const config = require('config') const { upperFirst } = require('lodash') const staffEmail = config.get('journal.staffEmail') const journalName = config.get('') const getEmailCopy = ({ customId, emailType, titleText, comments = '', targetUserName = '', eicName = 'Editor in Chief', expectedDate = new Date(), }) => { let paragraph let hasLink = true let hasIntro = true let hasSignature = true switch (emailType) { case 'author-request-to-revision': paragraph = `After reviewing ${titleText}, I have requested further revisions to the manuscript. <br/><br/> ${comments}<br/><br/> For more information about the requested changes and to submit your revised manuscript, please visit the manuscript details page.` break case 'author-manuscript-rejected': paragraph = `The peer review of ${titleText} has now been completed. I regret to inform you that your manuscript has been rejected for publication.<br/><br/> ${comments}<br/><br/> Thank you for your submission to ${journalName}.` hasLink = false break case 'author-manuscript-published': paragraph = `I am delighted to inform you that the review of ${titleText} has been completed and your article will be published in ${journalName}.<br/><br/> Please visit the manuscript details page to review the editorial notes and any comments from external reviewers.<br/><br/> Your article will now be passed to our production team for processing, and you will hear directly from them should we require any further information.<br/><br/> Thank you for choosing to publish with ${journalName}.` break case 'he-manuscript-rejected': hasLink = false hasIntro = false hasSignature = false paragraph = `${targetUserName} has confirmed your decision to reject the ${titleText}.<br/><br/> No further action is required at this time. To review this decision, please visit the manuscript details page.<br/><br/> Thank you for handling this manuscript on behalf of ${journalName}.` break case 'he-manuscript-published': hasIntro = false hasSignature = false paragraph = `${targetUserName} has confirmed your decision to accept ${titleText}.<br/><br/> No further action is required at this time. To review this decision, please visit the manuscript details.<br/><br/> Thank you for handling this manuscript on behalf of ${journalName}.` break case 'he-manuscript-return-with-comments': paragraph = `${targetUserName} has responded with comments regarding your editorial recommendation on ${titleText}.<br/><br/> ${comments}<br/><br/> Please review these comments and take action on the manuscript details page.` break case 'accepted-reviewers-after-recommendation': hasLink = false paragraph = `I appreciate any time you may have spent reviewing ${titleText}. However, I am prepared to make an editorial decision and your review is no longer required at this time. I apologize for any inconvenience. <br/><br/> If you have comments on this manuscript you believe I should see, please email them to ${staffEmail} as soon as possible. <br/><br/> Thank you for your interest and I hope you will consider reviewing for ${journalName} again.` break case 'pending-reviewers-after-recommendation': hasLink = false paragraph = `I appreciate any time you may have spent reviewing ${titleText} for ${journalName}. However, I am prepared to make an editorial decision and your review is no longer required at this time. I apologize for any inconvenience. <br/><br/> If you have comments on this manuscript you believe I should see, please email them to ${staffEmail} as soon as possible. <br/><br/> Thank you for your interest and I hope you will consider reviewing for ${journalName} again.` break case 'submitted-reviewers-after-publish': paragraph = `Thank you for your review of ${titleText} for ${journalName}. After taking into account the reviews and the recommendation of the Handling Editor, I can confirm this article will now be published.<br/><br/> No further action is required at this time. To see more details about this decision please view the manuscript details page.<br/><br/> If you have any questions about this decision, then please email them to ${staffEmail} as soon as possible. Thank you reviewing for ${journalName}.` break case 'submitted-reviewers-after-reject': paragraph = `Thank you for your review of ${titleText} for ${journalName}. After taking into account the reviews and the recommendation of the Handling Editor, I can confirm this article has now been rejected.<br/><br/> No further action is required at this time. To see more details about this decision please view the manuscript details page.<br/><br/> If you have any questions about this decision, please email them to ${staffEmail} as soon as possible. Thank you for reviewing for ${journalName}.` break case 'he-review-submitted': paragraph = `We are pleased to inform you that Dr. ${targetUserName} has submitted a review for ${titleText}.<br/><br/> To see the full report, please visit the manuscript details page.` break case 'eic-recommend-to-publish-from-he': hasIntro = false hasSignature = false paragraph = `Dr. ${targetUserName} has recommended accepting ${titleText} for publication.<br/> ${comments}<br/> To review this decision, please visit the manuscript details page.` break case 'eic-recommend-to-reject-from-he': hasIntro = false hasSignature = false paragraph = `Dr. ${targetUserName} has recommended rejecting ${titleText}.<br/><br/> ${comments}<br/><br/> To review this decision, please visit the manuscript details page.` break case 'eic-request-revision-from-he': hasIntro = false hasSignature = false paragraph = `Dr. ${targetUserName} has asked the authors to submit a revised version of ${titleText}.<br/><br/> No action is required at this time. To see the requested changes, please visit the manuscript details page.` break case 'eqa-manuscript-request-for-approval': hasIntro = false hasSignature = false paragraph = `Manuscript ID ${customId} has passed peer-review and is now ready for EQA. Please click on the link below to either approve or return the manuscript to the Editor in Chief:` break case 'eqa-manuscript-published': hasLink = false hasIntro = false hasSignature = false paragraph = `${upperFirst(titleText)} has been accepted for publication by ${eicName}.<br/><br/> Please complete QA screening so that manuscript can be sent to production.` break case 'authors-manuscript-rejected-before-review': paragraph = `I regret to inform you that your manuscript has been rejected for publication in ${journalName} for the following reason:<br/><br/> ${comments}<br/><br/> Thank you for your submission, and please do consider submitting again in the future.` hasLink = false break case 'eic-manuscript-accepted-by-eqs': hasIntro = false hasSignature = false paragraph = `A new ${titleText} has been submitted to ${journalName}.<br/><br/> To begin the review process, please visit the manuscript details page.` break case 'eic-manuscript-returned-by-eqa': hasIntro = false hasSignature = false paragraph = `We regret to inform you that ${titleText} has been returned with comments. Please click the link below to access the manuscript.<br/><br/> Comments: ${comments}<br/><br/>` break case 'submitted-reviewers-after-revision': paragraph = `The authors have submitted a new version of ${titleText}, which you reviewed for ${journalName}.<br/><br/> As you reviewed the previous version of this manuscript, I would be grateful if you could review this revision and submit a new report by ${expectedDate}. To download the updated PDF and proceed with the review process, please visit the manuscript details page.<br/><br/> Thank you again for reviewing for ${journalName}.` break case 'he-new-version-submitted': hasIntro = false hasSignature = false paragraph = `The authors of ${titleText} have submitted a revised version. <br/><br/> To review this new submission and proceed with the review process, please visit the manuscript details page.` break default: throw new Error(`The ${emailType} email type is not defined.`) } return { paragraph, hasLink, hasIntro, hasSignature } } module.exports = { getEmailCopy, }