From df44788034266abe3b5134956e89ed18ee0aec2b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Sebastian Mihalache <sebastian.mihalache@gmail.con>
Date: Thu, 28 Jun 2018 08:48:17 +0300
Subject: [PATCH] fix tests imports across all components

 .../src/fixtures/fragments.js                 |   3 +
 .../config/authsome-helpers.js                | 131 ---------
 .../component-invite/config/authsome-mode.js  | 264 +----------------
 packages/component-invite/config/default.js   |  71 +----
 packages/component-invite/config/test.js      |  72 +----
 .../src/routes/fragmentsInvitations/get.js    |   1 +
 .../config/authsome-helpers.js                | 130 ---------
 .../config/authsome-mode.js                   | 268 +-----------------
 .../config/default.js                         |  91 +-----
 .../config/test.js                            |  92 +-----
 .../config/authsome-helpers.js                | 131 ---------
 .../config/authsome-mode.js                   | 252 +---------------
 .../component-user-manager/config/default.js  |  91 +-----
 .../component-user-manager/config/test.js     |  81 +-----
 14 files changed, 20 insertions(+), 1658 deletions(-)
 delete mode 100644 packages/component-invite/config/authsome-helpers.js
 delete mode 100644 packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/authsome-helpers.js
 delete mode 100644 packages/component-user-manager/config/authsome-helpers.js

diff --git a/packages/component-fixture-manager/src/fixtures/fragments.js b/packages/component-fixture-manager/src/fixtures/fragments.js
index 2c43f94df..2ee8c78db 100644
--- a/packages/component-fixture-manager/src/fixtures/fragments.js
+++ b/packages/component-fixture-manager/src/fixtures/fragments.js
@@ -113,6 +113,7 @@ const fragments = {
     save: jest.fn(() => fragments.fragment),
     owners: [],
+    type: 'fragment',
   newVersion: {
     id: chance.guid(),
@@ -150,6 +151,7 @@ const fragments = {
     save: jest.fn(() => fragments.fragment),
     owners: [],
+    type: 'fragment',
   noParentFragment: {
     id: chance.guid(),
@@ -167,6 +169,7 @@ const fragments = {
     save: jest.fn(() => fragments.fragment),
     owners: [],
+    type: 'fragment',
diff --git a/packages/component-invite/config/authsome-helpers.js b/packages/component-invite/config/authsome-helpers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 55148df34..000000000
--- a/packages/component-invite/config/authsome-helpers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-const omit = require('lodash/omit')
-const config = require('config')
-const get = require('lodash/get')
-const statuses = config.get('statuses')
-const publicStatusesPermissions = ['author', 'reviewer']
-const parseAuthorsData = (coll, matchingCollPerm) => {
-  if (['reviewer'].includes(matchingCollPerm.permission)) {
-    coll.authors = => omit(a, ['email']))
-  }
-const setPublicStatuses = (coll, matchingCollPerm) => {
-  const status = get(coll, 'status') || 'draft'
-  // coll.visibleStatus = statuses[status].public
-  if (publicStatusesPermissions.includes(matchingCollPerm.permission)) {
-    coll.visibleStatus = statuses[status].public
-  }
-const filterRefusedInvitations = (coll, user) => {
-  const matchingInv = coll.invitations.find(inv => inv.userId ===
-  if (matchingInv === undefined) return null
-  if (matchingInv.hasAnswer === true && !matchingInv.isAccepted) return null
-  return coll
-const filterObjectData = (
-  collectionsPermissions = [],
-  object = {},
-  user = {},
-) => {
-  if (object.type === 'fragment') {
-    const matchingCollPerm = collectionsPermissions.find(
-      collPerm => === collPerm.fragmentId,
-    )
-    if (matchingCollPerm === undefined) return null
-    if (['reviewer'].includes(matchingCollPerm.permission)) {
-      object.files = omit(object.files, ['coverLetter'])
-      if (object.recommendations)
-        object.recommendations = object.recommendations.filter(
-          rec => rec.userId ===,
-        )
-    }
-    parseAuthorsData(object, matchingCollPerm)
-    if (['reviewer', 'handlingEditor'].includes(matchingCollPerm.permission)) {
-      return filterRefusedInvitations(object, user)
-    }
-    return object
-  }
-  const matchingCollPerm = collectionsPermissions.find(
-    collPerm => ===,
-  )
-  if (matchingCollPerm === undefined) return null
-  setPublicStatuses(object, matchingCollPerm)
-  return object
-const getTeamsByPermissions = async (
-  teamIds = [],
-  permissions = [],
-  TeamModel,
-) =>
-  (await Promise.all(
- teamId => {
-      const team = await TeamModel.find(teamId)
-      if (!permissions.includes(team.teamType.permissions)) {
-        return null
-      }
-      return team
-    }),
-  )).filter(Boolean)
-const heIsInvitedToFragment = async ({ user, Team, collectionId }) =>
-  (await getTeamsByPermissions(user.teams, ['handlingEditor'], Team)).some(
-    // user is a member of the team with access to the fragment's parent collection
-    t => t.members.includes( && === collectionId,
-  )
-const getUserPermissions = async ({
-  user,
-  Team,
-  mapFn = t => ({
-    objectId:,
-    objectType: t.object.type,
-    role: t.teamType.permissions,
-  }),
-}) =>
-  (await Promise.all( => Team.find(teamId)))).map(mapFn)
-const isOwner = ({ user: { id }, object }) => {
-  if (object.owners.includes(id)) return true
-  return !!object.owners.find(own => === id)
-const hasPermissionForObject = async ({ user, object, Team, roles = [] }) => {
-  const userPermissions = await getUserPermissions({
-    user,
-    Team,
-  })
-  return !!userPermissions.find(p => {
-    const hasObject =
-      p.objectId === get(object, '') ||
-      p.objectId === get(object, 'fragment.collectionId')
-    if (roles.length > 0) {
-      return hasObject && roles.includes(p.role)
-    }
-    return hasObject
-  })
-const isHandlingEditor = ({ user, object }) =>
-  get(object, '') ===
-module.exports = {
-  filterObjectData,
-  parseAuthorsData,
-  setPublicStatuses,
-  getTeamsByPermissions,
-  filterRefusedInvitations,
-  //
-  isOwner,
-  isHandlingEditor,
-  getUserPermissions,
-  heIsInvitedToFragment,
-  hasPermissionForObject,
diff --git a/packages/component-invite/config/authsome-mode.js b/packages/component-invite/config/authsome-mode.js
index 8a92a1301..9c663beae 100644
--- a/packages/component-invite/config/authsome-mode.js
+++ b/packages/component-invite/config/authsome-mode.js
@@ -1,265 +1,3 @@
-const get = require('lodash/get')
-const pickBy = require('lodash/pickBy')
-const omit = require('lodash/omit')
-const helpers = require('./authsome-helpers')
-async function teamPermissions(user, operation, object, context) {
-  const { models } = context
-  const permissions = ['handlingEditor', 'author', 'reviewer']
-  const teams = await helpers.getTeamsByPermissions(
-    user.teams,
-    permissions,
-    context.models.Team,
-  )
-  let collectionsPermissions = await Promise.all(
