-w, --width [size] Print to Page Width [width] in MM
-h --height [size] Print to Page Height [weight] in MM
--forceTransparentBackground Print with transparent background
-t, --timeout [ms] Set a max timeout of [ms]
-x, --html output html file
-b, --blockLocal Disallow access to filesystem for local files
-r, --blockRemote Disallow requests to remote servers
--allowedPath [allowedPaths] Only allow access to given filesystem paths, repeatable. (default: [])
--allowedDomain [allowedDomains] Only allow access to given remote domains, repeatable (default: [])
--outline-tags [tags] Specifies that an outline should be generated for the resulting PDF document. [tags] specifies
which HTML tags should be considered for that outline. "h1,h2" will trigger an outline with "h1"
tags as root elements and "h2" elements as their childs.
--additional-script <script> Additional script tags which are added to the HTML document before rendering. This is useful for
adding custom pagedjs handlers. The option can be repeated. (default: [])
--browserEndpoint <browserEndpoint> Use a remote Chrome server with browserWSEndpoint
--browserArgs <browserArgs> Launch Chrome with comma separated args
--media [media]Emulate "print" or "screen" media, defaults to print.
--style <script> Path to CSS stylesheets to be added before rendering (default: [])
--help display help for command
## Hyphenation
HTML can be pre-processed with soft hyphens by the [Hypher](https://github.com/bramstein/hypher) library.
Pass the abbreviation a language code (such as `en-us` or `de`) when calling the renderer. You can install languages beyond those included the package.json using npm.