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Citation manager fixes

Dan Visel requested to merge citation-manager-fixes into main

This contains two fixes for the citation manager:

  1. Deleting an author now works correctly – previously it was working internally, but this wasn't reflected in the display, leading to confusion.
  2. The "Apply" button now sets the content of the citation, not on the moment of selecting a citation, which could lead to slightly confusing results if the citation manager was opened, nothing was selected, and "Apply" was clicked.

This also updates docker-compose.yml to point at the cokoapps version of the Anystyle image, not the one I uploaded to my own Dockerhub account; this doesn't make a difference functionally, but it should be in there!

Update: this now includes a couple of fixes to the JATS export code, which still needs some simplification, but should now be exporting references correctly whether or not they are in a Reflist element. Also if you have regular paragraphs in a Reflist, they are exported as references.

Further update: this now includes some changes to the config manager – the Crossref settings are in their own production section, and the names are human-readable.

Edited by Dan Visel

Merge request reports