- team => {
-      let collection
-      if (team.object.type === 'collection') {
-        collection = await models.Collection.find(
-      } else if (team.object.type === 'fragment') {
-        const fragment = await models.Fragment.find(
-        collection = await models.Collection.find(fragment.collectionId)
-      }
-      if (
-        collection.status === 'rejected' &&
-        team.teamType.permissions === 'reviewer'
-      )
-        return null
-      const collPerm = {
-        id:,
-        permission: team.teamType.permissions,
-      }
-      const objectType = get(object, 'type')
-      if (objectType === 'fragment') {
-        if (collection.fragments.includes(
-          collPerm.fragmentId =
-        else return null
-      }
-      if (objectType === 'collection')
-        if ( !== return null
-      return collPerm
-    }),
-  )
-  collectionsPermissions = collectionsPermissions.filter(cp => cp !== null)
-  if (collectionsPermissions.length === 0) return false
-  return {
-    filter: filterParam => {
-      if (!filterParam.length) {
-        return helpers.filterObjectData(
-          collectionsPermissions,
-          filterParam,
-          user,
-        )
-      }
-      const collections = filterParam
-        .map(coll =>
-          helpers.filterObjectData(collectionsPermissions, coll, user),
-        )
-        .filter(Boolean)
-      return collections
-    },
-  }
-function unauthenticatedUser(operation, object) {
-  // Public/unauthenticated users can GET /collections, filtered by 'published'
-  if (operation === 'GET' && object && object.path === '/collections') {
-    return {
-      filter: collections =>
-        collections.filter(collection => collection.published),
-    }
-  }
-  // Public/unauthenticated users can GET /collections/:id/fragments, filtered by 'published'
-  if (
-    operation === 'GET' &&
-    object &&
-    object.path === '/collections/:id/fragments'
-  ) {
-    return {
-      filter: fragments => fragments.filter(fragment => fragment.published),
-    }
-  }
-  // and filtered individual collection's properties: id, title, source, content, owners
-  if (operation === 'GET' && object && object.type === 'collection') {
-    if (object.published) {
-      return {
-        filter: collection =>
-          pickBy(collection, (_, key) =>
-            ['id', 'title', 'owners'].includes(key),
-          ),
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (operation === 'GET' && object && object.type === 'fragment') {
-    if (object.published) {
-      return {
-        filter: fragment =>
-          pickBy(fragment, (_, key) =>
-            ['id', 'title', 'source', 'presentation', 'owners'].includes(key),
-          ),
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return false
-async function authenticatedUser(user, operation, object, context) {
-  // Allow the authenticated user to POST a collection (but not with a 'filtered' property)
-  if (operation === 'POST' && object.path === '/collections') {
-    return {
-      filter: collection => omit(collection, 'filtered'),
-    }
-  }
-  if (
-    operation === 'POST' &&
-    object.path === '/collections/:collectionId/fragments'
-  ) {
-    return true
-  }
-  // allow authenticate owners full pass for a collection
-  if (get(object, 'type') === 'collection') {
-    if (operation === 'PATCH') {
-      return {
-        filter: collection => omit(collection, 'filtered'),
-      }
-    }
-    if (object.owners.includes( return true
-    const owner = object.owners.find(own => ===
-    if (owner !== undefined) return true
-  }
-  // Allow owners of a collection to GET its teams, e.g.
-  // GET /api/collections/1/teams
-  if (operation === 'GET' && get(object, 'path') === '/teams') {
-    const collectionId = get(object, 'params.collectionId')
-    if (collectionId) {
-      const collection = await context.models.Collection.find(collectionId)
-      if (collection.owners.includes( {
-        return true
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (
-    operation === 'GET' &&
-    get(object, 'type') === 'team' &&
-    get(object, 'object.type') === 'collection'
-  ) {
-    const collection = await context.models.Collection.find(
-      get(object, ''),
-    )
-    if (collection.owners.includes( {
-      return true
-    }
-  }
-  // Advanced example
-  // Allow authenticated users to create a team based around a collection
-  // if they are one of the owners of this collection
-  if (['POST', 'PATCH'].includes(operation) && get(object, 'type') === 'team') {
-    if (get(object, 'object.type') === 'collection') {
-      const collection = await context.models.Collection.find(
-        get(object, ''),
-      )
-      if (collection.owners.includes( {
-        return true
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  // only allow the HE to create, delete an invitation, or get invitation details
-  if (
-    ['POST', 'GET', 'DELETE'].includes(operation) &&
-    get(object.collection, 'type') === 'collection' &&
-    object.path.includes('invitations')
-  ) {
-    const collection = await context.models.Collection.find(
-      get(object.collection, 'id'),
-    )
-    const handlingEditor = get(collection, 'handlingEditor')
-    if (!handlingEditor) return false
-    if ( === return true
-    return false
-  }
-  // only allow a reviewer and an HE to submit and to modify a recommendation
-  if (
-    ['POST', 'PATCH'].includes(operation) &&
-    object.path.includes('recommendations')
-  ) {
-    const authsomeObject = get(object, 'authsomeObject')
-    const teams = await helpers.getTeamsByPermissions(
-      user.teams,
-      ['reviewer', 'handlingEditor'],
-      context.models.Team,
-    )
-    if (teams.length === 0) return false
-    const matchingTeam = teams.find(
-      team => ===,
-    )
-    if (matchingTeam) return true
-    return false
-  }
-  if (user.teams.length !== 0 && ['GET'].includes(operation)) {
-    const permissions = await teamPermissions(user, operation, object, context)
-    if (permissions) {
-      return permissions
-    }
-    return false
-  }
-  if (get(object, 'type') === 'fragment') {
-    const fragment = object
-    if (fragment.owners.includes( {
-      return true
-    }
-  }
-  // A user can GET, DELETE and PATCH itself
-  if (get(object, 'type') === 'user' && get(object, 'id') === {
-    if (['GET', 'DELETE', 'PATCH'].includes(operation)) {
-      return true
-    }
-  }
-  // If no individual permissions exist (above), fallback to unauthenticated
-  // user's permission
-  return unauthenticatedUser(operation, object)
-const authsomeMode = async (userId, operation, object, context) => {
-  if (!userId) {
-    return unauthenticatedUser(operation, object)
-  }
-  // It's up to us to retrieve the relevant models for our
-  // authorization/authsome mode, e.g.
