diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/emailCopy.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/notifications/emailCopy.js
similarity index 92%
rename from packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/emailCopy.js
rename to packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/notifications/emailCopy.js
index c38f59096849888b35876cebf97481b28f856ac7..3aa154fcdd356c251d191cf3d38b02778e1379cf 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/emailCopy.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/notifications/emailCopy.js
@@ -119,6 +119,18 @@ const getEmailCopy = ({
         Thank you for your submission, and please do consider submitting again in the future.`
       hasLink = false
+    case 'eic-manuscript-accepted-by-eqs':
+      hasIntro = false
+      hasSignature = false
+      paragraph = `A new ${titleText} has been submitted to ${journalName}.<br/><br/>
+        To begin the review process, please visit the manuscript details page.`
+      break
+    case 'eic-manuscript-returned-by-eqa':
+      hasIntro = false
+      hasSignature = false
+      paragraph = `We regret to inform you that ${titleText} has been returned with comments. Please click the link below to access the manuscript.<br/><br/>
+        Comments: ${comments}<br/><br/>`
+      break
       throw new Error(`The ${emailType} email type is not defined.`)
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/helpers.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/notifications/helpers.js
similarity index 100%
rename from packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/helpers.js
rename to packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/notifications/helpers.js
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/notification.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/notifications/notification.js
similarity index 87%
rename from packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/notification.js
rename to packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/notifications/notification.js
index 583764760db7716f8598f0dc5e52d8ba84b533ce..dfb831c3585207a0aacbb7b0f20f4e8f5a20e4eb 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/notification.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/notifications/notification.js
@@ -568,6 +568,85 @@ class Notification {
+  async notifyEiCWhenEQSAcceptsManuscript() {
+    const { submittingAuthor } = await this.getNotificationProperties()
+    const userHelper = new User({ UserModel: this.UserModel })
+    const editors = await userHelper.getEditorsInChief()
+    const fragmentHelper = new Fragment({ fragment: this.fragment })
+    const parsedFragment = await fragmentHelper.getFragmentData({})
+    const emailBodyProps = getEmailCopy({
+      emailType: 'eic-manuscript-accepted-by-eqs',
+      titleText: `manuscript titled "${parsedFragment.title}" by ${
+        submittingAuthor.firstName
+      } ${submittingAuthor.lastName}`,
+    })
+    editors.forEach(eic => {
+      const email = new Email({
+        type: 'system',
+        toUser: {
+          email: eic.email,
+        },
+        fromEmail: `${journalName} <${staffEmail}>`,
+        content: {
+          subject: `${this.collection.customId}: New manuscript submitted`,
+          ctaText: 'MANUSCRIPT DETAILS',
+          unsubscribeLink: this.baseUrl,
+          ctaLink: services.createUrl(
+            this.baseUrl,
+            `/projects/${this.collection.id}/versions/${
+              this.fragment.id
+            }/details`,
+          ),
+        },
+      })
+      const { html, text } = email.getNotificationBody({ emailBodyProps })
+      email.sendEmail({ html, text })
+    })
+  }
+  async notifyEiCWhenEQARejectsManuscript(comments) {
+    const { titleText } = await this.getNotificationProperties()
+    const userHelper = new User({ UserModel: this.UserModel })
+    const editors = await userHelper.getEditorsInChief()
+    const emailBodyProps = getEmailCopy({
+      comments,
+      titleText,
+      emailType: 'eic-manuscript-returned-by-eqa',
+    })
+    editors.forEach(eic => {
+      const email = new Email({
+        type: 'system',
+        toUser: {
+          email: eic.email,
+        },
+        fromEmail: `${journalName} <${staffEmail}>`,
+        content: {
+          subject: `${
+            this.collection.customId
+          }: Manuscript returned with comments`,
+          ctaText: 'MANUSCRIPT DETAILS',
+          unsubscribeLink: this.baseUrl,
+          ctaLink: services.createUrl(
+            this.baseUrl,
+            `/projects/${this.collection.id}/versions/${
+              this.fragment.id
+            }/details`,
+          ),
+        },
+      })
+      const { html, text } = email.getNotificationBody({ emailBodyProps })
+      email.sendEmail({ html, text })
+    })
+  }
 module.exports = Notification
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/patch.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/patch.js
index d45d8d6349cd03a6c1e0bb0d2418c7529462020e..7846722ed2f83db255a59ff80f95c142ccf2d3ec 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/patch.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/patch.js
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ const {
