# AWS SES In order to use `component-aws-ses` you first need to have a `.env` file containing AWS data in the root folder of the starting point of your application. The `.env` file contain the following data: ```bash AWS_SES_SECRET_KEY = <secretKey> AWS_SES_ACCESS_KEY = <accessKey> EMAIL_SENDER = verified_ses_sender@domain.com AWS_SES_REGION = region-name ``` Then, as soon as possible in your app you should add the `dotenv` package: ```js require('dotenv').config() ``` # `component-aws-ses` API A list of endpoints that help you upload, download and delete S3 files. ## Send an email [POST] #### Request `POST /api/email` #### Request body All parameters are `required` ```json { "email": "to_email@domain.com", "subject": "Example subject", "textBody": "this is an email", "htmlBody": "<p><b>This</b> is an <i>email</i>" } ``` #### Response ```json HTTP/1.1 204 ```