-  const user = await context.models.User.find(userId)
-  // Admins and editor in chiefs can do anything
-  if (user && (user.admin || user.editorInChief)) return true
-  if (user) {
-    return authenticatedUser(user, operation, object, context)
-  }
-  return false
+const authsomeMode = require('xpub-faraday/config/authsome-mode')
 module.exports = authsomeMode
diff --git a/packages/component-invite/config/default.js b/packages/component-invite/config/default.js
index 4609e678e..9950c9b35 100644
--- a/packages/component-invite/config/default.js
+++ b/packages/component-invite/config/default.js
@@ -1,70 +1,3 @@
-const path = require('path')
+const defaultConfig = require('xpub-faraday/config/default')
-module.exports = {
-  authsome: {
-    mode: path.resolve(__dirname, 'authsome-mode.js'),
-    teams: {
-      handlingEditor: {
-        name: 'Handling Editors',
-      },
-      reviewer: {
-        name: 'Reviewer',
-      },
-    },
-  },
-  mailer: {
-    from: '',
-  },
-  'invite-reset-password': {
-    url:
-      'http://localhost:3000/invite',
-  },
-  roles: {
-    global: ['admin', 'editorInChief', 'author', 'handlingEditor'],
-    collection: ['handlingEditor', 'reviewer', 'author'],
-    inviteRights: {
-      admin: ['admin', 'editorInChief', 'author'],
-      editorInChief: ['handlingEditor'],
-      handlingEditor: ['reviewer'],
-    },
-  },
-  statuses: {
-    draft: {
-      public: 'Draft',
-      private: 'Draft',
-    },
-    submitted: {
-      public: 'Submitted',
-      private: 'Submitted',
-    },
-    heInvited: {
-      public: 'Submitted',
-      private: 'HE Invited',
-    },
-    heAssigned: {
-      public: 'HE Assigned',
-      private: 'HE Assigned',
-    },
-    reviewersInvited: {
-      public: 'Reviewers Invited',
-      private: 'Reviewers Invited',
-    },
-    underReview: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Under Review',
-    },
-  },
-  'manuscript-types': {
-    research: 'Research',
-    review: 'Review',
-    'clinical-study': 'Clinical Study',
-    'case-report': 'Case Report',
-    'letter-to-editor': 'Letter to the Editor',
-    editorial: 'Editorial',
-    corrigendum: 'Corrigendum',
-    erratum: 'Erratum',
-    'expression-of-concern': 'Expression of Concern',
-    retraction: 'Retraction',
-  },
+module.exports = defaultConfig
diff --git a/packages/component-invite/config/test.js b/packages/component-invite/config/test.js
index e622200e0..9950c9b35 100644
--- a/packages/component-invite/config/test.js
+++ b/packages/component-invite/config/test.js
@@ -1,71 +1,3 @@
-const path = require('path')
+const defaultConfig = require('xpub-faraday/config/default')
-module.exports = {
-  authsome: {
-    mode: path.resolve(__dirname, 'authsome-mode.js'),
-    teams: {
-      handlingEditor: {
-        name: 'Handling Editors',
-      },
-      reviewer: {
-        name: 'Reviewer',
-      },
-    },
-  },
-  mailer: {
-    from: '',
-  },
-  'invite-reset-password': {
-    url:
-      'http://localhost:3000/invite',
-  },
-  roles: {
-    global: ['admin', 'editorInChief', 'author', 'handlingEditor'],
-    collection: ['handlingEditor', 'reviewer', 'author'],
-    inviteRights: {
-      admin: ['admin', 'editorInChief', 'author', 'handlingEditor', 'author'],
-      editorInChief: ['handlingEditor'],
-      handlingEditor: ['reviewer'],
-      author: ['author'],
-    },
-  },
-  statuses: {
-    draft: {
-      public: 'Draft',
-      private: 'Draft',
-    },
-    submitted: {
-      public: 'Submitted',
-      private: 'Submitted',
-    },
-    heInvited: {
-      public: 'Submitted',
-      private: 'HE Invited',
-    },
-    heAssigned: {
-      public: 'HE Assigned',
-      private: 'HE Assigned',
-    },
-    reviewersInvited: {
-      public: 'Reviewers Invited',
-      private: 'Reviewers Invited',
-    },
-    underReview: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Under Review',
-    },
-  },
-  'manuscript-types': {
-    research: 'Research',
-    review: 'Review',
-    'clinical-study': 'Clinical Study',
-    'case-report': 'Case Report',
-    'letter-to-editor': 'Letter to the Editor',
-    editorial: 'Editorial',
-    corrigendum: 'Corrigendum',
-    erratum: 'Erratum',
-    'expression-of-concern': 'Expression of Concern',
-    retraction: 'Retraction',
-  },
+module.exports = defaultConfig
diff --git a/packages/component-invite/src/routes/fragmentsInvitations/get.js b/packages/component-invite/src/routes/fragmentsInvitations/get.js
index 2bb8c540e..a7e80aa98 100644
--- a/packages/component-invite/src/routes/fragmentsInvitations/get.js
+++ b/packages/component-invite/src/routes/fragmentsInvitations/get.js
@@ -40,6 +40,7 @@ module.exports = models => async (req, res) => {
       path: req.route.path,
     const canGet = await authsome.can(req.user, 'GET', target)
     if (!canGet)
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/authsome-helpers.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/authsome-helpers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 658f47bb6..000000000
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/authsome-helpers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-const omit = require('lodash/omit')
-const config = require('config')
-const get = require('lodash/get')
-const statuses = config.get('statuses')
-const publicStatusesPermissions = ['author', 'reviewer']
-const parseAuthorsData = (coll, matchingCollPerm) => {
-  if (['reviewer'].includes(matchingCollPerm.permission)) {
-    coll.authors = => omit(a, ['email']))
-  }
-const setPublicStatuses = (coll, matchingCollPerm) => {
-  const status = get(coll, 'status') || 'draft'
-  // coll.visibleStatus = statuses[status].public
-  if (publicStatusesPermissions.includes(matchingCollPerm.permission)) {
-    coll.visibleStatus = statuses[status].public
-  }
-const filterRefusedInvitations = (coll, user) => {
-  const matchingInv = coll.invitations.find(inv => inv.userId ===
-  if (matchingInv === undefined) return null
-  if (matchingInv.hasAnswer === true && !matchingInv.isAccepted) return null
-  return coll
-const filterObjectData = (
-  collectionsPermissions = [],
-  object = {},
-  user = {},
-) => {
-  if (object.type === 'fragment') {
-    const matchingCollPerm = collectionsPermissions.find(
-      collPerm => === collPerm.fragmentId,
-    )
-    if (matchingCollPerm === undefined) return null
-    if (['reviewer'].includes(matchingCollPerm.permission)) {
-      object.files = omit(object.files, ['coverLetter'])
-      if (object.recommendations)
-        object.recommendations = object.recommendations.filter(
