Component based on `redux-form`. Submit form through a wizard (applicable for `Submit Manuscript` flow) using a configuration file. Configuration file must be under config `journal` (make use of `withJournal`) and exported with `wizard` key. `/xpub-collabra/app/config/journal/wizard.js` (see below file example) ### `Wizard.js` options |Key|Description|Required|Default|Type| | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | showProgress | Show progress bar | true | false | `bool` | | submitText | Text to show on Submit button | false | 'Submit Manuscript' | `string` | | backText | Text to show on Back button - Go back 1 step | false | 'Back' | `string` | | nextText | Text to show on Back button - Go forward 1 step | false | 'Next' | `string` | | cancelText | Text to show on Cancel button - Go to `/` | false | 'Back' | `string` | | submissionRedirect | Path to redirect user after submitting the form. Passes as state `project` as and `version` as | false | `/` | `string` | | confirmationModal | If present, component will be rendered as a modal before submitting the form. Accepts `toggleConfirming` to close the modal and must have 2 buttons for submit and close modal (see below) | false | none | `React Component` | | formSectionKeys | Redux form data model. Keys to be saved on the form. | true | [] | `array` | | dispatchFunctions | Functions to be dispatched in case a component needs a dispatched function (f.i. `uploadFile`) | true | none | `array` | | steps | Each object in steps array represents a step in the form. In case of one-page form, just 1 step is needed. | true | none | `array` of `object` | #### `Steps` options |Key|Description|Required|Default|Type| | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | label | Text on progress bar | false | '' | `string` | | title | Text as title of the step | false | '' | `string` | | subtitle | Text as info of the step | false | '' | `string` or `HTML` | | children | Fields/Components to be rendered per each step | true | none | `array` of `object` | #### `Steps children` options |Key|Description|Required|Default|Type| | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | :---: | | fieldId | Path to the `redux-form` (f.i. for title in metadata use `metadata.title` ) | true | none | `string` | | renderComponent | React Component to be rendered. Usually, a PubSweetUI component or custom component | true | none | `React Component` | | validate | Array of custom validation per each field | false | none | `array` | | `<props>` | Other props to be passed for that specific component | false | none | `label` `options` `placeholder` `title` `parse` `format` | #### ConfirmationModal.js ```js const ConfirmationModal = ({ toggleConfirming }) => ( <div> <p>Explanatory text here</p> <Button primary type="submit"> Submit your manuscript</Button> <Button onClick={toggleConfirming}> get back to your submission (close modal)</Button> </div> ) ``` #### Example of `Wizard.js` for one-page form ```js export default { showProgress: false, submitText: 'Submit your manuscript', backText: 'Back', cancelText: 'Cancel', nextText: 'Next', formSectionKeys: [ 'metadata', 'files', ], submissionRedirect: '/', confirmationModal: ConfirmModal, dispatchFunctions: [uploadFile], steps: [ { label: 'Submission information', title: 'Submission information', subtitle: `We have ingested your manuscript. To access your manuscript in an editor, please view manuscript page. <br/> To complete your submission, please answer the following questions. <br/> The answers will be automatically saved.`, children: [ { fieldId: 'metadata.title', renderComponent: TitleEditor, placeholder: 'Title', title: 'Title', validate: [required, minChars20, maxChars500], }, { fieldId: 'metadata.abstract', renderComponent: AbstractEditor, title: 'Abstract', placeholder: 'Write an abstract', validate: [required, minChars100, maxChars5000], }, { fieldId: 'label-authors', renderComponent: Label, label: 'Authors', }, { fieldId: 'metadata.authors', renderComponent: TextField, title: 'Authors', placeholder: 'Enter author names...', format: join(), parse: split(), validate: [minSize1], }, { fieldId: 'files.supplementary', label: 'Upload supplementary materials', renderComponent: Supplementary, }, ], }, ], } ```