import moment from 'moment' import { pick } from 'lodash' import { actions } from 'pubsweet-client' import { create, update } from 'pubsweet-client/src/helpers/api' /* constants */ export const CREATE_DRAFT_REQUEST = 'CREATE_DRAFT_REQUEST' export const CREATE_DRAFT_SUCCESS = 'CREATE_DRAFT_SUCCESS' /* action creators */ export const createDraftRequest = () => ({ type: CREATE_DRAFT_REQUEST, }) /* utils */ const generateCustomId = () => moment .now() .toString() .slice(-7) const redirectToRoute = (history, route) => { // redirect after a short delay window.setTimeout(() => { history.push(route) }, 10) } export const isRevisionFlow = (state, collection, fragment = {}) => collection.fragments.length > 1 && !fragment.submitted /* actions */ const addSubmittingAuthor = (user, collectionId, fragmentId) => { const author = { ...pick(user, ['id', 'email', 'affiliation', 'firstName', 'lastName']), isSubmitting: true, isCorresponding: true, } return create(`/collections/${collectionId}/fragments/${fragmentId}/users`, { role: 'author',, }) } export const createDraftSubmission = history => (dispatch, getState) => { const currentUser = getState().currentUser.user return dispatch( actions.createCollection({ customId: generateCustomId() }), ).then(({ collection }) => { if (! { throw new Error('Failed to create a project') } // TODO: rethrow errors so they can be caught here return dispatch( actions.createFragment(collection, { created: new Date(), // TODO: set on server collectionId:, files: { manuscripts: [], supplementary: [], coverLetter: [], }, fragmentType: 'version', metadata: {}, version: 1, }), ).then(({ fragment }) => { if (! { throw new Error('Failed to create a project') } const route = `/projects/${}/versions/${}/submit` if (!currentUser.admin) { addSubmittingAuthor(currentUser,, => redirectToRoute(history, route), ) } else { redirectToRoute(history, route) } }) }) } export const submitManuscript = (collectionId, fragmentId) => dispatch => create(`/collections/${collectionId}/fragments/${fragmentId}/submit`) export const createRevision = ( collection, previousVersion, history, ) => dispatch => { // copy invitations only if minor revision const { id, submitted, invitations, recommendations, ...prev } = previousVersion return dispatch( actions.createFragment(collection, { ...prev, invitations: invitations.filter(inv => inv.isAccepted), created: new Date(), version: previousVersion.version + 1, }), ).then(({ fragment }) => { const route = `/projects/${}/versions/${}/submit` window.setTimeout(() => { history.push(route) }, 10) return fragment }) } export const submitRevision = (collId, fragId) => dispatch => update(`/collections/${collId}/fragments/${fragId}/submit`) /* reducer */ const initialState = { complete: undefined, converting: false, error: undefined, } export default (state = initialState, action) => { switch (action.type) { default: return state } }