import React from 'react' import styled from 'styled-components' import { th } from '@pubsweet/ui-toolkit' import { Row, Item, Text, Label, ShadowedBox, IconTooltip, } from 'pubsweet-component-faraday-ui' const OrcidTooltip = () => ( <Text secondary> When an author, editor, or reviewer has a financial/personal interest or belief that could affect his/her objectivity, or inappropriately influence his/her actions, a potential conflict of interest exists.{' '} </Text> ) const LinkOrcID = ({ orcid = '', id }) => ( <ShadowedBox mt={2}> <Row alignItems="center"> <Item alignItems="center"> <Label>OrcID Account </Label> <IconTooltip content={OrcidTooltip} iconSize={2} interactive primary /> </Item> <Item justify="flex-end"> <Link href={`/api/users/orcid?userId=${id}`}>Link</Link> </Item> </Row> <Row> <Item> <Label>{orcid}</Label> </Item> </Row> </ShadowedBox> ) export default LinkOrcID // #region styles const Link = styled.a` color: ${th('action.color')}; cursor: default; text-decoration: none; &:hover { color: ${th('colorSecondary')}; text-decoration: none; } &:active, &:focus { color: ${th('action.colorActive')}; text-decoration: none; } ` // #endregion