diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/IconTooltip.js b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/IconTooltip.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..6ce6a9538daa5547439508d79f08445764bf53d4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/IconTooltip.js
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+import React, { Fragment } from 'react'
+import 'react-tippy/dist/tippy.css'
+import { Tooltip } from 'react-tippy'
+import { ThemeProvider, withTheme } from 'styled-components'
+import { IconButton } from './'
+const IconTooltip = ({
+  theme,
+  primary,
+  interactive,
+  icon = 'help-circle',
+  ...rest
+}) => (
+  <Tooltip
+    arrow
+    data-test-id="icon-tooltip"
+    html={<InfoTooltip theme={theme} {...rest} />}
+    interactive={interactive}
+    position="bottom"
+    theme="light"
+    trigger="click"
+  >
+    <IconButton icon={icon} primary={primary} />
+  </Tooltip>
+const InfoTooltip = ({ theme, content }) => (
+  <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
+    <Fragment>{typeof content === 'function' ? content() : content}</Fragment>
+  </ThemeProvider>
+export default withTheme(IconTooltip)
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/IconTooltip.md b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/IconTooltip.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..d397a885bca75db646913433dfad3428945b5093
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/IconTooltip.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+A icon tooltip.
+const { Fragment } = require('react');
+const TooltipContent = () => <Fragment>
+  <Text secondary>
+    When an author, editor, or reviewer has a financial/personal interest or
+    belief that could affect his/her objectivity, or inappropriately
+    influence his/her actions, a potential conflict of interest exists.{' '}
+    <ActionLink to="https://www.hindawi.com/editors/coi/">
+      More info
+    </ActionLink>
+  </Text>
+<IconTooltip primary interactive content={TooltipContent} />
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/RadioWithComments.js b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/RadioWithComments.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..00b1e65315be5a5fbde61159cf0aeb1f3aff047e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/RadioWithComments.js
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+import React from 'react'
+import { get } from 'lodash'
+import { Field } from 'redux-form'
+import styled from 'styled-components'
+import { required as requiredValidator } from 'xpub-validators'
+import { ValidatedField, YesOrNo } from '@pubsweet/ui'
+import { Label, Item, IconTooltip, Row, Textarea, marginHelper } from './'
+const RadioWithComments = ({
+  required,
+  radioLabel,
+  formValues,
+  commentsOn,
+  commentsLabel,
+  radioFieldName,
+  tooltipContent,
+  commentsFieldName,
+  ...rest
+}) => (
+  <Root {...rest}>
+    <Row alignItems="center" justify="flex-start">
+      <Item>
+        <Label required={required}>{radioLabel}</Label>
+        {tooltipContent && (
+          <IconTooltip content={tooltipContent} interactive primary />
+        )}
+      </Item>
+    </Row>
+    <Row alignItems="center" justify="flex-start" mb={1}>
+      <Field
+        component={({ input }) => <YesOrNo {...input} />}
+        name={radioFieldName}
+      />
+    </Row>
+    {get(formValues, radioFieldName, '') === commentsOn && (
+      <Row alignItems="center" justify="flex-start">
+        <Item data-test="submission-conflicts-text" vertical>
+          <Label required={required}>{commentsLabel}</Label>
+          <ValidatedField
+            component={Textarea}
+            name={commentsFieldName}
+            validate={required ? [requiredValidator] : []}
+          />
+        </Item>
+      </Row>
+    )}
+  </Root>
+export default RadioWithComments
+RadioWithComments.defaultProps = {
+  mb: 2,
+// #region styles
+const Root = styled.div`
+  width: 100%;
+  ${marginHelper};
+// #endregion
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/RadioWithComments.md b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/RadioWithComments.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f1dc3e453339646e71a7b702ff7e1faf3fd02158
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/RadioWithComments.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+A radio group with a comment.
+const { Fragment } = require('react')
+const { compose } = require('recompose')
+const { connect } = require('react-redux')
+const { reduxForm, getFormValues } = require('redux-form')
+const Wrapper = compose(
+  connect(state => ({
+    formValues: getFormValues('styleguide')(state),
+  })),
+  reduxForm({
+    form: 'styleguide',
+  }),
+)(({ formValues }) => (
+  <Fragment>
+    <RadioWithComments
+      required
+      formValues={formValues}
+      radioFieldName="hasConflicts"
+      commentsFieldName="conflictsComments"
+      commentsOn="yes"
+      commentsLabel="Conflict of interest details"
+      radioLabel="Do any authors have conflicts of interest to declare?"
