Editoria UCP
This is the UCP flavor of the Editoria application. This favor is a customization of the vanilla flavor of Editoria and contains functionality tailored for the UCP.
This application is being developed by the Coko Foundation, for the University of California Press.
For more information, visit the project's website or our chat channel.
For the editor that Editoria uses, see its related project Wax.
Get up and running
Get your copy of the repository.
git clone https://gitlab.coko.foundation/editoria/ucp.git
cd ucp
Make sure you use you use node >= 8.3
To determine which version of Node you are running type node -v
If the version is not 8.3 or greater you will need to use nvm to prescribe a specific node version. Installation of nvm is covered here https://github.com/creationix/nvm#installation
Once nvm is installed use the command nvm install 8.3
For further information on how to use nvm see https://www.sitepoint.com/quick-tip-multiple-versions-node-nvm/
Install yarn
npm install -g yarn
You should also have yarn 1.3.2
or higher installed (out-of-date versions may cause installation errors).
Install Docker and docker-compose
Instalation instructions can be found:
Prefer latest stable version of docker (18.x.x) and docker-compose (1.2x.x)
Install Dependencies
Install all dependencies and navigate to the editoria app folder.
cd packages/editoria-app
Create a config/local-development.json
Edit that to enter your database secret as well as placeholders for INK credentials INK.
In this file, add the following:
"pubsweet-server": {
"secret": "<your-secret-here>"
"pubsweet-component-ink-backend": {
"inkEndpoint": "< your-ink-api-endpoint >",
"email": "< your-ink-email >",
"password": "< your-ink-password >",
"recipes": {
"editoria-typescript": "< editoria-typescript-recipe-id >"
INK credentials are optional, you don't need them to run Editoria, you will just not be able to upload Word (docx) files.
If you do wish to use INK we recommend using a demo instance of INK hosted by Coko in your initial Editoria setup. Please contact the team on https://mattermost.coko.foundation/coko/channels/editoria in order to get the required credentials and information.
If you want to run your own instance of INK, be sure that:
- the
ends with a trailing slash - if INK is running as a service on a port, ensure it is on port
- If INK and Editoria are on the same server, Editoria should be set to run on another port than
, AND thepostgres
docker component for INK should run on a different port (4321
instead of5432
for instance).
Again, if you need to test editoria, asking for the credentials will be the fastest way to be set up.
Create environment files for each profile of the application under editoria-app/config
eg. editoria-app/config/development.env
Within your environment files, export the variables you want:
export PUBSWEET_SECRET='' (*) (**)
export POSTGRES_USER='' (*) (***) (used by both docker-compose.yml and pubsweet server)
export POSTGRES_PASSWORD='' (*) (***) (by from both docker-compose.yml and pubsweet server)
export POSTGRES_HOST='' (-)
export POSTGRES_DB='' (*) (***) (used by both docker-compose.yml and pubsweet server)
export POSTGRES_PORT='' (*) (***) (used by both docker-compose.yml and pubsweet server)
export SERVER_PORT='' (**)
export INK_ENDPOINT='' (*) (**)
export INK_USERNAME='' (*) (**)
export INK_PASSWORD='' (*) (**)
export INK_EDITORIA_TYPESCRIPT='' (*) (**)
export MAILER_USER='' (*) (**)
export MAILER_PASSWORD='' (*) (**)
export MAILER_SENDER='' (*) (**)
export MAILER_HOSTNAME='' (*) (**)
export PASSWORD_RESET_URL='' (*) (**)
export PASSWORD_RESET_SENDER='' (*) (**)
export NODE_ENV='' (**)
(*)Required for the application to be functional
(-) Optional
(**) This key-value pairs could be either declared as env variables or either in the corresponding config file e.g. local-development.json
, development.json
, etc
(***) These fields should by any means exist in the env source file for the correct initialization of the docker container which holds the database of the application
Import the environment variables into the current shell session:
source <your-env-file>
Get the database docker container up and running:
yarn start:services
Create a database and enter credentials for an admin user account (a postgres db should already be up and running):
yarn resetdb
Follow the prompts to enter user credentials and complete the database setup.
Note: If you want to use a non-default database, see Pubsweet development setup.
You're good to go. Open a separate terminal in the same folder and run the app with:
yarn server
Clean your docker cache and containers before the first time you run the application (under editoria-app) or if changes occur in either env variables, docker-compose.yml, local-development, local-production, etc.:
docker-compose down
docker-compose rm -fv
rm -rf data
Developer info
see also the Pubsweet wiki for developer notes.
yarn start:services
or yarn server
I'm getting user errors running It's crucial to use the same user when installing Editoria and running the Editoria database services. These commands are:
- Running
from Editoria's root directory. This installs Editoria and its dependencies - Running
yarn start:server
for the first time sets up a database to use with Editoria. This configures a database that expects that the same user that is running this command has also runyarn
from Editoria's root directory.
