intro:Coko has a new detailed article on push button JATS creation from Kotahi.
author:Adam Hyde

Coko folks Dan Visel, Ben Whitmore and Adam Hyde wrote an article for Dan's presentation at JATS-Con22 (
The article goes into some depth about the Kotahi approach to producing JATS with Wax-JATS. This article documents the actual production implementation of Wax-JATS built into Kotahi ( The system requires *no prior understanding* of JATS or XML by a user to produce valid JATS for journals. Together with the PagedJS ( typesetting engine Coko built we can output PDF, JATS and HTML 'automagically' all from the same (single) source.
The virtue of Kotahi’s approach to JATS production – and perhaps why it is valuable to the wider landscape of JATS – is that it makes the threshold to generate JATS very low, and might bring JATS to a wider base of users, and the process is fast, scalable and cost effective.
Full article [here](