-          rec => rec.userId ===,
-        )
-    }
-    parseAuthorsData(object, matchingCollPerm)
-    if (['reviewer', 'handlingEditor'].includes(matchingCollPerm.permission)) {
-      return filterRefusedInvitations(object, user)
-    }
-    return object
-  }
-  const matchingCollPerm = collectionsPermissions.find(
-    collPerm => ===,
-  )
-  if (matchingCollPerm === undefined) return null
-  setPublicStatuses(object, matchingCollPerm)
-  return object
-const getTeamsByPermissions = async (
-  teamIds = [],
-  permissions = [],
-  TeamModel,
-) =>
-  (await Promise.all(
- teamId => {
-      const team = await TeamModel.find(teamId)
-      if (!permissions.includes(team.teamType.permissions)) {
-        return null
-      }
-      return team
-    }),
-  )).filter(Boolean)
-const heIsInvitedToFragment = async ({ user, Team, collectionId }) =>
-  (await getTeamsByPermissions(user.teams, ['handlingEditor'], Team)).some(
-    // user is a member of the team with access to the fragment's parent collection
-    t => t.members.includes( && === collectionId,
-  )
-const getUserPermissions = async ({
-  user,
-  Team,
-  mapFn = t => ({
-    objectId:,
-    objectType: t.object.type,
-    role: t.teamType.permissions,
-  }),
-}) =>
-  (await Promise.all( => Team.find(teamId)))).map(mapFn)
-const isOwner = ({ user: { id }, object }) => {
-  if (object.owners.includes(id)) return true
-  return !!object.owners.find(own => === id)
-const hasPermissionForObject = async ({ user, object, Team, roles = [] }) => {
-  const userPermissions = await getUserPermissions({
-    user,
-    Team,
-  })
-  return !!userPermissions.find(p => {
-    const hasObject =
-      p.objectId === get(object, '') ||
-      p.objectId === get(object, 'fragment.collectionId')
-    if (roles.length > 0) {
-      return hasObject && roles.includes(p.role)
-    }
-    return hasObject
-  })
-const isHandlingEditor = ({ user, object }) =>
-  get(object, '') ===
-module.exports = {
-  filterObjectData,
-  parseAuthorsData,
-  setPublicStatuses,
-  getTeamsByPermissions,
-  filterRefusedInvitations,
-  isOwner,
-  isHandlingEditor,
-  getUserPermissions,
-  heIsInvitedToFragment,
-  hasPermissionForObject,
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/authsome-mode.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/authsome-mode.js
index 2c80868dd..9c663beae 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/authsome-mode.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/authsome-mode.js
@@ -1,269 +1,3 @@
-const config = require('config')
-const { get, pickBy, omit } = require('lodash')
-const statuses = config.get('statuses')
-const helpers = require('./authsome-helpers')
-function unauthenticatedUser(operation, object) {
-  // Public/unauthenticated users can GET /collections, filtered by 'published'
-  if (operation === 'GET' && object && object.path === '/collections') {
-    return {
-      filter: collections =>
-        collections.filter(collection => collection.published),
-    }
-  }
-  // Public/unauthenticated users can GET /collections/:id/fragments, filtered by 'published'
-  if (
-    operation === 'GET' &&
-    object &&
-    object.path === '/collections/:id/fragments'
-  ) {
-    return {
-      filter: fragments => fragments.filter(fragment => fragment.published),
-    }
-  }
-  // and filtered individual collection's properties: id, title, source, content, owners
-  if (operation === 'GET' && object && object.type === 'collection') {
-    if (object.published) {
-      return {
-        filter: collection =>
-          pickBy(collection, (_, key) =>
-            ['id', 'title', 'owners'].includes(key),
-          ),
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (operation === 'GET' && object && object.type === 'fragment') {
-    if (object.published) {
-      return {
-        filter: fragment =>
-          pickBy(fragment, (_, key) =>
-            ['id', 'title', 'source', 'presentation', 'owners'].includes(key),
-          ),
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return false
-const publicStatusesPermissions = ['author', 'reviewer']
-const createPaths = ['/collections', '/collections/:collectionId/fragments']
-async function authenticatedUser(user, operation, object, context) {
-  if (operation === 'GET') {
-    if (get(object, 'path') === '/collections') {
-      return {
-        filter: async collections => {
-          const userPermissions = await helpers.getUserPermissions({
-            user,
-            Team: context.models.Team,
-          })
-          return collections.filter(collection => {
-            if (collection.owners.includes( {
-              return true
-            }
-            const collectionPermission = userPermissions.find(
-              p => p.objectId ===,
-            )
-            if (collectionPermission) {
-              return true
-            }
-            const fragmentPermission = userPermissions.find(p =>
-              collection.fragments.includes(p.objectId),
-            )
-            if (fragmentPermission) {
-              return true
-            }
-            return false
-          })
-        },
-      }
-    }
-    if (object === '/users') {
-      return true
-    }
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'collection') {
-      if (helpers.isOwner({ user, object })) {
-        return true
-      }
-      return {
-        filter: async collection => {
-          const status = get(collection, 'status') || 'draft'
-          const userPermissions = await helpers.getUserPermissions({
-            user,
-            Team: context.models.Team,
-          })
-          if ( => {
-            return collection
-          }
-          const collectionPermission = userPermissions.find(
-            p => p.objectId ===,
-          )
-          if (
-            publicStatusesPermissions.includes(
-              get(collectionPermission, 'role'),
-            )
-          ) {
-            collection.visibleStatus = statuses[status].public
-          }
-          return collection
-        },
-      }
-    }
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'fragment') {
-      if (helpers.isOwner({ user, object })) {
-        return true
-      }
-      const userPermissions = await helpers.getUserPermissions({
-        user,
-        Team: context.models.Team,
-      })
-      const permission = userPermissions.find(
-        p => p.objectId === || p.objectId === object.collectionId,
-      )
-      if (!permission) return false
-      return {
-        filter: fragment => {
