This application is being developed by the [Coko Foundation](, for the [University of California Press]( as part of the [Editoria]( application.
**CREATE-REACT-APP** can be used to setup a new project
Wax Editor is build against Prosemirror libraries. Check Prosemirror [website]( and [GitHub repo]( for more information.
A simple `sh` script exists in the root folder which will
create a default editor by running `./ your-editor-name`.
Wax is a Monorepo that consists of several packages.
<h3> wax-prosemirror-core </h3>
Core holds all the funcionality of
*`cd editors`
<h3> wax-prosemirror-schema </h3>
*`yarn create react-app my-editor`
Schema consists of all the different nodes/marks currently supported by the editor.
*`npm install react-app-rewired --save-dev` (to let you overide Webpack's config)
<h3> wax-prosemirror-components </h3>
* Create a `config-overrides.js` file in the root of "my-editor"