"description":"A high fidelity MS Word (docx) to HTML converter. Can be used for any application. XSweet extracts the contents of MS Word documents from their underlying XML into HTML, which can be published as-is, imported into an application, or used as a intermediate format to convert it into another format altogether. Built by the Coko team.",
"description":"PubSweet is Coko’s free, open source framework for building state-of-the-art publishing platforms. Built by the Coko team and Coko community.",
"description":"CokoServer is Coko’s free, open source framework for building state-of-the-art publishing platforms. Built by the Coko team.",
@@ -96,14 +104,6 @@
@@ -96,14 +104,6 @@
"description":"A high fidelity MS Word (docx) to HTML converter. Can be used for any application. XSweet extracts the contents of MS Word documents from their underlying XML into HTML, which can be published as-is, imported into an application, or used as a intermediate format to convert it into another format altogether. Built by the Coko team.",