-          // handle other roles
-          if (permission.role === 'reviewer') {
-            fragment.files = omit(fragment.files, ['coverLetter'])
-            fragment.authors = => omit(a, ['email']))
-          }
-          return fragment
-        },
-      }
-    }
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'user') {
-      return true
-    }
-    // allow HE to get reviewer invitations
-    if (get(object, 'fragment.type') === 'fragment') {
-      const collectionId = get(object, 'fragment.collectionId')
-      const collection = await context.models.Collection.find(collectionId)
-      if (get(collection, '') === {
-        return true
-      }
-    }
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'user') {
-      return true
-    }
-  }
-  if (operation === 'POST') {
-    // allow everytone to create manuscripts and versions
-    if (createPaths.includes(object.path)) {
-      return true
-    }
-    // allow HE to invite
-    if (
-      get(object, 'path') ===
-      '/api/collections/:collectionId/fragments/:fragmentId/invitations'
-    ) {
-      return helpers.isHandlingEditor({ user, object })
-    }
-    // allow HE or assigned reviewers to recommend
-    if (
-      get(object, 'path') ===
-      '/api/collections/:collectionId/fragments/:fragmentId/recommendations'
-    ) {
-      return helpers.hasPermissionForObject({
-        user,
-        object,
-        Team: context.models.Team,
-        roles: ['reviewer', 'handlingEditor'],
-      })
-    }
-  }
-  if (operation === 'PATCH') {
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'collection') {
-      return helpers.isOwner({ user, object })
-    }
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'fragment') {
-      return helpers.isOwner({ user, object })
-    }
-    // allow reviewer to patch his recommendation
-    if (
-      get(object, 'path') ===
-      '/api/collections/:collectionId/fragments/:fragmentId/recommendations/:recommendationId'
-    ) {
-      return helpers.hasPermissionForObject({
-        user,
-        object,
-        Team: context.models.Team,
-        roles: ['reviewer'],
-      })
-    }
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'user' && get(object, 'id') === {
-      return true
-    }
-    // allow owner to submit a revision
-    if (
-      get(object, 'path') ===
-      '/api/collections/:collectionId/fragments/:fragmentId/submit'
-    ) {
-      return helpers.isOwner({ user, object: object.fragment })
-    }
-  }
-  if (operation === 'DELETE') {
-    if (
-      get(object, 'path') ===
-      '/api/collections/:collectionId/fragments/:fragmentId/invitations/:invitationId'
-    ) {
-      return helpers.isHandlingEditor({ user, object })
-    }
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'collection') {
-      return helpers.isOwner({ user, object })
-    }
-  }
-  // If no individual permissions exist (above), fallback to unauthenticated
-  // user's permission
-  return unauthenticatedUser(operation, object)
-const authsomeMode = async (userId, operation, object, context) => {
-  if (!userId) {
-    return unauthenticatedUser(operation, object)
-  }
-  // It's up to us to retrieve the relevant models for our
-  // authorization/authsome mode, e.g.
-  const user = await context.models.User.find(userId)
-  // Admins and editor in chiefs can do anything
-  if (user && (user.admin || user.editorInChief)) return true
-  if (user) {
-    return authenticatedUser(user, operation, object, context)
-  }
-  return false
+const authsomeMode = require('xpub-faraday/config/authsome-mode')
 module.exports = authsomeMode
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/default.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/default.js
index 241cb498d..9950c9b35 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/default.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/default.js
@@ -1,90 +1,3 @@
-const path = require('path')
+const defaultConfig = require('xpub-faraday/config/default')
-module.exports = {
-  authsome: {
-    mode: path.resolve(__dirname, 'authsome-mode.js'),
-    teams: {
-      handlingEditor: {
-        name: 'Handling Editors',
-      },
-      reviewer: {
-        name: 'Reviewer',
-      },
-    },
-  },
-  mailer: {
-    from: '',
-  },
-  'invite-reset-password': {
-    url:
-      'http://localhost:3000/invite',
-  },
-  roles: {
-    global: ['admin', 'editorInChief', 'author', 'handlingEditor'],
-    collection: ['handlingEditor', 'reviewer', 'author'],
-    inviteRights: {
-      admin: ['admin', 'editorInChief', 'author'],
-      editorInChief: ['handlingEditor'],
-      handlingEditor: ['reviewer'],
-    },
-  },
-  statuses: {
-    draft: {
-      public: 'Draft',
-      private: 'Draft',
-    },
-    submitted: {
-      public: 'Submitted',
-      private: 'Submitted',
-    },
-    heInvited: {
-      public: 'Submitted',
-      private: 'Handling Editor Invited',
-    },
-    heAssigned: {
-      public: 'Handling Editor Assigned',
-      private: 'Handling Editor Assigned',
-    },
-    reviewersInvited: {
-      public: 'Reviewers Invited',
-      private: 'Reviewers Invited',
-    },
-    underReview: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Under Review',
-    },
-    reviewCompleted: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Review Completed',
-    },
-    pendingApproval: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Pending Approval',
-    },
-    revisionRequested: {
-      public: 'Revision Requested',
-      private: 'Revision Requested',
-    },
-    rejected: {
-      public: 'Rejected',
-      private: 'Rejected',
-    },
-    published: {
-      public: 'Published',
-      private: 'Published',
-    },
-  },
-  'manuscript-types': {
-    research: 'Research',
-    review: 'Review',
-    'clinical-study': 'Clinical Study',
-    'case-report': 'Case Report',
-    'letter-to-editor': 'Letter to the Editor',
-    editorial: 'Editorial',
-    corrigendum: 'Corrigendum',
-    erratum: 'Erratum',
-    'expression-of-concern': 'Expression of Concern',
-    retraction: 'Retraction',
-  },
+module.exports = defaultConfig
diff --git a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/test.js b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/test.js
index 9dad34bbf..9950c9b35 100644
--- a/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/test.js
+++ b/packages/component-manuscript-manager/config/test.js
@@ -1,91 +1,3 @@
-const path = require('path')
+const defaultConfig = require('xpub-faraday/config/default')
-module.exports = {
-  authsome: {