+    />
+    <RadioWithComments
+      required
+      formValues={formValues}
+      radioFieldName="hasDataAvailability"
+      commentsFieldName="dataAvailabilityComments"
+      commentsOn="no"
+      commentsLabel="Data availability statement"
+      radioLabel="Have you included a data availability statement in your manuscript?"
+    />
+    <RadioWithComments
+      required
+      formValues={formValues}
+      radioFieldName="hasFunding"
+      commentsFieldName="fundingComments"
+      commentsOn="no"
+      commentsLabel="Funding statement"
+      radioLabel="Have you provided a funding statement in your manuscript?"
+    />
+  </Fragment>
+;<Wrapper />
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/TextTooltip.js b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/TextTooltip.js
index e8e45dcc321336d4ae6fd6f0b0bbbea924d66e1f..8bcd4cc0352c3754f269295dab914b7c3ed089aa 100644
--- a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/TextTooltip.js
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/TextTooltip.js
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 import React, { Fragment } from 'react'
 import 'react-tippy/dist/tippy.css'
 import { Tooltip } from 'react-tippy'
-import { ThemeProvider, withTheme } from 'styled-components'
 import { Text, Row } from 'pubsweet-component-faraday-ui'
+import { ThemeProvider, withTheme } from 'styled-components'
 const TitleTooltip = ({ theme = {}, title = '' }) => (
   <ThemeProvider theme={theme}>
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/Textarea.js b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/Textarea.js
index 88839b48d176003eae8b48b05ffff40ed9d2eb2e..51424d3f0cbd66d05397f0855dd3dc58153fe9f3 100644
--- a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/Textarea.js
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/Textarea.js
@@ -9,7 +9,7 @@ const minHeight = props => css`
 /** @component */
-export default styled.textarea`
+const Textarea = styled.textarea`
   border-radius: ${th('borderRadius')};
   border-color: ${({ hasError }) =>
     hasError ? th('colorError') : th('colorFurniture')};
@@ -31,3 +31,9 @@ export default styled.textarea`
     background-color: ${th('colorBackgroundHue')};
+Textarea.defaultProps = {
+  mb: 1,
+export default Textarea
diff --git a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/index.js b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/index.js
index 1d0b23bd12ed90f4cef94a9d53b457982186f20a..58e1b75c133850dc8fd9d5a8aff082219805476b 100644
--- a/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/index.js
+++ b/packages/component-faraday-ui/src/index.js
@@ -19,12 +19,14 @@ export { default as DownloadZipFiles } from './DownloadZipFiles'
 export { default as FileItem } from './File'
 export { default as FileSection } from './FileSection'
 export { default as IconButton } from './IconButton'
+export { default as IconTooltip } from './IconTooltip'
 export { default as Label } from './Label'
 export { default as ManuscriptCard } from './ManuscriptCard'
 export { default as ReviewerBreakdown } from './ReviewerBreakdown'
 export { default as PersonInfo } from './PersonInfo'
 export { default as PersonInvitation } from './PersonInvitation'
 export { default as PreviewFile } from './PreviewFile'
+export { default as RadioWithComments } from './RadioWithComments'
 export { default as RemoteOpener } from './RemoteOpener'
 export { default as SortableList } from './SortableList'
 export { default as Tag } from './Tag'
diff --git a/packages/component-wizard/src/components/StepTwo.js b/packages/component-wizard/src/components/StepTwo.js
index 3fec44a08d26384cb232e86cb6ee4a27aa5ad181..519712e13660a4b9acd0cb05108c334a1a605a2f 100644
--- a/packages/component-wizard/src/components/StepTwo.js
+++ b/packages/component-wizard/src/components/StepTwo.js
@@ -1,18 +1,17 @@
 import React, { Fragment } from 'react'
 import { get } from 'lodash'
 import { Field } from 'redux-form'
-import { Tooltip } from 'react-tippy'
-import styled from 'styled-components'
 import { required } from 'xpub-validators'
 import {
-  IconButton,
+  ActionLink,
+  RadioWithComments,
 } from 'pubsweet-component-faraday-ui'
-import { H2, Menu, YesOrNo, TextField, ValidatedField } from '@pubsweet/ui'
+import { H2, Menu, TextField, ValidatedField } from '@pubsweet/ui'
 import { Empty } from './'
@@ -22,6 +21,7 @@ const StepTwo = ({
+  formValues,
@@ -84,73 +84,62 @@ const StepTwo = ({
-    <Row alignItems="center" justify="flex-start">
-      <Item>
-        <Label required>Is there a potential conflict of interest?</Label>
-        <Tooltip
-          arrow
-          data-test="submission-tooltip"
-          html={<ConflictsTooltip />}
-          interactive
-          position="bottom"
-          theme="light"
-          trigger="click"
-        >
-          <IconButton icon="help-circle" primary />
-        </Tooltip>
-      </Item>
-    </Row>
-    <Row alignItems="center" justify="flex-start" mb={1}>
-      <Field
-        component={({ input }) => <YesOrNo {...input} />}
-        name="conflicts.hasConflicts"
-      />
-    </Row>
-    {hasConflicts && (
-      <Row alignItems="center" justify="flex-start">
-        <Item data-test="submission-conflicts-text" vertical>
-          <Label required>Conflict of interest details</Label>
-          <ValidatedField
-            component={TextField}
-            name="conflicts.message"
-            validate={[required]}
-          />
-        </Item>
-      </Row>
-    )}
+    <RadioWithComments
+      commentsFieldName="conflicts.message"
+      commentsLabel="Conflict of interest details"
+      commentsOn="yes"
+      formValues={formValues}
+      radioFieldName="conflicts.hasConflicts"
+      radioLabel="Do any authors have conflicts of interest to declare?"
