- All groups of users are modelled with Teams
- All models have non-semantic 'created' and 'updated' dates
- All dates are ISO-8601 strings, as JATS allows for this.
journalTitle: String! // JATS uses <journal-title> element
// owners: [ID] // ?? // DELETED: the owners relationship is non-core and will be deprecated/removed
meta: JournalMetadata {
publisherName: String // JATS uses <publisher-name> element
issn: String // JATS uses <issn> element
// Article (Fragment)
id: ID!
journalId: ID! // Link to Journal
// originalSubmissionDate: String // DELETED, original submission date is the first versions's submission date
files: [String] // JATS uses the ext-link element for external files
meta: ArticleMetadata {
title: String // JATS uses the <title> element
abstract: String // JATS uses the <abstract> element
contributors: [Contributor] { // JATS uses the <contrib> element
stringName: String // JATS uses the <string-name> element
givenNames: String // JATS uses the <givenNames> element
surname: String // JATS uses the <surname> element
// middleName: String DELETED (JATS recommends using <given-names> elements instead)
aff: String // JATS uses the <aff> element
authorNote: String
publicationDate: String // date
content: String
files: [String]
userId: Id // Link to the editor's user
// Reviewer
reviewerId: ID! // Link to Reviewer
content: String
files: [String]
recommendation: Recommendation {
recommendation: String // ( accept | revise | etc. )
comment: Comment {
content: String
public: Boolean
submissionDate: String // date