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Add footnotes module

Boris Budini requested to merge footnotes into master

The footnotes module adds CSS parsing for:

@footnote {
    float: bottom;

Only bottom is supported for now, per, but should be extensible enough to support left / right / top eventually.

Float footnote will move an element out of the text flow and into a the .pagedjs_footnote_area div, leaving behind a footnote-call span.

span.footnote { 
    float: footnote;
.footnote::footnote-call {
    color: red;
.footnote::footnote-marker {
    color: blue;
  • Notes that can't fit on the page without pushing the note call off-screen will push the note call to the next page using a parallel break token just for the footnote area
  • Handles footnote-policy, basic footnote-display inline support
  • Adds clonePage method to create a new page with the same styles as the previous one
  • Adds afterOverflowRemoved handler to get the content removed on overflow
  • Implements multiple counter resets on elements and atpage
  • Fixes counter reset increment for pages:
  • Fixes counter reset setting for pages:
  • Update dependancies, fixs specs for latest Chrome versions

This is all based on the great notes script by @JulieBlanc!

Edited by Boris Budini

Merge request reports