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Pass version data when sending book for conversion to PMC

Pokhi requested to merge fix/1200/pass-version-info-to-pmc into book-version-feature

Targets: #1200 (closed)

Send version_name and version_number when sending for conversion to PMC.

  1. Book components submit in the case of Whole Book PDF and XML conversion.
  2. When handling NCBI submit receipt for submissionType = book
  3. When handling NCBI ftp submit receipt for submissionType = book

NOTE @John.kopanas

PackageFactory selects WholeBookPreview package for the case when trying to preview a collection's TOC. However, in that case, the toc is not associated with any book so we cannot provide any book to WholeBookPreview to extract the book version name and number.

Additional changes:

  1. cannot read property ownerId in domain create command
Edited by Pokhi

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