+      required
+      tooltipContent={ConflictsTooltip}
+    />
+    <RadioWithComments
+      commentsFieldName="conflicts.dataAvailabilityMessage"
+      commentsLabel="Data availability statement"
+      commentsOn="no"
+      formValues={formValues}
+      radioFieldName="conflicts.hasDataAvailability"
+      radioLabel="Have you included a data availability statement in your manuscript?"
+      required
+      tooltipContent={DataAvailabilityTooltip}
+    />
+    <RadioWithComments
+      commentsFieldName="conflicts.fundingMessage"
+      commentsLabel="Funding statement"
+      commentsOn="no"
+      formValues={formValues}
+      radioFieldName="conflicts.hasFunding"
+      radioLabel="Have you provided a funding statement in your manuscript?"
+      required
+      tooltipContent={FundingTooltip}
+    />
 export default StepTwo
 const ConflictsTooltip = () => (
-  <TooltipText>
+  <Text secondary>
     When an author, editor, or reviewer has a financial/personal interest or
     belief that could affect his/her objectivity, or inappropriately influence
-    his/her actions, a potential conflict of interest exists.
-    <MoreInfoLink
-      href="https://www.hindawi.com/editors/coi/"
-      rel="noopener noreferrer"
-      target="_blank"
-    >
-      More info
-    </MoreInfoLink>
-  </TooltipText>
+    his/her actions, a potential conflict of interest exists.{' '}
+    <ActionLink to="https://www.hindawi.com/editors/coi/">More info</ActionLink>
+  </Text>
-// #region styled-components
-const TooltipText = styled.span`
-  color: #586971;
-  display: inline-block;
-  font-family: "'Myriad Pro'";
-  font-size: 14px;
-  text-align: left;
+const DataAvailabilityTooltip = () => (
+  <Text>
+    Statement about where data supporting the results reported in a published
+    article can be found, including, where applicable, hyperlinks to publicly
+    archived datasets analysed or generated during the study.
+  </Text>
-const MoreInfoLink = styled.a`
-  color: #586971;
-  margin-left: 4px;
-// #endregion
+const FundingTooltip = () => (
+  <Text>
+    Statement about how the research and publication of an article is funded,
+    naming each financially supporting body followed by any associated grant
+    numbers in square brackets.