-    mode: path.resolve(__dirname, 'authsome-mode.js'),
-    teams: {
-      handlingEditor: {
-        name: 'Handling Editors',
-      },
-      reviewer: {
-        name: 'Reviewer',
-      },
-    },
-  },
-  mailer: {
-    from: '',
-  },
-  'invite-reset-password': {
-    url:
-      'http://localhost:3000/invite',
-  },
-  roles: {
-    global: ['admin', 'editorInChief', 'author', 'handlingEditor'],
-    collection: ['handlingEditor', 'reviewer', 'author'],
-    inviteRights: {
-      admin: ['admin', 'editorInChief', 'author', 'handlingEditor', 'author'],
-      editorInChief: ['handlingEditor'],
-      handlingEditor: ['reviewer'],
-      author: ['author'],
-    },
-  },
-  statuses: {
-    draft: {
-      public: 'Draft',
-      private: 'Draft',
-    },
-    submitted: {
-      public: 'Submitted',
-      private: 'Submitted',
-    },
-    heInvited: {
-      public: 'Submitted',
-      private: 'Handling Editor Invited',
-    },
-    heAssigned: {
-      public: 'Handling Editor Assigned',
-      private: 'Handling Editor Assigned',
-    },
-    reviewersInvited: {
-      public: 'Reviewers Invited',
-      private: 'Reviewers Invited',
-    },
-    underReview: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Under Review',
-    },
-    reviewCompleted: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Review Completed',
-    },
-    pendingApproval: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Pending Approval',
-    },
-    revisionRequested: {
-      public: 'Revision Requested',
-      private: 'Revision Requested',
-    },
-    rejected: {
-      public: 'Rejected',
-      private: 'Rejected',
-    },
-    published: {
-      public: 'Published',
-      private: 'Published',
-    },
-  },
-  'manuscript-types': {
-    research: 'Research',
-    review: 'Review',
-    'clinical-study': 'Clinical Study',
-    'case-report': 'Case Report',
-    'letter-to-editor': 'Letter to the Editor',
-    editorial: 'Editorial',
-    corrigendum: 'Corrigendum',
-    erratum: 'Erratum',
-    'expression-of-concern': 'Expression of Concern',
-    retraction: 'Retraction',
-  },
+module.exports = defaultConfig
diff --git a/packages/component-user-manager/config/authsome-helpers.js b/packages/component-user-manager/config/authsome-helpers.js
deleted file mode 100644
index 55148df34..000000000
--- a/packages/component-user-manager/config/authsome-helpers.js
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,131 +0,0 @@
-const omit = require('lodash/omit')
-const config = require('config')
-const get = require('lodash/get')
-const statuses = config.get('statuses')
-const publicStatusesPermissions = ['author', 'reviewer']
-const parseAuthorsData = (coll, matchingCollPerm) => {
-  if (['reviewer'].includes(matchingCollPerm.permission)) {
-    coll.authors = => omit(a, ['email']))
-  }
-const setPublicStatuses = (coll, matchingCollPerm) => {
-  const status = get(coll, 'status') || 'draft'
-  // coll.visibleStatus = statuses[status].public
-  if (publicStatusesPermissions.includes(matchingCollPerm.permission)) {
-    coll.visibleStatus = statuses[status].public
-  }
-const filterRefusedInvitations = (coll, user) => {
-  const matchingInv = coll.invitations.find(inv => inv.userId ===
-  if (matchingInv === undefined) return null
-  if (matchingInv.hasAnswer === true && !matchingInv.isAccepted) return null
-  return coll
-const filterObjectData = (
-  collectionsPermissions = [],
-  object = {},
-  user = {},
-) => {
-  if (object.type === 'fragment') {
-    const matchingCollPerm = collectionsPermissions.find(
-      collPerm => === collPerm.fragmentId,
-    )
-    if (matchingCollPerm === undefined) return null
-    if (['reviewer'].includes(matchingCollPerm.permission)) {
-      object.files = omit(object.files, ['coverLetter'])
-      if (object.recommendations)
-        object.recommendations = object.recommendations.filter(
-          rec => rec.userId ===,
-        )
-    }
-    parseAuthorsData(object, matchingCollPerm)
-    if (['reviewer', 'handlingEditor'].includes(matchingCollPerm.permission)) {
-      return filterRefusedInvitations(object, user)
-    }
-    return object
-  }
-  const matchingCollPerm = collectionsPermissions.find(
-    collPerm => ===,
-  )
-  if (matchingCollPerm === undefined) return null
-  setPublicStatuses(object, matchingCollPerm)
-  return object
-const getTeamsByPermissions = async (
-  teamIds = [],
-  permissions = [],
-  TeamModel,
-) =>
-  (await Promise.all(
- teamId => {
-      const team = await TeamModel.find(teamId)
-      if (!permissions.includes(team.teamType.permissions)) {
-        return null
-      }
-      return team
-    }),
-  )).filter(Boolean)
-const heIsInvitedToFragment = async ({ user, Team, collectionId }) =>
-  (await getTeamsByPermissions(user.teams, ['handlingEditor'], Team)).some(
-    // user is a member of the team with access to the fragment's parent collection
-    t => t.members.includes( && === collectionId,
-  )
-const getUserPermissions = async ({
-  user,
-  Team,
-  mapFn = t => ({
-    objectId:,
-    objectType: t.object.type,
-    role: t.teamType.permissions,
-  }),
-}) =>
-  (await Promise.all( => Team.find(teamId)))).map(mapFn)
-const isOwner = ({ user: { id }, object }) => {
-  if (object.owners.includes(id)) return true
-  return !!object.owners.find(own => === id)
-const hasPermissionForObject = async ({ user, object, Team, roles = [] }) => {
-  const userPermissions = await getUserPermissions({
-    user,
-    Team,
-  })
-  return !!userPermissions.find(p => {
-    const hasObject =
-      p.objectId === get(object, '') ||
-      p.objectId === get(object, 'fragment.collectionId')
-    if (roles.length > 0) {
-      return hasObject && roles.includes(p.role)
-    }
-    return hasObject
-  })
-const isHandlingEditor = ({ user, object }) =>
-  get(object, '') ===
-module.exports = {
-  filterObjectData,
-  parseAuthorsData,
-  setPublicStatuses,
-  getTeamsByPermissions,
-  filterRefusedInvitations,
-  //
-  isOwner,
-  isHandlingEditor,
-  getUserPermissions,
-  heIsInvitedToFragment,
-  hasPermissionForObject,
diff --git a/packages/component-user-manager/config/authsome-mode.js b/packages/component-user-manager/config/authsome-mode.js
index 20e0d6918..9c663beae 100644
--- a/packages/component-user-manager/config/authsome-mode.js
+++ b/packages/component-user-manager/config/authsome-mode.js
@@ -1,253 +1,3 @@
-const config = require('config')
-const { get, pickBy, omit } = require('lodash')
-const statuses = config.get('statuses')
-const helpers = require('./authsome-helpers')
-function unauthenticatedUser(operation, object) {