If you see user errors running yarn start:services
or yarn server
, your best bet is to clear the existing data and start the install anew, as the same user.
First, delete all the Docker data:
docker-compose down
docker-compose rm -fv
rm -rf data
Then, follow the steps for a clean install.
yarn start:services
, I get a Bind for failed: port is already allocated
When running Something (probably postgres) is already running on the port that the Docker database services try to use (5432). Solution for Ubuntu:
lsof -i tcp:5432
: lists the processes running on port 5432 -
kill -9 {PID}
: kills (gracelessly) the process. Get the PID from the output of the above step.
This should free up the port so the Docker database services can run on it.
file, how can these changes be applied?
I've made changes on my To be sure that your changes in <profile>.env
are registered, you need to reset your docker containers and source <your-env-file>
. To do so, you can follow these steps:
Kill any running instances of Editoria app
On editoria-app root folder perform:
docker-compose down
docker-compose rm -fv
docker-compose down
will unmount the docker container
docker-compose rm -fv
will remove the container and it's anonymous volumes.
rm -rf data
will delete the content from your database
- Now you could run
source <your-env-file>
and start again the services and server
Which are the absolute required key-value pairs for an env file?
These values are needed in order the docker container which hosts the PostrgesDB of the application to be initialised correctly.
I am facing issues when trying to boot-up the application which are related to INK API
Ink is the process manager developped by Coko. Editoria uses Ink mainly to convert Microsoft Word .docx into proper HTML to be used in Editoria (among other things). Since it has been one of the requirements from the begginning, running Editoria means that you need to have access to an instance of INK before runnning it, thus the appropriate configuration should be in place in order for Editoria to start properly.
INK's configuration could either be placed in:
Please contact the team on https://mattermost.coko.foundation/coko/channels/editoria in order to get the required credentials
How can I access the epub file?
EPUB files are created and stored in the uploads
directory (editoria/packages/editoria-app/uploads
) every time the book is exported with the "EXPORT BOOK" button on the top right of the book. Be sure to sort by created date to ensure you're getting the most recent file.
Does the HTML out of Editoria support accessibility including the use of Alt tags?
We are working with Benetech to fully understand and plan for accessibility. This development is on our development roadmap.
Does Editoria support multiple languages?
Yes. Editoria supports any language supported by the user’s browser. Editoria also supports special characters. This said, language support is an area that needs thorough testing for the many edge cases and rare cases that exist. This is an ideal opportunity for a community member to show leadership and help organize and optimize.
Does Editoria include an asset manager for images and multimedia files that may need to be inserted into text?
This is on our development roadmap.
Can Editoria integrate with other tools and services?
Yes. Editoria’s architecture is all API-orientated and can be easily extended for third party service integration. For more information, visit https://editoria.pub
Can notes be moved to backmatter (rather than footnotes)?
At this moment no, but it is on the Editoria roadmap. Options will include same page, back of book, or margin notes.
What’s the cost to use Editoria?
Using the code to create an instance of Editoria truly is free. Our hope is that organizations that find it useful, will contribute the customizations and additional development code back so that others can use it. We also hope that adopters will help organize and attend community gatherings and participate in discussion and problem solving with the community.
Does Editoria generate and export EPUB3?
Yes, currently however it is not available via the user interface. This is on our development roadmap.
Can Editoria export BITS XML (or other) for chapter files and books?
It can. The first conversion is from .docx to HTML, and from there, it’s up to presses to decide what to do with the highly structured, source HTML.
Can I use Editoria for journals workflow?
It’s possible, but would not be ideal. Coko has developed an open-source tool that is optimized for journals workflow, called xPub. xPub, like Editoria, is modular, so that organizations can develop their own non-hardcoded workflows, mixing and matching modules that other organizations have developed and shared, or create and integrate their own. More at https://coko.foundation/use-cases/
How do my .docx filenames affect how they upload?
Using the "Upload Word Files" button, you can upload multiple .docx files with one click. A few file naming conventions provide useful controls for how the Word files are uploaded:
- .docx files that begin with "a" go into Frontmatter
- .docx files that begin with "w" go into Backmatter
- files that start with any other letters go into the Body
- By default, files in the Body are regular, numbered chapters. Frontmatter and backmatter components are always unnumbered.
- a "00" anywhere in filename will make it an unnumbered chapter (only in Body)
- "pt0" anywhere in filename will upload the .docx as a Part (only in Body)