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Ben Whitmore authored

XSweet scripts

These ruby and bash scripts are designed to allow you to run the XSweet suite of XSLTs locally, with a copy of every step's output and input.


These scripts assume you have an Unix-like environment and Ruby installed (no specific version requirements have been tested) You will also need to make sure you have the following gems: gem install file-utils httparty os

1. Clone the repo

Clone this repo and cd into it:

git clone

cd XSweet_runner_scripts

2. Download the latest XSweet master branches


ruby xsweet_downloader.rb

This downloads the master branches of the 3 XSweet repositories as .zip files:

These are then unzipped, and HTMLevator and Editoria Typescript are moved into the XSweet Core directory (e.g. XSweet-master-b58cce5612ef70d5da4e5dbd6cabd1babd510eca). This script also copies the file into the XSweet Core directory.

3. Add folders containing .docx files to the to_convert folder

For these scripts to work properly, .docx files must be placed inside an additional folder in the to_convert folder. These scripts were meant to convert many books at a time, so they look for directories inside the to_convert directory that contain one or more .docx files:

For example, these scripts will find and convert this .docx:


But if the .docx is placed directly in the to_convert directory, without being nested in another directory inside to_convert, it won't be converted. This will not be converted:


4. Create an unzipped copy of the .docx files

MS Word .docx files are really compressed archives. By changing a .docx extension to .zip, you can unzip these archives. These scripts rely on the raw, unzipped XML files to work.

If this is the first time you are converting a given .docx file, you will need to run the docx_unzipper.rb script.

ruby docx_unzipper.rb

This script:

  • indexes all .docx files in the to_convert directory
  • removes spaces from the .docx file names
  • copies each .docx and changes the copy's file extension from .docx to .zip
  • unzips each archive, then deletes the .zip file

After the script has run, you'll have an unzipped copy of every .docx file alongside the original file. Leave both the original and unzipped files in place: the next script searches for .docx files to convert, but pulls the underlying data for conversion from the corresponding unzipped directory.

You only need to run this script once each time you add new .docx files to convert - once you've got a .docx and its unzipped counterpart, you can run the conversions any number of times.

5. Run the conversions

The command:

ruby xsweet_runner.rb

runs the conversion chain (as specified in the file) on every .docx file in the to_convert directory. The converted files are output to an output directory inside the XSweet Core directory.

  • The first step specified by the script uses the .docx file's document.xml sheet (and other data files from the Word file) as its input.
  • With a few exceptions, each step outputs a new file, and the next step uses the previous output as its input.

You can run step 4 and 5 in one hit with xsweet_unzip-n-run.rb. Please note that this script will overwrite existing files WITHOUT prompting.

Important notes

These scripts were built for rapid development and testing of XSweet, and as such, there are some important gotchas to be aware of:

  • All scripts must be run from the root directory of this repo.
  • You can reconfigure which XSL sheets are run and in what order by editing the script. But note that when the xsweet_downloader.rb script is run, in addition to downloading the latest XSweet repos, it also copies the script in this repo's root directory into a scripts directory in the XSweet core directory. It is this copy that is invoked by the xsweet_runner.rb. Thus, modifying the xsweet_runner.rb file in the XSweet_scripts root directory has no effect on the conversion until you either copy it into the XSweet Core directory's scripts folder, or rerun the xsweet_downloader script.
  • xsweet_runner.rb determines the XSweet Core repository to use by searching in this repo's root directory for a directory name that starts with "XSweet..." (e.g. "XSweet-master-b58cce5612ef70d5da4e5dbd6cabd1babd510eca"). If you want to download a new version of XSweet but keep the old copy you were working off, either move it to a different directory or append something to the beginning of the file name.
  • Finally, these scripts are not maintained, supported, etc. - they are merely handy development tools to use as-is.