@@ -76,11 +73,10 @@ onChange; // when the editor's surface is updated (perform an action ex. save)
value;// the actual HTML content of the editor
fileUpload;// used for uploading images (should return a promise with the actual file path)
placeholder;// a placeholder used for empty documents
config;// adds on the editor anything from new services, tools, Pmpplugins etc. Check [editoria config](https://gitlab.coko.foundation/wax/wax-prosemirror/blob/master/editors/editoria/src/config/config.js)
@@ -135,12 +137,6 @@ For more information on how a Wax node/mark is different check the [SchemaServic
React components to support various features of the editor from buttons to overlays to comment discussions etc. Right now is really basic as the focus is not yet on UI.
<h2> wax-prosemirror-themes </h2>
Holds the different themes of the editor. Check the options in the [CokoTheme](https://gitlab.coko.foundation/wax/wax-prosemirror/blob/master/wax-prosemirror-themes/src/coko-theme)
<h2> wax-prosemirror-layouts </h2>
Holds different layouts of the editor. Through the layout service you can configure the areas of different components. As an example check [EditoriaLayout](https://gitlab.coko.foundation/wax/wax-prosemirror/blob/master/wax-prosemirror-layouts/src/layouts/EditoriaLayout.js)
<h2> wax-prosemirror-utilities </h2>
Various helpers methods needed throughout Wax to support the funcionality needed.
@@ -334,11 +330,13 @@ If the above 2 services are registed SchemaService will merge those 2 nodes into
### LayoutService
This service enables us to set a layout for the editor. Internally Wax calls the setLayout method to apply a layout. How can you write your own layout. Check Editoria's [layout](https://gitlab.coko.foundation/wax/wax-prosemirror/blob/master/wax-prosemirror-layouts/src/layouts/EditoriaLayout.js).
This service enables us to set a layout for the editor. Internally Wax calls the setLayout method to apply a layout. How can you write your own layout. Check Editoria's [layout](https://gitlab.coko.foundation/wax/wax-prosemirror/blob/master/editors/editoria/src/layout/EditoriaLayout.js).
A layout is a react component which has a prop the mounted prosemirror instance in order to place within the layout. You can also have your own “Areas”. For example in EditoriaLayout we have the following
A layout is a react component which has a prop the mounted prosemirror instance in order to be placed within the layout. You can also have your own “Areas”. For example in EditoriaLayout we have the following