Kotahi is a manuscript submission system, based on the discontinued xpub-collabra project. It is currently under development by the Coko Foundation and is being built with Pubsweet.
Developer beware! This project is currently under very heavy development, so things will most definitely be broken. We also don't have a fixed roadmap for it at this point.
Running the app
Start with installing the dependencies:
Create the file local-development.json
inside the config
"pubsweet-server": {
"secret": "<your-secret-here>"
Run the Docker container for the database:
yarn start:services
Now (in a separate terminal) run the server (backend PubSweet app):
yarn pubsweet start:server
And the XSweet (Docx to HTML conversion) job runner:
docker run -e DATABASE_URL="postgres://yourusername@host.docker.internal/yourdatabase" -e WAIT_SERVICE_PORT="host.docker.internal:5432" pubsweet/job-xsweet
And in another terminal run the client (webpack-based PubSweet app):
yarn pubsweet start:client
Other credits
The real-time chat functionality was heavily inspired by https://github.com/withspectrum/spectrum, from data model approach to copying and adapting certain bits of their React app. Thank you, Spectrum!