Explore projects
cokoapps / server
MIT LicenseUpdated -
cokoinfra / Ansible Deployer
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cokoapps / icml
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cokoapps / epub-checker
MIT LicenseREST Service that accepts as input an EPUB file and checks its validity
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kotahi / Flax
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cokoapps / xsweet
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cokoapps / anystyle
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cokoapps / pagedjs
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Coko Org / Products / ketty / editoria
MIT LicenseOriginal client app for use with Ketty server. Also referred to as Ketty V1
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pagedjs / pagedjs-cli
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Flax Development Space / mch-flax
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Valentin Schabschneider / pagedjs-cli
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Sciencebeam / Sciencebeam Trainer Grobid
MIT LicenseUpdated -