They know the industry and can speak your language. This saves time and money and ensures that they have an intimate understanding of the problems you seek to address.
## Collaboration is at the core
They are really good at co-creation. They understand that in order to design new workflows you need to understand the organisation’s legacy, culture, and ambitions.
## They put the user at the centre
They understand that it’s only a great product/service if it gets used.
## They have laser-like focus
They are good at zooming in on the heart of the matter, which means they bring clarity and focus to a project.
## They know a lot about development
They consult with developers during the design process and understand the consequences of the solutions that they design. This means the architecture is they recommend is both achievable and practical.
# Coko Principles
## Collaboration and Community
Collaboration and community is at the heart of everything that we do. It defines who we are, how we work, and the things we believe in. Like openness, transparency, and treating people with respect.
@@ -27,3 +55,7 @@ We build products that solve actual problems and make life easier for the people
## We challenge the status quo
We will ask difficult questions and challenge your assumptions.
# Imprint
Coko is a fiscally sponsored charitable not-for-profit project of [Aspiration]( All surplus goes back into the development of what we call “Community Products” (see [Community]( These products are developed with the community, for the community, and are freely available (open source) for use and re-use.