 } = require('pubsweet-component-helper-service')
-const Notification = require('./notifications/notification')
+const Notification = require('../../notifications/notification')
 module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
   const { collectionId, fragmentId, recommendationId } = req.params
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/post.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/post.js
index deca64d012c8853d4e36a39b8714e35c2013107f..32ea418b7386c22618561d70dc972cd405f78ccc 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/post.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/fragmentsRecommendations/post.js
@@ -30,8 +30,7 @@ const sendMTSPackage = async (collection, fragment) => {
   await MTS.sendPackage({ fragment: packageFragment })
-// const notifications = require('./notifications/notifications')
-const Notification = require('./notifications/notification')
+const Notification = require('../../notifications/notification')
 module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
   const { recommendation, comments, recommendationType } = req.body
@@ -167,7 +166,10 @@ module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
-      if (recommendation !== 'publish' || hasEQA) {
+      if (
+        recommendation !== 'return-to-handling-editor' &&
+        (recommendation !== 'publish' || hasEQA)
+      ) {
     } else {
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/notifications/emailCopy.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/notifications/emailCopy.js
deleted file mode 100644
index d454047c92f9d937a234ee0eb60baf89e0ed50b1..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/notifications/emailCopy.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,46 +0,0 @@
-const config = require('config')
-// const staffEmail = config.get('journal.staffEmail')
-const journalName = config.get('journal.name')
-const getEmailCopy = ({ emailType, titleText, comments }) => {
-  let paragraph
-  let hasLink = true
-  let hasIntro = true
-  let hasSignature = true
-  switch (emailType) {
-    case 'eqs-manuscript-accepted':
-      hasIntro = false
-      hasSignature = false
-      paragraph = `A new ${titleText} has been submitted to ${journalName}.<br/><br/>
-        To begin the review process, please visit the manuscript details page.`
-      break
-    case 'he-manuscript-published':
-      hasLink = false
-      paragraph = `Thank you for your recommendation to publish ${titleText} based on the reviews you received.<br/><br/>
-      I can confirm this article will now go through to publication.`
-      break
-    case 'author-manuscript-published':
-      paragraph = `I am delighted to inform you that ${titleText} has passed through the review process and will be published in Hindawi.<br/><br/>
-        Thanks again for choosing to publish with us.`
-      hasLink = false
-      break
-    case 'submitted-reviewers-after-publish':
-      hasLink = false
-      paragraph = `Thank you for your review on ${titleText}. After taking into account the reviews and the recommendation of the Handling Editor, I can confirm this article will now be published.<br/><br/>
-      If you have any queries about this decision, then please email them to Hindawi as soon as possible.`
-      break
-    case 'eqa-manuscript-returned-to-eic':
-      paragraph = `We regret to inform you that ${titleText} has been returned with comments. Please click the link below to access the manuscript.<br/><br/>
-        Comments: ${comments}<br/><br/>`
-      break
-    default:
-      throw new Error(`The ${emailType} email type is not defined.`)
-  }
-  return { paragraph, hasLink, hasIntro, hasSignature }
-module.exports = {
-  getEmailCopy,
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/notifications/notifications.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/notifications/notifications.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 8380da030638ce5c7d66293fd7531ac01841a237..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/notifications/notifications.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,105 +0,0 @@
-const config = require('config')
-const Email = require('@pubsweet/component-email-templating')
-const {
-  User,
-  services,
-  Fragment,
-} = require('pubsweet-component-helper-service')
-const { getEmailCopy } = require('./emailCopy')
-const { name: journalName, staffEmail } = config.get('journal')
-module.exports = {
-  async sendNotifications({
-    agree,
-    baseUrl,
-    collection,
-    comments = '',
-    User: UserModel,
-    Fragment: FragmentModel,
-  }) {
-    const fragment = await FragmentModel.find(collection.fragments[0])
-    const fragmentHelper = new Fragment({ fragment })
-    const parsedFragment = await fragmentHelper.getFragmentData({
-      handlingEditor: collection.handlingEditor,
-    })
-    const { submittingAuthor } = await fragmentHelper.getAuthorData({
-      UserModel,
-    })
-    const titleText = `manuscript titled "${parsedFragment.title}" by ${
-      submittingAuthor.firstName
-    } ${submittingAuthor.lastName}`
-    const subjectBaseText = `${collection.customId}: Manuscript`
-    const { customId } = collection
-    const userHelper = new User({ UserModel })
-    const subject = `${subjectBaseText} ${
-      agree ? '' : 'Not '
