We maintain master as the production branch and tag it with release names. If you wish to contribute to PubSweet then you need to make a branch and then issue a pull request following this procedure:
create a user account on Coko GitLab : http://gitlab.coko.foundation
Clone master with git clone git@gitlab.coko.foundation:pubsweet/pubsweet.git
Create a new branch and work off that. Please name the branch which sensibly identifies the feature you are working on. You can push the branch to Coko Gitlab at anytime.
Getting your contributions merged
This is a two part process, first ask for comments, then ask for the changes to be merged.
Ask for feedback generate a Merge Request (Pull Request) from the GitLab interface but do not assign this request to anyone. You do this from the Gitlab
UI on your branch.
Look at the feedback and alter your branch as necessary.
To merge with master - generate a merge request (Pull Request) and assign to Jure Triglav. You do this from the Gitlab UI on your branch.
We encourage feedback and discussion from as many people as possible on Merge Requests!
Before merging all PRs must fulfill these three simple rules:
1. Before a PR can be merged, it must pass the tests.
2. Before a PR can be merged, it shouldn't reduce the test coverage.
3. Bugfixes go in PRs and a bugfix PR shouldn't be merged without a regression test.
Bug reports, feature requests, support questions
This is all done through GitLab using their native issue tracker
Visit the master issue tracker for PubSweet (https://gitlab.coko.foundation/pubsweet/pubsweet/issues)
Add an issue
Tag the issue with 'support', 'bug', or 'feature' to identify the nature of your issue