-m, --page-margin [margin] Print with margin [margin]
-n, --hyphenate [lang] Hyphenate with language [language], defaults to "en-us"
-hi, --hypher_ignore [str] Ignore passed element selectors, such as ".class_to_ignore, h1"
-ho, --hypher_only [str] Only hyphenate passed elements selector, such as ".hyphenate, aside"
-e, --encoding [type] Set the encoding of the input html, defaults to "utf-8"
-t, --timeout [ms] Set a max timeout of [ms]
--outline-tags [tags] Specifies that an outline should be generated for the resulting PDF document. [tags] specifies which HTML tags should be considered for that outline. "h1,h2" will trigger an outline with "h1" tags as root elements and "h2" elements as their childs.
--additional-script <script> Additional script tags which are added to the HTML document before rendering. This is useful for adding custom pagedjs handlers. The option can be repeated. (default: [])