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#UCP Stylesheets

Those are the CSS stylesheet for the UCP html export. Those can be used in wax and vivliostyle.

Page master (used in editoria)

Vivliostyle works with the idea that pagemasters define the layout for the page. Therefore, we need a page master for specific pages. Those will handle the location of headers, the beginning of the chapter and so on.

What can be done is to set the master based on a list of predefined names in the bookbuilder: subvention, serie, and so on. It would be easy to set the name the

Class Names wax vivliostyle notes
Front matter wax vivliostyle
[data-type="subvention"] Subvention
[data-type="serie"] Serie page can be backmatter
[data-type="half-title"] Half Title
[data-type="titlepage"] Title
[data-type="copyright"] Copyright
[data-type="dedication"] Dedication
[data-type="epigraph"] Epigraph
[data-type="fmBody"] Table of content (Set as undefined front matter, as it use the same layout)
[data-type="fmBody"] Table of illustrations
[data-type="fmBody"] table of tables
[data-type="fmBody"] Front matter opening page (first page of any undefined front matter. Page number is set at the bottom and there is no running heads)
[data-type="fmBody"] Front matter body page
Body matter wax vivliostyle
[data-type="part"] Part opening page
[data-type="part"] Part content page
[data-type="chapter"] Chapter Opening (first page of the chapter. Page number is set at the bottom and there is no running heads)
[data-type="chapter"] Chapter body
Back matter wax vivliostyle
[data-type="bmBody"] Back matter Opening (first page of any undefined backmatter. Page number is set at the bottom and there is no running heads)
[data-type="bmBody"] Back matter body
[data-type="colophon"] Colophon

Styles from the UCP printing specifications

To reduce the number of needed styles, we use the page master to define the look and feel of the differents elements. Here is a list of what is set in vivliostyle and how to access it in Editoria-Wax.

Also, would it be possible to set the style list based on the type of page? For example, if you're in the 'Serie page', you have access to the ST, SHN,SED and SL. All other styles being irrelevant in that.