+  </Text>
diff --git a/packages/component-wizard/src/components/SubmissionWizard.js b/packages/component-wizard/src/components/SubmissionWizard.js
index 68fc863379b6e6f206942b7a461bd9cfaebf927d..a2379d079b4ecc5a46db9cdb9bd90226c7685e1f 100644
--- a/packages/component-wizard/src/components/SubmissionWizard.js
+++ b/packages/component-wizard/src/components/SubmissionWizard.js
@@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ export default compose(
-    { step: 0 },
+    { step: 1 },
       nextStep: ({ step }) => () => ({
         step: Math.min(wizardSteps.length - 1, step + 1),
@@ -141,11 +141,11 @@ export default compose(
-      formValues,
-      formSyncErrors,
-      submitFailed,
+      formValues,
+      submitFailed,
+      formSyncErrors,
     }) => ({
       isFirstStep: step === 0,
diff --git a/packages/xpub-faraday/app/config/journal/index.js b/packages/xpub-faraday/app/config/journal/index.js
index e3666200803bc17b8d68f62b8695bc96b8c6d87c..036b421ea20328566a7a875a23b59c978f9cc294 100644
--- a/packages/xpub-faraday/app/config/journal/index.js
+++ b/packages/xpub-faraday/app/config/journal/index.js
@@ -5,9 +5,9 @@ export { default as recommendations } from './recommendations'
 export { default as sections } from './sections'
 export { default as editors } from './editors'
 export { default as roles } from './roles'
-export { default as wizard } from './submit-wizard'
 export { default as issueTypes } from './issues-types'
 export { default as articleTypes } from './article-types-tbrm'
 export { default as articleSections } from './article-sections-tbrm'
 export { default as manuscriptTypes } from './manuscript-types'
 export { default as title } from './title'
+export { default as wizard } from './wizard'
diff --git a/packages/xpub-faraday/app/config/journal/submit-wizard.js b/packages/xpub-faraday/app/config/journal/submit-wizard.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 721801a6752d04af76db334f1ef5b1ab98a1e8d5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/packages/xpub-faraday/app/config/journal/submit-wizard.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,187 +0,0 @@
-import React from 'react'
-import styled from 'styled-components'
-import { AbstractEditor, TitleEditor } from 'xpub-edit'
-import { Menu, YesOrNo, CheckboxGroup } from '@pubsweet/ui'
-import { required, minChars, minSize } from 'xpub-validators'
-import { AuthorList, Files } from 'pubsweet-components-faraday/src/components'
-import { declarations } from './'
-import issueTypes from './issues-types'
-import manuscriptTypes from './manuscript-types'
-import {
-  requiredFiles,
-  parseEmptyHtml,
-  editModeEnabled,
-  requiredBasedOnType,
-} from './wizard-validators'
-const min3Chars = minChars(3)
-const declarationsMinSize = minSize(declarations.options.length)
-// #region styles
-const StyledLabel = styled.label`
-  display: inline-block;
-  font-weight: bold;
-  margin-bottom: ${({ margin }) => margin || '5px'};
-  margin-top: ${({ margin }) => margin || '5px'};
-const StyledSpacing = styled.div`
-  width: 100%;
-  height: 15px;
-// #endregion
-const yesNoWithLabel = ({ label, ...rest }) => (
-  <div>
-    <StyledLabel>{label}</StyledLabel>
-    <YesOrNo {...rest} />
-  </div>
-const Spacing = () => <StyledSpacing />
-const Label = ({ label }) => <StyledLabel margin="15px">{label}</StyledLabel>
-const journal = {
-  label: 'Hindawi Faraday',
-  value: 'hindawi-faraday',
-export default {
-  showProgress: true,
-  formSectionKeys: [
-    'authors',
-    'metadata',
-    'declarations',
-    'conflicts',
-    'files',
-  ],
-  submissionRedirect: '/confirmation-page',
-  dispatchFunctions: [],
-  steps: [
-    {
-      label: 'Journal details',
-      title: '1. Journal & Field Selection',
-      children: [
-        {
-          fieldId: 'label-Journal',
-          renderComponent: Label,
-          label: 'Journal',
-        },
-        {
-          fieldId: 'metadata.journal',
-          renderComponent: Menu,
-          options: [journal],
-          value: journal.value,
-          validate: [required],
-        },
-        {
-          fieldId: 'label-Issue',
-          renderComponent: Label,
-          label: 'Issue',
-        },
-        {
-          fieldId: 'metadata.issue',
-          renderComponent: Menu,
-          options: issueTypes,
-          validate: [required],
-        },
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      label: 'Pre-submission checklist',
-      title: '2. Pre-submission Checklist',
-      subtitle:
-        'Before moving forward make sure you have all the needed details prepared by reviewing and checking off the items on this list.',
-      children: [
-        {
-          fieldId: 'declarations',
-          renderComponent: CheckboxGroup,
-          options: declarations.options,
-          validate: [required, declarationsMinSize],
-        },
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      label: 'Manuscript & Authors Details',
-      title: '3. Manuscript & Authors Details',
-      subtitle:
-        'Please provide the details of all the authors of this manuscript, in the order that they appear on the manuscript. Your details are already pre-filled since, in order tu submit a manuscript you must be one of the authors.',