-  // Public/unauthenticated users can GET /collections, filtered by 'published'
-  if (operation === 'GET' && object && object.path === '/collections') {
-    return {
-      filter: collections =>
-        collections.filter(collection => collection.published),
-    }
-  }
-  // Public/unauthenticated users can GET /collections/:id/fragments, filtered by 'published'
-  if (
-    operation === 'GET' &&
-    object &&
-    object.path === '/collections/:id/fragments'
-  ) {
-    return {
-      filter: fragments => fragments.filter(fragment => fragment.published),
-    }
-  }
-  // and filtered individual collection's properties: id, title, source, content, owners
-  if (operation === 'GET' && object && object.type === 'collection') {
-    if (object.published) {
-      return {
-        filter: collection =>
-          pickBy(collection, (_, key) =>
-            ['id', 'title', 'owners'].includes(key),
-          ),
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  if (operation === 'GET' && object && object.type === 'fragment') {
-    if (object.published) {
-      return {
-        filter: fragment =>
-          pickBy(fragment, (_, key) =>
-            ['id', 'title', 'source', 'presentation', 'owners'].includes(key),
-          ),
-      }
-    }
-  }
-  return false
-const publicStatusesPermissions = ['author', 'reviewer']
-const createPaths = ['/collections', '/collections/:collectionId/fragments']
-async function authenticatedUser(user, operation, object, context) {
-  if (operation === 'GET') {
-    if (get(object, 'path') === '/collections') {
-      return {
-        filter: async collections => {
-          const userPermissions = await helpers.getUserPermissions({
-            user,
-            Team: context.models.Team,
-          })
-          return collections.filter(collection => {
-            if (collection.owners.includes( {
-              return true
-            }
-            const collectionPermission = userPermissions.find(
-              p => p.objectId ===,
-            )
-            if (collectionPermission) {
-              return true
-            }
-            const fragmentPermission = userPermissions.find(p =>
-              collection.fragments.includes(p.objectId),
-            )
-            if (fragmentPermission) {
-              return true
-            }
-            return false
-          })
-        },
-      }
-    }
-    if (object === '/users') {
-      return true
-    }
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'collection') {
-      if (helpers.isOwner({ user, object })) {
-        return true
-      }
-      return {
-        filter: async collection => {
-          const status = get(collection, 'status') || 'draft'
-          const userPermissions = await helpers.getUserPermissions({
-            user,
-            Team: context.models.Team,
-          })
-          if ( => {
-            return collection
-          }
-          const collectionPermission = userPermissions.find(
-            p => p.objectId ===,
-          )
-          if (
-            publicStatusesPermissions.includes(
-              get(collectionPermission, 'role'),
-            )
-          ) {
-            collection.visibleStatus = statuses[status].public
-          }
-          return collection
-        },
-      }
-    }
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'fragment') {
-      if (helpers.isOwner({ user, object })) {
-        return true
-      }
-      const userPermissions = await helpers.getUserPermissions({
-        user,
-        Team: context.models.Team,
-      })
-      const permission = userPermissions.find(
-        p => p.objectId === || p.objectId === object.collectionId,
-      )
-      if (!permission) return false
-      return {
-        filter: fragment => {
-          // handle other roles
-          if (permission.role === 'reviewer') {
-            fragment.files = omit(fragment.files, ['coverLetter'])
-            fragment.authors = => omit(a, ['email']))
-          }
-          return fragment
-        },
-      }
-    }
-    // allow HE to get reviewer invitations
-    if (get(object, 'fragment.type') === 'fragment') {
-      const collectionId = get(object, 'fragment.collectionId')
-      const collection = await context.models.Collection.find(collectionId)
-      if (get(collection, '') === {
-        return true
-      }
-    }
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'user') {
-      return true
-    }
-  }
-  if (operation === 'POST') {
-    // allow everytone to create manuscripts and versions
-    if (createPaths.includes(object.path)) {
-      return true
-    }
-    // allow HE to invite
-    if (
-      get(object, 'path') ===
-      '/api/collections/:collectionId/fragments/:fragmentId/invitations'
-    ) {
-      return helpers.isHandlingEditor({ user, object })
-    }
-    // allow HE or assigned reviewers to recommend
-    if (
-      get(object, 'path') ===
-      '/api/collections/:collectionId/fragments/:fragmentId/recommendations'
-    ) {
-      return helpers.hasPermissionForObject({
-        user,
-        object,
-        Team: context.models.Team,
-        roles: ['reviewer', 'handlingEditor'],
-      })
-    }
-  }
-  if (operation === 'PATCH') {
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'collection') {
-      return helpers.isOwner({ user, object })
-    }
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'fragment') {
-      return helpers.isOwner({ user, object })
-    }
-    // allow reviewer to patch his recommendation
-    if (
-      get(object, 'path') ===
-      '/api/collections/:collectionId/fragments/:fragmentId/recommendations/:recommendationId'
-    ) {
-      return helpers.hasPermissionForObject({
-        user,
-        object,
-        Team: context.models.Team,
-        roles: ['reviewer'],
-      })
-    }
-    if (get(object, 'type') === 'user' && get(object, 'id') === {
-      return true
-    }
-  }
-  if (operation === 'DELETE') {
-    if (
-      get(object, 'path') ===
-      '/api/collections/:collectionId/fragments/:fragmentId/invitations/:invitationId'
-    ) {
-      return helpers.isHandlingEditor({ user, object })
-    }
-  }
-  // If no individual permissions exist (above), fallback to unauthenticated
-  // user's permission
-  return unauthenticatedUser(operation, object)
-const authsomeMode = async (userId, operation, object, context) => {
-  if (!userId) {
-    return unauthenticatedUser(operation, object)
-  }
-  // It's up to us to retrieve the relevant models for our
-  // authorization/authsome mode, e.g.
