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Fred Chasen authored

PagedJS PDF Renderer

Render Html to PDFs using Pagedjs and Puppeteer.


npm install -g pagedjs-cli

Generating a PDF

pagedjs-cli ./path/to/index.html -o result.pdf


-h, --help                  output usage information
-V, --version               output the version number
-i, --inputs [inputs]       Inputs
-o, --output [output]       Output
-d, --debug                 Show Electron Window to Debug
-l, --landscape             Landscape printing
-s, --page-size [size]      Print to Page Size [size]
-w, --width [size]          Print to Page Width [width]
-h --height [size]          Print to Page Height [weight]
-m, --page-margin [margin]  Print with margin [margin]
-n, --hyphenate [lang]      Hyphenate with language [language], defaults to "en-us"
-hi, --hypher_ignore [str]  Ignore passed element selectors, such as ".class_to_ignore, h1"
-ho, --hypher_only [str]    Only hyphenate passed elements selector, such as ".hyphenate, aside"
-e, --encoding [type]       Set the encoding of the input html, defaults to "utf-8"
-t, --timeout [ms]          Set a max timeout of [ms]
--outline-tags [tags]       Specifies that an outline should be generated for the resulting PDF document. [tags] specifies which HTML tags should be considered for that outline. "h1,h2" will trigger an outline with "h1" tags as root elements and "h2" elements as their childs.


HTML can be pre-processed with soft hyphens by the Hypher library.

Pass the abbreviation a language code (such as en-us or de) when calling the renderer. You can install languages beyond those included the package.json using npm.

pagedjs-cli ./path/to/index.html --hyphenate en-us --output


Link and build the JS

npm install
npm link
npm install -g gulp

gulp watch

To display the output in the browser window before printing, instead of outputting the file add the --debug flag.

pagedjs-cli ./path/to/index.html --debug


Install Mocha with npm install -g mocha

Run the tests from the library root with the mocha command



docker run -it -P -v $(pwd):/usr/src/pagedjs-cli fchasen/pagedjs-cli bash