-      children: [
-        {
-          fieldId: 'metadata.title',
-          renderComponent: TitleEditor,
-          placeholder: 'Manuscript title',
-          title: 'Manuscript title',
-          validate: [parseEmptyHtml],
-        },
-        {
-          fieldId: 'spacing-title',
-          renderComponent: Spacing,
-        },
-        {
-          fieldId: 'label-manuscriptType',
-          renderComponent: Label,
-          label: 'Manuscript Type',
-        },
-        {
-          fieldId: 'metadata.type',
-          renderComponent: Menu,
-          options: manuscriptTypes,
-          validate: [required],
-        },
-        {
-          fieldId: 'spacing-type',
-          renderComponent: Spacing,
-        },
-        {
-          fieldId: 'metadata.abstract',
-          renderComponent: AbstractEditor,
-          title: 'Abstract',
-          placeholder: 'Write an abstract',
-          validate: [requiredBasedOnType],
-        },
-        {
-          fieldId: 'spacing-abstract',
-          renderComponent: Spacing,
-        },
-        {
-          fieldId: 'authors',
-          renderComponent: AuthorList,
-          validate: [required],
-        },
-        {
-          fieldId: 'authorForm',
-          renderComponent: Spacing,
-          validate: [editModeEnabled],
-        },
-        {
-          fieldId: 'conflicts.hasConflicts',
-          renderComponent: yesNoWithLabel,
-          label: 'Is there a potential conflict of interest?',
-          validate: [required],
-        },
-        {
-          dependsOn: {
-            field: 'conflicts.hasConflicts',
-            condition: 'yes',
-          },
-          fieldId: 'conflicts.message',
-          renderComponent: AbstractEditor,
-          label: 'Conflict of interest details',
-          validate: [required, min3Chars],
-        },
-      ],
-    },
-    {
-      label: 'Files upload',
-      title: '4. Manuscript Files Upload',
-      children: [
-        {
-          fieldId: 'files',
-          renderComponent: Files,
-          validate: [requiredFiles],
-        },
-      ],
-    },
-  ],
diff --git a/packages/xpub-faraday/app/config/journal/wizard-validators.js b/packages/xpub-faraday/app/config/journal/wizard-validators.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 5cd9967296f36260d983077530a7efc4509624a4..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/packages/xpub-faraday/app/config/journal/wizard-validators.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,39 +0,0 @@
-import { get, isEmpty } from 'lodash'
-import manuscriptTypes from './manuscript-types'
-const requiredTypes = manuscriptTypes
-  .filter(t => t.abstractRequired)
-  .map(t => t.value)
-export const parseEmptyHtml = value => {
-  if (value && value.replace('<p></p>', '').replace('<h1></h1>', '')) {
-    return undefined
-  }
-  return 'Required'
-export const requiredBasedOnType = (value, formValues) => {
-  if (
-    requiredTypes.includes(get(formValues, 'metadata.type')) &&
-    isEmpty(get(formValues, 'metadata.abstract', parseEmptyHtml(value)))
-  ) {
-    return 'Required'
-  }
-  return undefined
-export const editModeEnabled = (value, allValues) => {
-  if (value) {
-    return 'You have some unsaved author details.'
-  }
-  return undefined
-export const requiredFiles = (values, formValues) => {
-  const manuscripts = get(formValues, 'files.manuscripts')
-  if (!manuscripts || manuscripts.length === 0) {
-    return 'At least one main manuscript file is needed.'
-  }
-  return undefined
diff --git a/packages/xpub-faraday/app/config/journal/wizard.js b/packages/xpub-faraday/app/config/journal/wizard.js
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2886acdc12ef0941856529d12a8871522ff4652b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/packages/xpub-faraday/app/config/journal/wizard.js
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
+export default {
+  questionsForAuthors: [
+    {
+      formKey: 'conflicts.hasConflicts',
+      label: 'Do any authors have conflict of interest to declare?',
+    },
+    {
+      formKey: 'conflicts.dataAvailability',
+      label:
+        'Have you included a data availabity statement in your manuscript?',
+    },
+    {
+      formKey: 'conflicts.funding',
+      label: 'Have you provided a funding statement in your manuscript?',
+    },
+  ],
diff --git a/packages/xpub-faraday/config/validations.js b/packages/xpub-faraday/config/validations.js
index cc8177ab05dcc13822008b3720b0ec2f674739d4..bfbe1e411e088132bfddcaed2084a459082078d6 100644
--- a/packages/xpub-faraday/config/validations.js
+++ b/packages/xpub-faraday/config/validations.js
@@ -37,6 +37,10 @@ module.exports = {
       conflicts: Joi.object({
         hasConflicts: Joi.any().valid(['yes', 'no']),
         message: Joi.string(),
+        hasDataAvailability: Joi.any().valid(['yes', 'no']),
+        dataAvailabilityMessage: Joi.string(),
+        hasFunding: Joi.any().valid(['yes', 'no']),
+        fundingMessage: Joi.string(),
       commentsToReviewers: Joi.string(),
       files: Joi.object({