Class Names wax vivliostyle notes
FRONTMATTER wax vivliostyle
SV Subvention General Text
HT Half Title automated automated This page can be automatically created at the export?
ST Series Title Title h1.ct
SHN Series Head Note General Text p
SED Series Editor
SL Series List Numbered list ol
TI Title Title h1.ct
STI Subtitle Subtitle p.edby
TORN Title Ornament automated automated
EDBY Edited by p.edby
AU Author/Editor
AUX Additional Contributor(s)
UCP Logo automated automated
PUB Publisher automated automated
PUBO Publisher’s Offices automated automated
CP Copyright Page
CIP will be happy to have Erich intel on that one
DED Dedication General text [data-type="dedication"] p
BEP Book Prose Epigraph Epigraph: prose .sep
BEPSN BEP Source Note Source note .exsn
BEPO Book Poetry Epigraph Epigraph: poetry .sepo
BEPOSN BEPO Source Note Source note .exsn
FMH Frontmatter Head Title .fmh
FMAU Frontmatter Author
FM1 Frontmatter 1 Head
FMHN Frontmatter Headnote
FMTXT Frontmatter Text
FMSIG Frontmatter Signature
FIL Frontmatter Illustration List
FAB Frontmatter Abbreviation List
Table of Contents automated automated
C-1 FM/BM Listings automated automated
C-2 PN/PT Listings automated automated
C-3 CN/CT Listings automated automated
C-4 Chap. Subheads automated automated
C-5 Page Numbers automated automated
DISPLAY wax vivliostyle notes
PN Part Number
PT Part Title with Rule
PST Part Subtitle
PEP Part Prose Epigraph
PEPSN PEP Source Note
PEPO Part Poetry Epigraph
PTXT Part Opening Text
CN Chapter Number
CT Chapter Title with Rule Title h1.ct
CST Chapter Subtitle Subtitle h1.cst
CAU Chapter Author
CEP Chapter Prose Epigraph
CEPSN CEP Source Note Source note
CEPO Chapter Poetry Epigraph
CEPOSN CEPO Source Note Source note
Chapter Opening Sink automated
H1 1 Head
H2 2 Head
H3 3 Head
SEP Subhead Prose Epigraph
SEPSN SEP Source Note
SEPO Subhead Poetry Epigraph
TEXT wax vivliostyle notes
GT General Text General Text p
RHL / RHR Running Head automated .dup
FO / DF Folio/Drop Folio automated .folio automated
LS Line Space
ORN Ornament
LPTI List or Poetry Title
NL Numbered List Numbered List ol
UL Unnumbered List Unnumbered List ul.
BL Bulleted List Bulleted List ul
MCL Multicolumn List
OL Outline List
POE Poetry (text-sized)
POSS POE Stanza Space
DI Dialogue (text-sized)
LT Letter (text-sized)
LSAL LT Salutation
LSIG LT Signature
EQ Equation in Text
INTQ Interview Question
INTA Interview Answer
BOX Boxed Text
BOXH Boxed Text Header
EXTRACTS wax vivliostyle notes
EXTI Extract Title
EX Prose Extract
EXSN EX Source Note
EXEX Prose Extract in EX
PXTI Poetry Extract Title
PX Poetry Extract
PXSS PX Stanza Space
PXSN PX Source Note
PXEX Poetry Extract in EX
NLX Numbered List Extract
ULX Unnumbered List Extract
BLX Bulleted List Extract
MCLX Multicolumn List Extract
DX Dialogue Extract
LX Letter Extract
LXSAL LX Salutation
LXSIG LX Signature
FOOTNOTES wax vivliostyle notes
FN Footnote
UFN Unnumbered Footnote
FNEX Footnote Prose Extract
FNPX Footnote Poetry Extract
EN Chapter Endnotes
UEN Unnumbered Chapter Endnote
ENEX Endnote Prose Extract
ENPX Endnote Poetry Extract
ENNLX EN Numbered List Extract
ENULX EN Unnumbered List Extract
ENBLX EN Bulleted List Extract
ENMCLX EN Multicolumn List Extract
TABLES wax vivliostyle notes
TN Table Number
TT Table Title
TST Table Subtitle
TSQB Table Squib
T1 Table 1 Head
T2 Table 2 Head
TSPAN Table Spanner Head
TCUT Table Cut-in Head
TSTB Table Stub
TB Table Body
TSN Table Source Note
TFN Table Footnote
ILLUSTRATIONS wax vivliostyle notes
FCAP Figure Number & Caption
MCAP Map Number & Caption
PCAP Plate Number & Caption
BACKMATTER wax vivliostyle notes
APN Appendix Number
APT Appendix Title
APST Appendix Subtitle
BMH Backmatter Head
BM1 Backmatter 1 Head
BM2 Backmatter 2 Head
BM3 Backmatter 3 Head
BMHN Backmatter Headnote
BMTXT Backmatter Text
BMEX Backmatter Prose Extract
BMPX Backmatter Poetry Extract
BMNLX BM Numbered List Extract
BMULX BM Unnumbered List Extract
BMBLX BM Bulleted List Extract
BMMCLX BM Multicolumn List Extract
CHRON Chronology
BAB Backmatter Abbreviation List
BN Backnotes
UBN Unnumbered Backnote
GL Glossary
BIB Bibliography
CONTRIB List of Contributors
BIL Backmatter Illustration List
IN Index

$('extract').each(replaceWithBlockquote('ex')) // delete when xsweet is updated $('extract-prose').each(replaceWithBlockquote('ex')) $('extract-poetry').each(replaceWithBlockquote('px')) $('epigraph-poetry').each(replaceWithBlockquote('sepo')) $('epigraph-prose').each(replaceWithBlockquote('sep')) $('bibliography-entry').each(replaceWithParagraph('bibliography-entry')) $('comment').each(replaceWithText) // $('chapter-number').each(replaceWithParagraph('sc-chapter-number')) $('chapter-title').each(replaceWithParagraph('ct')) $('chapter-subtitle').each(replaceWithParagraph('cst')) $('source-note').each(replaceWithParagraph('exsn')) $('ol[styling="qa"]').each(replaceWithList('di')) $('ol[styling="unstyled"]').each(replaceWithList('none'))