import React, { Fragment } from 'react' import { get } from 'lodash' import { Field } from 'redux-form' import { required } from 'xpub-validators' import { Row, Text, Item, Label, ActionLink, WizardAuthors, RadioWithComments, } from 'pubsweet-component-faraday-ui' import { H2, Menu, TextField, ValidatedField } from '@pubsweet/ui' import { Empty } from './' const StepTwo = ({ version, project, journal, addAuthor, changeForm, formValues, authorsError, manuscriptTypes, }) => ( <Fragment> <H2>2. Manuscript & Author Details</H2> <Row mb={2}> <Text align="center" secondary> Please provide the details of all the authors of this manuscript, in the order that they appear on the manuscript. Your details have been prefilled as the submitting author. </Text> </Row> <Row mb={1}> <Item data-test-id="submission-title" flex={3} mr={1} vertical> <Label required>MANUSCRIPT TITLE</Label> <ValidatedField component={TextField} name="metadata.title" validate={[required]} /> </Item> <Item data-test-id="submission-type" vertical> <Label required>MANUSCRIPT TYPE</Label> <ValidatedField component={input => ( <Menu options={manuscriptTypes} {...input} placeholder="Please select" /> )} name="metadata.type" validate={[required]} /> </Item> </Row> <Row mb={1}> <Item data-test-id="submission-abstract" vertical> <Label required>ABSTRACT</Label> <ValidatedField component={TextField} name="metadata.abstract" validate={[required]} /> </Item> </Row> <Field component={Empty} name="authors" /> <WizardAuthors addAuthor={addAuthor} authors={get(version, 'authors', [])} changeForm={changeForm} error={authorsError} journal={journal} project={project} version={version} /> <RadioWithComments commentsFieldName="conflicts.message" commentsLabel="Conflict of interest details" commentsOn="yes" formValues={formValues} radioFieldName="conflicts.hasConflicts" radioLabel="Do any authors have conflicts of interest to declare?" required tooltipContent={ConflictsTooltip} /> <RadioWithComments commentsFieldName="conflicts.dataAvailabilityMessage" commentsLabel="Data availability statement" commentsOn="no" formValues={formValues} radioFieldName="conflicts.hasDataAvailability" radioLabel="Have you included a data availability statement in your manuscript?" required tooltipContent={DataAvailabilityTooltip} /> <RadioWithComments commentsFieldName="conflicts.fundingMessage" commentsLabel="Funding statement" commentsOn="no" formValues={formValues} radioFieldName="conflicts.hasFunding" radioLabel="Have you provided a funding statement in your manuscript?" required tooltipContent={FundingTooltip} /> </Fragment> ) export default StepTwo const ConflictsTooltip = () => ( <Text secondary> When an author, editor, or reviewer has a financial/personal interest or belief that could affect his/her objectivity, or inappropriately influence his/her actions, a potential conflict of interest exists.{' '} <ActionLink to="">More info</ActionLink> </Text> ) const DataAvailabilityTooltip = () => ( <Text> Statement about where data supporting the results reported in a published article can be found, including, where applicable, hyperlinks to publicly archived datasets analysed or generated during the study. </Text> ) const FundingTooltip = () => ( <Text> Statement about how the research and publication of an article is funded, naming each financially supporting body followed by any associated grant numbers in square brackets. </Text> )