import React, { Fragment } from 'react' import { reduxForm } from 'redux-form' import countrylist from 'country-list' import { get, isUndefined } from 'lodash' import { required as requiredValidator } from 'xpub-validators' import { Menu, Button, Checkbox, TextField, ValidatedField } from '@pubsweet/ui' import { Row, Text, Item, Label, ActionLink, ItemOverrideAlert, } from 'pubsweet-component-faraday-ui' const countries = countrylist() const countryList = countries .getNames() .map(c => ({ value: countries.getCode(c), label: c })) const AgreeCheckbox = ({ value, onChange }) => ( <Row alignItems="center" justify="flex-start" mb={4} mt={3}> <Checkbox checked={value} onChange={onChange} value={value} /> <Text> I agree with the{' '} <ActionLink to=""> Terms of Services </ActionLink>{' '} </Text> </Row> ) const Step0 = ({ journal, handleSubmit, initialValues, error }) => !isUndefined(initialValues) ? ( <Fragment> <Row mb={2} mt={3}> <Item mr={1} vertical> <Label required>First Name</Label> <ValidatedField component={TextField} name="firstName" validate={[requiredValidator]} /> </Item> <Item ml={1} vertical> <Label required>Last Name</Label> <ValidatedField component={TextField} name="lastName" validate={[requiredValidator]} /> </Item> </Row> <Row mb={2}> <Item mr={1} vertical> <Label required>Title</Label> <ValidatedField component={input => ( <Menu {...input} options={get(journal, 'title', [])} placeholder="Please select" /> )} name="title" validate={[requiredValidator]} /> </Item> <ItemOverrideAlert ml={1} vertical> <Label required>Country</Label> <ValidatedField component={input => ( <Menu {...input} options={countryList} placeholder="Please select" /> )} name="country" validate={[requiredValidator]} /> </ItemOverrideAlert> </Row> <Row> <Item vertical> <Label required>Affiliation</Label> <ValidatedField component={TextField} name="affiliation" validate={[requiredValidator]} /> </Item> </Row> <ValidatedField component={AgreeCheckbox} name="agreeTC" validate={[requiredValidator]} /> <Row> <Text secondary small> This account information will be processed by us in accordance with our Privacy Policy for the purpose of registering your account and allowing you to use the services available via the platform. Please read our{' '} <ActionLink to=""> Privacy Policy{' '} </ActionLink>{' '} for further information. </Text> </Row> <Button mt={4} onClick={handleSubmit}> PROCEED TO SET EMAIL AND PASSWORD </Button> <Row mt={3}> <Text display="flex"> Already have an account? <ActionLink internal pl={1 / 2} to="/"> Sign in </ActionLink> </Text> </Row> </Fragment> ) : ( <div>{!isUndefined(error) && 'Loading...'}</div> ) export default reduxForm({ form: 'signUpInvitation', destroyOnUnmount: false, forceUnregisterOnUnmount: true, })(Step0)