-    }Passed Technical Checks`
-    const email = new Email({
-      type: 'user',
-      fromEmail: `${journalName} <${staffEmail}>`,
-      content: {
-        subject,
-        signatureName: 'EQA Team',
-        ctaLink: services.createUrl(
-          baseUrl,
-          `/projects/${collection.id}/versions/${fragment.id}/details`,
-        ),
-        ctaText: 'MANUSCRIPT DETAILS',
-        unsubscribeLink: baseUrl,
-      },
-    })
-    sendEditorsEmail({
-      email,
-      agree,
-      customId,
-      comments,
-      titleText,
-      userHelper,
-    })
-  },
-const sendEditorsEmail = async ({
-  email,
-  agree,
-  titleText,
-  customId,
-  userHelper,
-  comments = '',
-}) => {
-  email.content.subject = `${customId}: New manuscript submitted`
-  const emailType = agree
-    ? 'eqs-manuscript-accepted'
-    : 'eqa-manuscript-returned-to-eic'
-  const editors = (await userHelper.getEditorsInChief()).map(eic => ({
-    ...eic,
-    ...getEmailCopy({
-      emailType,
-      titleText,
-      comments,
-    }),
-  }))
-  editors.forEach(eic => {
-    email.toUser = {
-      email: eic.email,
-      name: `${eic.firstName} ${eic.lastName}`,
-    }
-    const { html, text } = email.getNotificationBody({
-      emailBodyProps: {
-        paragraph: eic.paragraph,
-        hasLink: eic.hasLink,
-        hasIntro: eic.hasIntro,
-        hasSignature: eic.hasSignature,
-      },
-    })
-    email.sendEmail({ html, text })
-  })
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/patch.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/patch.js
index 9ae555625409f687373606fd0c409d801bf14092..04154a845eb6be4ea77388c4ec501749c0b3b90e 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/patch.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/routes/technicalChecks/patch.js
@@ -1,11 +1,7 @@
 const { get, find, isEmpty, last } = require('lodash')
 const { services } = require('pubsweet-component-helper-service')
-const {
-  sendNotifications: sendEQSNotifications,
-} = require('./notifications/notifications')
-const Notification = require('../fragmentsRecommendations/notifications/notification')
+const Notification = require('../../notifications/notification')
   EQS: 'eqs',
@@ -68,36 +64,33 @@ module.exports = ({ Collection, Fragment, User }) => async (req, res) => {
     collection.status = setNewStatus(step, agree)
     await collection.save()
-    const isEQA = get(collection, 'technicalChecks.eqa', false)
-    const baseUrl = services.getBaseUrl(req)
-    if (isEQA) {
-      // the EA accepted the manuscript so we need to notify users of the final publication
-      const fragment = await Fragment.find(last(collection.fragments))
-      const notification = new Notification({
-        fragment,
-        collection,
-        UserModel: User,
-        baseUrl: services.getBaseUrl(req),
-        newRecommendation: {
-          recommendation: 'publish',
-          recommendationType: 'editorRecommendation',
-        },
-      })
-      notification.notifyAuthorsWhenEiCMakesDecision()
-      const hasPeerReview = !isEmpty(collection.handlingEditor)
-      if (hasPeerReview) {
-        notification.notifyHEWhenEiCMakesDecision()
-        notification.notifyReviewersWhenEiCMakesDecision()
+    const fragment = await Fragment.find(last(collection.fragments))
+    const notification = new Notification({
+      fragment,
+      collection,
+      UserModel: User,
+      baseUrl: services.getBaseUrl(req),
+      newRecommendation: {
+        recommendation: 'publish',
+        recommendationType: 'editorRecommendation',
+      },
+    })
+    if (step === TECHNICAL_STEPS.EQA) {
+      const hasPassedEQA = get(collection, 'technicalChecks.eqa')
+      if (hasPassedEQA) {
+        // the EA accepted the manuscript so we need to notify users of the final publication decision
+        notification.notifyAuthorsWhenEiCMakesDecision()
+        const hasPeerReview = !isEmpty(collection.handlingEditor)
+        if (hasPeerReview) {
+          notification.notifyHEWhenEiCMakesDecision()
+          notification.notifyReviewersWhenEiCMakesDecision()
+        }
+      } else {
+        notification.notifyEiCWhenEQARejectsManuscript(comments)
-    } else {
-      sendEQSNotifications({
-        User,
-        agree,
-        comments,
-        Fragment,
-        collection,
-        baseUrl,
-      })
+    } else if (agree) {
+      notification.notifyEiCWhenEQSAcceptsManuscript()
     return res.status(200).json(collection)
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/tests/fragmentsRecommendations/post.test.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/tests/fragmentsRecommendations/post.test.js
index e86097c9abb9defbad77862f1826360d5edef8fa..b090a9cb6fc1ae464488560f7032b0ff97388dea 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/tests/fragmentsRecommendations/post.test.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/src/tests/fragmentsRecommendations/post.test.js
@@ -306,8 +306,6 @@ describe('Post fragments recommendations route handler', () => {
     delete fragment.recommendations
     delete fragment.revision
     delete fragment.invitations
-    delete collection.invitations
-    delete collection.handlingEditor
     collection.technicalChecks.eqa = false
     const res = await requests.sendRequest({