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  • Daniel Ecer's avatar
    added autocut model (#106) · 85754f2d
    Daniel Ecer authored
    * added dev-venv target
    * added subextract model
    * added nltk dependency
    * flake8 ignore line break before binary operator
    * moved dev dependencies up
    * added nltk punkt download
    * added nltk download to dev-venv; pytest and pytest-not-slow target
    * added subextract training pipeline
    * added optional xpath namespaces
    * log failed xml file
    * use recover parser option
    * added subextract app
    * start subextract server
    * renamed to autocut
    * declare slow and very_slow pytest markers
    * make autocut main test as slow
    * fixed post data
    * updated README
    * also build non-dev image as part of ci
    * added pytest.ini to dev image