XSweet is a project from the [Cabbage Tree Labs](https://www.cabbagetreelabs.org/"www.cabbagetreelabs.org"), conceived by [Adam Hyde](https://www.adamhyde.net/"www.adamhyde.net") and co-designed with veteran XML programmer [Wendell Piez](http://wendellpiez.com/"wendellpiez.com"). XSweet scripts were built and tested by Wendell Piez and Alex Theg. If you'd like to talk to anyone for help working with XSweet you can find us on the [Coko Mattermost chat](https://mattermost.coko.foundation/coko/channels/xsweet/"mattermost.coko.foundation/coko/channels/xsweet").
You can find the code [here](https://gitlab.coko.foundation/XSweet"gitlab.coko.foundation/XSweet"). Please see the documentation and using sections to understand how to work with XSweet.
The header photo is of Manuka flowers photographed by Adam Hyde in the Hokianga, New Zealand.