collectionId: collection.id,
+        fragmentId: noInvitesFragment1.id,
+      },
+    })
+    expect(res.statusCode).toBe(400)
+    const data = JSON.parse(res._getData())
+    expect(data.error).toEqual(
+      'Cannot publish without at least one reviewer report.',
+    )
+  })
+  it('should return success when creating a recommendation as a HE after major revision and there are least one review on fragment.', async () => {
+    const { handlingEditor } = testFixtures.users
+    const { collection } = testFixtures.collections
+    const {
+      majorRevisionWithReview,
+      reviewCompletedFragment,
+    } = testFixtures.fragments
+    reviewCompletedFragment.collectionId = collection.id
+    collection.fragments = [
+      majorRevisionWithReview.id,
+      reviewCompletedFragment.id,
+    ]
+    const res = await requests.sendRequest({
+      body,
+      userId: handlingEditor.id,
+      models,
+      route,
+      path,
+      params: {
+        collectionId: collection.id,
+        fragmentId: reviewCompletedFragment.id,
+      },
+    })
+    expect(res.statusCode).toBe(200)
+    const data = JSON.parse(res._getData())
+    expect(data.userId).toEqual(handlingEditor.id)
+  })
+  it('should return error when creating a recommendation as a HE after major revision there are no reviews on fragment.', async () => {
+    const { handlingEditor } = testFixtures.users
+    const { collection } = testFixtures.collections
+    const {
+      majorRevisionWithReview,
+      noInvitesFragment1,
+    } = testFixtures.fragments
+    collection.fragments = [majorRevisionWithReview.id, noInvitesFragment1.id]
+    const res = await requests.sendRequest({
+      body,
+      userId: handlingEditor.id,
+      models,
+      route,
+      path,
+      params: {
+        collectionId: collection.id,
+        fragmentId: noInvitesFragment1.id,
+      },
+    })
+    expect(res.statusCode).toBe(400)
+    const data = JSON.parse(res._getData())
+    expect(data.error).toEqual(
+      'Cannot publish without at least one reviewer report.',
+    )
+  })
   it('should return an error when the fragmentId does not match the collectionId', async () => {
     const { reviewer } = testFixtures.users
     const { collection } = testFixtures.collections
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptLayout.js b/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptLayout.js
index d2445c23e6e231fae50c65f5970ae94da0253b39..4953fa278e884980a5bfe28168c62a6a0e97a455 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptLayout.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptLayout.js
@@ -30,50 +30,52 @@ const cannotViewReviewersDetails = ['revisionRequested', 'pendingApproval']
 const ManuscriptLayout = ({
-  currentUser,
-  getSignedUrl,
-  editorInChief,
-  handlingEditors,
-  editorialRecommendations,
   journal = {},
-  collection = {},
   fragment = {},
-  changeForm,
+  versions,
-  isFetchingData,
-  publonsFetching,
-  fetchingError,
+  changeForm,
+  collection = {},
+  currentUser,
+  getSignedUrl,
+  shouldReview,
+  editorInChief,
+  fetchingError,
+  isFetchingData,
+  submitRevision,
+  inviteReviewer,
+  isLatestVersion,
+  publonsFetching,
+  publonReviewers,
+  reviewerReports,
+  handlingEditors,
+  canHEOnlyReject,
+  inviteHandlingEditor,
+  toggleReviewerDetails,
+  recommendationHandler,
+  reviewerDetailsExpanded,
+  toggleEditorialComments,
+  reviewerRecommendations,
-  responseToRevisionRequestExpanded,
-  publonReviewers,
+  editorialRecommendations,
+  responseToRevisionRequest,
+  editorialCommentsExpanded,
+  submittedOwnRecommendation,
-  shouldReview,
-  submittedOwnRecommendation,
-  reviewerReports,
-  reviewerRecommendations,
-  toggleReviewerDetails,
-  reviewerDetailsExpanded,
-  editorialCommentsExpanded,
-  toggleEditorialComments,
-  submitRevision,
-  inviteReviewer,
-  recommendationHandler,
-  inviteHandlingEditor,
-  versions,
-  isLatestVersion,
+  canHEMakeRecommendationToPublish,
+  responseToRevisionRequestExpanded,
 }) => (
   <Root pb={30}>
     {!isEmpty(collection) && !isEmpty(fragment) ? (
@@ -100,7 +102,6 @@ const ManuscriptLayout = ({
@@ -229,10 +230,11 @@ const ManuscriptLayout = ({
         {isLatestVersion &&
           get(currentUser, 'permissions.canMakeHERecommendation', false) && (
-              collection={collection}
+              canHEMakeRecommendationToPublish={
+                canHEMakeRecommendationToPublish
+              }
+              canHEOnlyReject={canHEOnlyReject}
               formValues={get(formValues, 'editorialRecommendation', {})}
-              fragment={fragment}
-              hasReviewerReports={reviewerRecommendations.length > 0}
               highlight={reviewerRecommendations.length > 0}
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptPage.js b/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptPage.js
index 8e7d53639af1c42d026b288996a04e2f9f957d9c..89b5dadefcc611d56684ad1b442b326f2f3870ab 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptPage.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript/src/components/ManuscriptPage.js
@@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ import {
+  canHEOnlyReject,
@@ -56,6 +57,7 @@ import {
+  canHEMakeRecommendationToPublish,
 } from 'pubsweet-component-faraday-selectors'
@@ -206,6 +208,11 @@ export default compose(
+      canHEMakeRecommendationToPublish: canHEMakeRecommendationToPublish(
+        state,
+        collection,
+      ),
+      canHEOnlyReject: canHEOnlyReject(collection),
       isFetchingData: {
         editorsFetching: selectFetching(state),
         publonsFetching: isFetching,