-  const user = await context.models.User.find(userId)
-  // Admins and editor in chiefs can do anything
-  if (user && (user.admin || user.editorInChief)) return true
-  if (user) {
-    return authenticatedUser(user, operation, object, context)
-  }
-  return false
+const authsomeMode = require('xpub-faraday/config/authsome-mode')
 module.exports = authsomeMode
diff --git a/packages/component-user-manager/config/default.js b/packages/component-user-manager/config/default.js
index 5d8cb0c55..9950c9b35 100644
--- a/packages/component-user-manager/config/default.js
+++ b/packages/component-user-manager/config/default.js
@@ -1,90 +1,3 @@
-const path = require('path')
+const defaultConfig = require('xpub-faraday/config/default')
-module.exports = {
-  authsome: {
-    mode: path.resolve(__dirname, 'authsome-mode.js'),
-    teams: {
-      handlingEditor: {
-        name: 'Handling Editors',
-      },
-      reviewer: {
-        name: 'Reviewer',
-      },
-    },
-  },
-  mailer: {
-    from: '',
-  },
-  'invite-reset-password': {
-    url:
-      'http://localhost:3000/invite',
-  },
-  roles: {
-    global: ['admin', 'editorInChief', 'author', 'handlingEditor'],
-    collection: ['handlingEditor', 'reviewer'],
-    inviteRights: {
-      admin: ['admin', 'editorInChief', 'author'],
-      editorInChief: ['handlingEditor'],
-      handlingEditor: ['reviewer'],
-    },
-  },
-  statuses: {
-    draft: {
-      public: 'Draft',
-      private: 'Draft',
-    },
-    submitted: {
-      public: 'Submitted',
-      private: 'Submitted',
-    },
-    heInvited: {
-      public: 'Submitted',
-      private: 'Handling Editor Invited',
-    },
-    heAssigned: {
-      public: 'Handling Editor Assigned',
-      private: 'Handling Editor Assigned',
-    },
-    reviewersInvited: {
-      public: 'Reviewers Invited',
-      private: 'Reviewers Invited',
-    },
-    underReview: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Under Review',
-    },
-    reviewCompleted: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Review Completed',
-    },
-    pendingApproval: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Pending Approval',
-    },
-    revisionRequested: {
-      public: 'Revision Requested',
-      private: 'Revision Requested',
-    },
-    rejected: {
-      public: 'Rejected',
-      private: 'Rejected',
-    },
-    published: {
-      public: 'Published',
-      private: 'Published',
-    },
-  },
-  'manuscript-types': {
-    research: 'Research',
-    review: 'Review',
-    'clinical-study': 'Clinical Study',
-    'case-report': 'Case Report',
-    'letter-to-editor': 'Letter to the Editor',
-    editorial: 'Editorial',
-    corrigendum: 'Corrigendum',
-    erratum: 'Erratum',
-    'expression-of-concern': 'Expression of Concern',
-    retraction: 'Retraction',
-  },
+module.exports = defaultConfig
diff --git a/packages/component-user-manager/config/test.js b/packages/component-user-manager/config/test.js
index 63452331a..9950c9b35 100644
--- a/packages/component-user-manager/config/test.js
+++ b/packages/component-user-manager/config/test.js
@@ -1,78 +1,3 @@
-module.exports = {
-  mailer: {
-    from: '',
-  },
-  'invite-reset-password': {
-    url:
-      'http://localhost:3000/invite',
-  },
-  roles: {
-    global: ['admin', 'editorInChief', 'author', 'handlingEditor'],
-    collection: ['handlingEditor', 'reviewer', 'author'],
-    inviteRights: {
-      admin: ['admin', 'editorInChief', 'author', 'handlingEditor', 'author'],
-      editorInChief: ['handlingEditor'],
-      handlingEditor: ['reviewer'],
-      author: ['author'],
-    },
-  },
-  statuses: {
-    draft: {
-      public: 'Draft',
-      private: 'Draft',
-    },
-    submitted: {
-      public: 'Submitted',
-      private: 'Submitted',
-    },
-    heInvited: {
-      public: 'Submitted',
-      private: 'Handling Editor Invited',
-    },
-    heAssigned: {
-      public: 'Handling Editor Assigned',
-      private: 'Handling Editor Assigned',
-    },
-    reviewersInvited: {
-      public: 'Reviewers Invited',
-      private: 'Reviewers Invited',
-    },
-    underReview: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Under Review',
-    },
-    reviewCompleted: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Review Completed',
-    },
-    pendingApproval: {
-      public: 'Under Review',
-      private: 'Pending Approval',
-    },
-    revisionRequested: {
-      public: 'Revision Requested',
-      private: 'Revision Requested',
-    },
-    rejected: {
-      public: 'Rejected',
-      private: 'Rejected',
-    },
-    published: {
-      public: 'Published',
-      private: 'Published',
-    },
-  },
-  'manuscript-types': {
-    research: 'Research',
-    review: 'Review',
-    'clinical-study': 'Clinical Study',
-    'case-report': 'Case Report',
-    'letter-to-editor': 'Letter to the Editor',
-    editorial: 'Editorial',
-    corrigendum: 'Corrigendum',
-    erratum: 'Erratum',
-    'expression-of-concern': 'Expression of Concern',
-    retraction: 'Retraction',
-  },
+const defaultConfig = require('xpub-faraday/config/default')
+module.exports = defaultConfig